Almighty in the city

Chapter 149 Look at the present!

On the bench, three middle-aged men stood up at the same time.

"Fuck! Isn't this Lu Yongzhi, the vice chairman of the Yanjing Writers Association?"

"Zhao Jianping, vice chairman of the China Poetry Association, is also here!"

"And Gu Beijiang, he just won the highest award of Chinese poetry!"

These three middle-aged people were together, and there was a cry of exclamation in the surrounding party.

Bai Yifan touched his nose, glanced at the three of them, and said to the girls, "That's it for today, right?"

Eucalyptus looked at the time and said, "It's almost half past six. Let's go to dinner. Lao Bai has two games to play from tomorrow. Let him rest early."

Lin Wanyu and Fairy Qu had thought of coaxing, but when they heard this, they shrugged and agreed.

Qu Yaojing waved his hand: "Then withdraw, I invite everyone to have a big meal!"

With that, the women all stood up.

Bai Yifan greeted the four of Lu Ziqiao on the opposite side: "Go."

"Leave?" Lu Ziqiao was taken aback, "I'm relying on you, right? You can get the traditional Chinese painting worth more than one million yuan right now. Are you leaving now?"

Rong Baozhai’s boss was also a little bit unable to react, and looked at Bai Yifan with a look of surprise: "This little brother, has reached the final stage, is he really planning to abstain?"

Bai Yifan smiled, glanced at the three of Lu Yongzhi, shook his head and said, "I won't show my ugliness in front of the predecessors, and I do have something to do. I have to go back to rest soon."

The bald boss didn't say much, and nodded, just about to express regret.

Who would have thought that at this moment, a voice rang from the competition area: "It was so prestigious just now, but when it was time to compete with real swords and real guns, it retreats - honestly, the previous few. You didn’t write this poem by yourself!”

The voice was loud, as if it might not be heard by others.

Moreover, before this voice fell, another voice followed: "I have memorized the poems written by the elders in the family, and ran here to pretend to be forced, and now I have to fight the poems directly when I hear it, so I want to find an excuse to slip? You can leave, but all the calligraphy and paintings you won just now have to stay!"

"Are you the boss of Rong Baozhai?" Bai Yifan asked with a smile looking at this young man who seemed to be filled with indignation.

The young man suddenly choked.

"Since it's not, then shut up and don't come out ashamed." Bai Yifan shook his head and stopped looking at him.

Rong Baozhai’s boss also glanced at the young man and said lightly: “Whether it’s memorized poems or poems made on the spot, as long as they are not found in reality, I will judge them on the spot. This is also Yanjing poetry. The rules of the conference."

After a pause, he increased his tone a little bit: "Moreover, everyone here, there should be no less betting on today's game."

In a word, everyone who said it was speechless.

Bai Yifan smiled and said, "The boss is a particular person."

The bald boss also smiled and nodded: "It's just telling the truth. This Yenching Poetry Conference has been handed down by the ancestors, and the rules are also set by the ancestors. I definitely don't allow anyone to destroy it."

"However, it has always been four people fighting poems, and suddenly it became three people, and it was not satisfactory." Zhao Jianping, the vice chairman of the China Poetry Association, suddenly said, "This little brother, I think I should stay with us. Seniors have fun."

Gu Beijiang, wearing a tunic suit, also opened his mouth and said, "Moreover, I want to bet something with you-in the calligraphy and painting you just selected, there happened to be a picture of my master. I always wanted to collect it but didn't find it. This time When I came to the Yanjing Poetry Conference, I also heard that Rong Baozhai would use this calligraphy and painting as a prize."

"Since everyone has unanimously asked for it, I think you'd better stay and go." Gu Yongzhi, vice chairman of the Yanjing Writers Association, also spoke.

Fairy Qu frowned, and before Bai Yifan could speak, he said displeased: "Why, you couldn't afford to lose just now, so you just want to win back from our elder Bai in the poems? It's ridiculous. Who do you think you are! If the three of you are compared, does our elder Bai have to fight? Who knows these three old guys!"

Three old guys--

The onlookers all couldn't help but fell down for a while. They said that this beautiful woman's mouth was too poisonous. With this opening, they directly slapped the three big figures in the art world.

Gu Yongzhi frowned and said, "Sure enough, only women and villains are difficult to raise!"

"This little girl, being young is not a reason for you to be presumptuous. It is better to speak through your brain first." Zhao Jianping also replied coldly.

Gu Beijiang didn’t pay attention to the fairy song at all. It seemed that she was completely non-existent. He just stared at Bai Yifan and said lightly: “Or, you can just give me the handwriting of my master, I won’t force peace. You are fighting poems."

"I'm talking about you--" Fairy Qu was furious, so she would curse directly.

However, she only said four words, and Bai Yifan patted her shoulder: "It's not guilty to be angry for a few jumping clowns. Since they are not afraid of being ashamed, then I will fulfill them."

"What a big tone!" In the competition area, people from the Chinese Poetry Association and the Yanjing Writers Association suddenly jumped out.

Bai Yifan didn't talk to them, but looked at Zhao Jianping and the three people: "If you don't want to waste time, just compare it with you. You decide the topic."

Gu Beijiang opened the mouth and said: "Then use'Qinyuanchun' as the title and fill in a poem to compare speed and artistic conception, how about?"

Bai Yifan smiled and didn't say much. He walked directly to the nearest long table, picked up the writing brush on the table, and dipped it in the polished inkstone.

The scenery of the Northland, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow.

Looking inside and outside the Great Wall, there is nothing but recklessness.

The mountain dance silver snake, the original Chi wax figure, wants to compare with Tiangong test.

On sunny days, look at the red dress, which is extremely enchanting.

There are so many splendor in the country, which has attracted countless heroes.

Pity the Emperor of Qin and Han Wu, slightly losing his literary talent; Tang Zong and Song Zu, a little less coquettish.

Genghis Khan, a generation of Tianjiao, only knew how to bow and shoot big eagles.

Keep going, count the romantic figures, and look at the present!,, ..

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