Almighty in the city

Chapter 148 I rely on you, this is all inclusive

The calligraphy and painting were taken down by Rong Baozhai's staff, put into a wooden painting box, and sent to Lin Wanyu.

Lin Wanyu's eyes had already turned into crescent moons, and Chongbai Yifan said sweetly, "Old Bai, thank you, I don't have any needs here."

Fairy Qu gave her a sideways look, slightly unhappy and said: "The next one is mine, no one should grab it with me."

As she said, she glanced at the sandalwood whose head had just lost her head, her mouth murmured, and said, "This is too slow."

The crowd of onlookers standing behind them heard her mutter, and they couldn’t help falling apart.

Nima, it’s not that the incense is burning too slowly, but your handsome friend wrote it too fast, okay!

One poem per minute, even if the horse copied it, it didn't copy it so quickly, right?

However, they didn't know that their own speculation was the real reason why Bai Yifan wrote a poem every minute.

Li Bai, Du Fu, Li Shangyin, Li He, Wang Wei, poetry immortals, poetry saints, poetry ghosts, poetry prisoners, poetry buddhas that do not exist in parallel worlds, their poems, Bai Yifan only needs to use [Forced Memory Card (Elementary)], There is nothing that cannot be recited, it is as easy to use as a cross-world search engine.

Ten minutes later, one-fifth of the contestants present had not had time to write a poem, and they lost the qualification for the next competition.

Among the contestants who submitted poems, almost a quarter of them failed the tasting and were also eliminated.

Rong Baozhai’s boss was not polite. After confirming his qualifications for the second round, he personally checked the second incense stick and lit it, and at the same time announced the second question——

Compose a poem on any mountain in the Five Mountains.

Bai Yifan glanced at the question, then took out a piece of white paper, picked up the pen, and started writing again.

More than a minute later, while the other contestants were still frowning and thinking, he put the pen again and finished writing.

The guy in Rong Baozhai was also speechless for a while. He said that he saw a ruthless person today. This is like a poem in seven steps.

He gave the second poem written by Bai Yifan to the boss of Rong Baozhai.

The bald boss just glanced, a wry smile suddenly appeared on his face, shook his head, and said to Bai Yifan, "Choose a painting."

There was an uproar all around--

Did your sister pass again?!

Do you want it so fast!

"Boss Zhuang, we don't suspect that you are partial, but can you recite this little brother's poem so that we can all judge it?" A contestant who was shaved off in the first question was a little disobedient.

As soon as these words came out, the onlookers around the party also heard echoing voices.

Everyone is not convinced that the quality of the poems written in a minute or so can be high.

The boss of Rong Baozhai smiled, nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll just read it. This little brother wrote an ancient poem named "Wang Yue"."

Then he chanted loudly and vigorously: "How about Dai Zongfu, Qilu Qing is not here yet. Fortune clocks are beautiful, yin and yang cut into the dawn. Swing the chest to create stratus clouds, and canthus into the home bird. He will be the top of the sky and see the audience. The mountain is small."

As his voice fell, whether it was the competition area of ​​the poetry conference or the crowd outside, there was a sound of air-conditioning—


It's terrifying!

This poem was actually written on the spot within a minute!

This young man was possessed by the souls of ancient poets or something, how could he be so evil!

Some people didn't believe it at all. They took out their mobile phones, clicked on the webpage, typed in the search engine, and wanted to search for this poem, whether it was written by an unknown poet in ancient times.

As a result, without exception, of course, there is no way to find any content related to this poem on the search engine.

At this time, not only did the onlookers look at Bai Yifan in completely different eyes, even the poems from the Yanjing Writers Association and the China Poetry Association among the contestants changed their faces at the same time!

This poem, let alone give them ten minutes, even if it is one hundred minutes, one thousand minutes, ten thousand minutes, they may not be able to write it!

"Is this the son of a family of writers who took the poems written by his elders and came here to show off?" Some people have even searched for those who can write this poem. first name.

The girls didn't care about this at all. Seeing Bai Yifan took another painting with ease, the fairy Qu cheered and couldn't wait to greet him: "The seventh one from left to right, wrap it up for me!"

As she said, she looked at Eucalyptus and them pitifully: "I want another one. I don't know who is willing to do it. Let me. I invite everyone to eat a big meal tonight!"

Hu Yifei said indifferently, "I'll give you the one of mine, anyway, I have no interest in calligraphy and painting."

"Oh! Yifei, you are so kind! I love you to death—what!" Qu Fairy saved Hu Yifei excitedly and gave her a heavy kiss on her face.

The onlookers all around saw the party, and they were speechless again--

Well, I have already booked all the rewards for the first passer of each question.

Is this really the rhythm of the colorful heads that Rong Baozhai took out?

This is too ruthless. If this is the case, how can those people from the Yanjing Writers Association and the Huaxia Poetry Association step down?

The onlookers couldn't help but look at a few of the contestants and found that their faces were a little gloomy, and some even stared at Bai Yifan's side.

However, Bai Yifan didn't seem to notice it at all, or he had already noticed it, but he didn't pay attention to the warning glances of these people.

Question 3, Question 4, Question 5, Question 6

One after another, the calligraphy and painting were collected by the women one after another, and there are fewer and fewer people eligible to continue participating.

Finally, when there were only four people left, the boss of Rong Baozhai smiled and patted his hands scared: "Next, please come up with four people and enter the final'fighting' poem section."

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