Almighty in the city

Chapter One Hundred and Sixty One

With a loud bang, Kei Nishikori's body was directly embedded in the shape of a "human cross" on the steel wire net that was hit by the "cross" by Bai Yifan with three "mistakes". "on.

He has both hands, and he doesn't know if it was carried by the impact of that ball or was manipulated by Bai Yifan's "dark energy" in the tennis. In short, he was in a posture of opening the screen, one left and one right, the whole embedded " The cross of the "cross".

When his head and body hit the steel wire mesh, it was already hanging softly.

Bai Yifan's vigorous smash was simply aimed at the pubic area of ​​his abdomen.

The moment the tennis ball hit his stomach, the "dark energy" exerted on the tennis ball slammed through his body and poured into his dantian.

Only that collision blasted his Dantian!

Once the dantian was broken, even the master of national martial arts was unable to return to heaven.

But this is not the most terrible.

Ordinary people’s dantian will be broken if it is broken. It is nothing more than going to the hospital for a minor operation and stitching up the broken part will be fine.

As long as it's not a martial idiot who wants to practice Chinese martial arts, Dantian's usefulness to ordinary people is even less important than the appendix.Even if you are a martial artist, there is not a master who is willing to teach you a lesson. By going to the martial arts school to learn boxing, there is basically no hope that you can develop "secret strength" in this life.

Without "Dark Power", Dantian is just a decoration.

However, for the national martial arts masters and national martial arts masters who have surpassed the limits of the human body and have developed "dark power", the importance of dantian in their internal organs is definitely not under the heart!

To them, Dantian is like the "stomach" in their body organs. The stomach stores gastric acid that can help people digest food, and the Dantian stores the "dark energy" they have developed over time.

Once the stomach is damaged, the outflow of gastric acid will corrode other internal organs in the body and corrode blood vessels in the body. Therefore, "stomach perforation" is an emergency and must be sent to a doctor immediately, otherwise there will be life concerns.

And the Dantian, which stores the "Dark Power", which is by far the most powerful human power, once broken, the "Dark Power" inside will be like the stomach acid of a broken stomach, "rammed" in the body and "raised the palace"!

And its destructive power is not comparable to gastric acid!

Imagine that a master of national martial arts can use Anjin to directly press his palm into the stone, leaving a clear and incomparable palm print——

How terrible is this kind of power, and how can the fragile internal organs in the human body can withstand it!

Therefore, the more profound the master of national martial arts, the greater the probability that the dantian will be broken, the more likely it is that the braid will be straight up. If the dantian is broken, it will be too late to cure. There is absolutely no possibility of being spared.

Of course, at the level of a master of national martial arts, if you want to break his dantian, the difficulty is so great that you may not be able to do it even if you give you a gun.

However, just breaking Kei Nishikori's dantian is not a difficult task for Bai Yifan.

Because, between the two, whether it is the power gap in tennis or the power gap in national skills, it is definitely not on the same level.

As long as Bai Yifan is willing, he can beat Kei Nishikori's dantian a hundred times with his hands, and he will never be spared.

Of course, Kei Nishikori is also the ace player of the Neon team anyway. At this time, it will still be a bit troublesome to play secretly. Therefore, Bai Yifan directly chose to play on this court. In this game, he hides the rabbit. Zuo's "Cross Punishment" directly blasted his dantian.

Kei Nishikori had just stepped into the national martial arts master's threshold, Dantian was blown up, and his life would not be costed. However, from now on, he was no longer the national martial arts master who could use "dark power".

If he is lucky, he can still be an ordinary person, but if he is not lucky, he may have been disposed of as garbage before he returns to Neon.

Bai Yifan didn't bother to care what he would end up with. Since Kei Nishikori dared to use his "dark power" to almost crippled Cao Gan in a tennis match, of course he dared to abolish him in a fair manner.

Hearing the continuous air-conditioning sound from the surrounding stands, Bai Yifan just shook his head and smiled gently. He clamped the tennis racket under his arm, and finally saw the tennis ball "nailed" to the "cross" wire net. Zhi Kyu, he shrugged and strode towards the Russian referee.

The Russian referee, who looks like a human-shaped white bear, has not yet reacted to this sudden change. He suddenly saw Bai Yifan walking towards him with a racket in his hand. He trembled and hurriedly shouted: "Bai Yifan, you, you, do you think What are you doing?"

Bai Yifan looked at him with a horrified look, felt a little funny, and shrugged again: "I'm here to ask, how does this match count? It seems that the player of the Neon team may not be able to continue the match. Got it."

The Russian referee was stunned. He glanced at Kei Nishikori, who was still "nailed" to the wire net. Suddenly he was agitated and reacted and shouted: "Fuck! What are you guys doing in a daze! Medical care! Medical care! Medical care. Quickly get people down to the hospital!"

Those logistics staff waiting at the runners’ passageway finally woke up like a dream, and hurriedly greeted the people who called the stretcher team, carefully removed Nishikori Kei from the wire mesh, carried it on the steel frame, and then Hastily ran outside.

The Russian referee raised his hand and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and watched the stretcher leave. Then he raised his hand and announced: "Because the Neon team player Kei Nishikori can no longer play, so I declare that Men's Singles Group D The winner of the third round of qualifiers is Bai Yifan of the China Team!"

No applause, no cheers,

All the spectators in the stands, whether they were neon spectators or Chinese spectators, were all frightened at this moment.,, ..

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