Almighty in the city

Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Two

Bai Yifan walked past the rest area of ​​the Neon Team, and saw Kei Nishikori's coach Inoue Hiroshita's expression of astonishment, like a dead aunt, the corner of his mouth raised slightly, and he gave a chuckle with disdain.

He didn't even have the interest to take care of this kind of role.

Walking to the rest area of ​​the Huaxia team, seeing Chen Fusheng also look dumbfounded, Bai Yifan smiled, opened the closed electronic door, walked in, raised his hand and shook in front of his eyes: "Old Chen, what are you looking at, leaving."

Chen Fusheng woke up suddenly, looked at him, swallowed, then glanced at the very clear human-shaped pits on the wire netting, and some did not dare to say: "This is over?"

"Otherwise?" Bai Yifan laughed, "Can Nishikori Kei stand up and continue to play with me within the prescribed time? The match between him and Cao Gan in the morning was not because Cao Gan was in a coma and was taken to the hospital. , The game ended early."

Chen Fusheng smiled bitterly: "But, I really didn't expect that you would end this game in this way."

After a pause, his gaze stared at the green steel mesh, and he sighed suddenly: "You have to be mentally prepared. Next, I am afraid that the national teams of European and American countries will take this game. When the article, put pressure on us."

"Pushing pressure is nothing more than slobbering." Bai Yifan said disapprovingly. "Nishikori Kei sent Cao Gan to the hospital in the morning, and now he was sent to the hospital by me. What's to worry about."

Chen Fusheng smiled bitterly: "How easy is it! In the morning game, we can say Kei Nishikori was premeditated, but this is just a talk, and there is no evidence at all. That caused Cao Qian to have a concussion. One goal is really perfect. As long as Kei Nishikori agrees, we have nothing to say."

He glanced at the indifferent Bai Yifan, shook his head and said: "But your game is different. As long as you are not blind, who can't tell that you did it on purpose! Before the game, he specifically applied for a fenced court and then In the game, with three'mistakes' return balls, a'cross' shape was played on the wire net, and finally with a terrifying smash, Kei Nishikori was directly hit and flew into the'cross'— —"

"You are also a'post-attack'." Bai Yifan smiled and said, "I don't believe that, in the first game, you didn't treat those three smashes as a'mistake'."

"You can still laugh--" Chen Fusheng was helpless, "You, this time I stabbed a difficult basket on it."

After a pause, he sighed and said, "Is it necessary to do so blatantly? With your skills, you can use a'mistake' ball to report to Cao Gan just like Kei Nishikori dealt with Cao Gan in the morning. This is the enemy of the arrow. Why do you have to choose this way?"

"No reason, it's purely a personal hobby." Bai Yifan shrugged, "I'm the most annoyed of being provoked by people if I have nothing to do. It just so happens that I use this Nishikori Kei as a'chicken'. The jumping monkeys take a good look."

"You!" Chen Fusheng looked at him and seemed to have a lot to say, but in the end, a thousand words turned into a sigh of these two words.

When the two people walked out of the rest area and walked out of the stadium toward the players' passage, the whole stadium was still silent.

In the stands, the audience was motionless, only Eundi and them, after seeing Bai Yifan's eyes greet them when he left the venue, they stood up quietly and left the venue early.

In the past ten minutes or so, in the Huaxia audience area, a bald man with a thick gold necklace with thumbs, a sexy dressing girl in his right arm and a tattooed bald man on his left hand suddenly slapped him. He put on his lap: "Fuck! Captain White is such a fucking talent! This announcement is open and hearty! It's a model of our gangsters!"

With this admiration with a northeastern accent, he wandered far away in the silent court, as if it were a key to the door of time, breaking this dead silence all at once.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! What did I just see! This is the execution of that little neon directly in the game!"

"Nima is really crazy! Really! At this moment, I can't really say anything except for a beautiful job and six turns! I am going back from this vacation, I will also find a professional coach, I want to learn tennis !"

"This is called'Blood debt and blood repayment'! There is nothing to say! Captain Bai, from today onwards, I will be your brain fan! Unconditionally give you back!"

"Hahahahahaha! Look at the little neons over there! What did I just say! Captain White will definitely use tennis to shut them up! Look now, isn't it all scary?"

"Hahahahaha! I want to take pictures and video quickly! Thousands of small neon groups are foolish, this is a rare wonder in a thousand years!"

"Brother, let's add a WeChat friend, and post me a copy of the photos and videos!"

In the Chinese audience area, at this moment, there is already a sea of ​​joy, which is more lively and joyous than during the Spring Festival.

In the neon audience area on the other side of the stands, neon audiences gradually recovered from the shock of the scene just now.

Someone immediately shouted slogans such as "Strong protest! Bai Yifan must be severely punished!"

Most of the Chinese audience, apart from a few limited words such as "Ya Chudie" and "Yiku", wherever they could understand other Japanese, the little neon dared to yell at them, and suddenly became angry.

I don't know who shouted: "Fuck it!"

Then, in the entire stadium, nearly 3,000 Chinese spectators directly fought with more than 2,000 neon spectators. For a while, the chaos in the stands was beyond words.,, ..

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