Almighty in the city

Chapter 150 He is Bai Yifan!

When the pen is thunderous, the words become ghosts and horrors.

Bai Yifan finished in one go. After finishing writing, he put the pen aside without looking at the three of Zhao Jianping, Lu Yongzhi and Gu Beijiang, and nodded to Rong Baozhai’s boss: "If the poem will end, I will be the chief, please send the paintings. The front desk of the Hilton Hotel."

The bald boss nodded: "Is it convenient to leave a name?"

"Bai Yifan." Bai Yifan finished speaking, and left directly with the girls.

"Bai Yifan's surname is Bai?" Rong Baozhai's boss looked at his leaving back with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Watching them leave, Rong Baozhai's boss walked to the long table where Bai Yifan had just written.

I haven't read the content of this poem Qin Yuanchun, just looking at the running script of dragon and phoenix on rice paper, his eyes suddenly light up——

Good word!Moreover, this line script is different from the fonts of the line script circulating in the cash calligraphy world, and it seems to have some cursive characteristics.

The boss of Rong Baozhai would not know that Bai Yifan's handwriting was written by the book sage Wang Xizhi. This word alone was enough to kill Zhao Jianping, Lu Yongzhi and Gu Beijiang.

What's more, his poem is still "Qinyuan Chunxue", and the bold artistic conception in it is really not the same as the vice chairman of the Chinese Poetry Association, the vice chairman of the Yanjing Writers Association and a poet.

"The scenery of the North Country, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow drifting." Rong Baozhai's boss ignored the three Zhao Jianping and directly chanted to himself.

The onlookers around the party craned their necks a long time ago and couldn’t wait to see what kind of "Qingyuanchun" the mysterious young man filled in. When they heard the bald boss starting to chant, everyone was very conscious. Quieted down.

When the boss of Rong Baozhai read "Letter to compare with Tiangong", the crowds onlookers could not help but burst into applause.

And when the words "Everyone is going, count the romantic figures, and look at the present" at the end, the audience was full of air-conditioned voices.

They were amazed by the artistic conception and boldness displayed in this poem!

"Who is that person?" Finally, in the crowd, someone asked a question that everyone wanted to know the answer.

However, no one can answer.

"I think his back is a bit familiar, as if he's seen it somewhere." A crowd of onlookers spoke.

"I also feel a bit familiar, as if I have seen it on TV." Another person echoed.

"Is it a star? No wonder he looks so handsome!" Someone suddenly.

"It shouldn't be a celebrity, it's a celebrity, so handsome, he should have been recognized long ago." Someone retorted.

"But in my area I have seen his back on TV! Really, it's too familiar, it seems to be about noon today!"

"Yes, yes! I have an impression when you say that! It seems to be seen on the sports channel of CCTV."

"Sports Channel? Is he a sports star? Athlete?"

The discussion became more and more noisy. At this time, no one cared about Zhao Jianping, Lu Yongzhi and Gu Beijiang at all.

Everyone's attention was focused on the topic of "Who is Bai Yifan".

Suddenly, I didn't know which girl was screaming: "Ah! I know who he is!"

"who is it?"

"who is it?"

Everyone cast their gazes over.

"He is Bai Yifan, the captain of our China National Tennis Team! The Bai Yifan who just overturned the Geely team alone today!" the girl screamed excitedly.

"Damn! I said how familiar! So it was him!"

"I heard at noon that the Huaxia team swept the Geely team '3-0' in the first round of the tennis team match. I didn't believe it. I went to watch the rebroadcast of the CCTV Sports Channel-oh! It was him! I didn't think he played tennis. It’s supernatural, and his attainments in poetry are so profound!"

"I always thought that sports athletes are all well-developed limbs and simple minds. Today is an eye-opener!"

"Cut! People are both civil and military, wisdom and beauty coexist!"

"The ball is played well, and it is full of poems, the key is to look so handsome, and have such a good body-it is the best of men! I have decided! From now on, he will be my number one male god! I want to be him A silly fan!" said a girl who was obviously dressed as a student with an idiot face.

The companions around her gave Zhao Jianping a contemptuous glance at the three of them, and said with disdain: "Captain Bai is truly humble and low-key! He wins glory for the country on the court, and slaps these foreigners who dare to come to China to spoil the country. , Nor arrogant. Unlike some people, who are not capable of their own skills, they often pretend to be seniors and use their own age as a reliance on teaching others—huh! If you are old and capable, then the tortoise will have long Dominate the world!"

"That's right! The vice president of the Association and Poetry Association, and the so-called great poet, who is also a shit. He obviously lost, and he didn't admit it—what the hell!"

"Captain Bai doesn't want to win too hard. They want to save you face. These people are good. They thought they were afraid." A strange voice came from the crowd, "It's fine now, both left and right cheeks are drawn. It's swollen, I want to see, Zhao Jianping, Lu Yongzhi and Gu Beijiang, how are you coming to Taiwan now!"

After Zhao Jianping, Lu Yongzhi and Gu Beijiang listened to "The Spring Snow in the Garden", they had already begun to feel guilty. They were racking their brains to write a song that could be a good match. They were still typing the draft, just listen. There was a sound of contempt and ridicule from all around.

The three of them vomited blood immediately, and their heart said that Ma's surname Bai was humble and low-key?

He just took the first seven times just to tease his sister. Are you blind or blind?

Haven't seen his girlfriends, how arrogant and unscrupulous!

The three of them cursed wildly in their hearts, but their faces became darker and darker, because they really couldn't write "Qingyuanchun" that could compete with this song "Qingyuanchunxue"!

Horse's!Where did this Bai Yifan come from!

Those people who practice sports, don’t train well, and even play with poetry and songs——

It's not doing business properly!,, ..

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