Almighty in the city

Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Three

In the General Administration of Sports, in the office of the bureau, Shen Jun is processing several documents that have just been reported.

As of today, the performance of the Huaxia team in this international sports exchange meeting is very satisfactory.

Basically, all China's competitive sports events, such as gymnastics, swimming, table tennis, shooting, men's 110-meter hurdles, men's 100-meter sprint, etc., have achieved expected results. Even those weak events are currently It has not been annihilated.

Especially for men’s tennis, because of Bai Yifan, in the current men’s singles competition, the Huaxia team is calling for the championship. Even in the team competition, more than 70% of the people are optimistic that the Huaxia team will appear, at least a quarter finals.

Shen Jun quickly browsed the documents, and then signed the names where he needed his signature. After reading and processing all these documents, he rubbed his temples, picked up the teacup, and drank. Moving his neck, Bian said to himself: "It seems that this time, Europe and the United States can be deflated in this matter. Tomorrow is the day of the Imperial Palace Exhibition. I hope this group of young people can come tomorrow. Make a good start."

As he was talking, someone knocked on the office door.

"Come in." Shen Jun pushed aside the chair and stood up, preparing to refill the cup that was almost finished.

The door opened, and his secretary walked in with a bitter face. Just as he walked in, a helpless complaint came from his mouth: "The game is sinking, the tennis event is out again."

"Oh?" Shen Jun asked casually while adding water to the cup, "This time we have a'general' sitting in town, what kind of moth can be produced? It is impossible for Bai Yifan to lose."

After saying this, he didn't seem to believe it himself, and he laughed immediately.

The secretary said with a bitter face: "I didn't lose, but this comrade Bai directly injured his opponent in the game. Kei Nishikori of the Neon team is still operating in the emergency room of the hospital. The Neon Embassy and the Neon Ministry of Foreign Affairs have just successively issued strong condemnations to our Ministry of Foreign Affairs, so we must severely punish Bai Yifan."

"Puff--" Shen Jun finished the water and was holding up the cup to continue drinking tea, but unexpectedly heard the news, the saliva he had just put in his mouth was sprayed out.

He coughed quickly, put the water glass on the table, frowned and said, "What's the matter?"

The secretary handed over a document that had been written into a report. When Shen Jun started to browse, he quickly explained the ins and outs of the matter: "Obviously, our Captain Bai is retaliating naked. Morning Jin In the game, Kei Nishikori drove Cao Gan, the national team's third-ranked men's singles player, into the hospital. In the afternoon, he took this Nishikori Kei to the hospital with integrity."

Speaking of the latter, the secretary smiled bitterly, and then handed over a report: "This is a written letter sent to us by the Yanjing Police Department, requesting that we restrain the emotions of the athletes and stop stressing them. The security work has become more difficult."

Shen Jun took a look, and the face that was already full of wry smiles suddenly became speechless.

He slapped his forehead and said with a headache: "It's a direct fight? A group of thousands of people, or our audience and the neon people fight--"

Shen Jun was completely speechless.

"As of just now, Mijian, Will, Gaul, Geely, Italy, Belgium, Ethiopia, Serbia" the secretary burst out a series of national team names, and then said helplessly, "the leaders of these teams The collective protested to us and requested that Bai Yifan be disqualified from continuing to play. Moreover, they have submitted an application to the International Tennis Association for a suspension of Bai Yifan."

"These guys are fast enough." Shen Jun snorted coldly, "Is there a reaction from the International Tennis Association?"

The secretary nodded: "The news we have received is that this application has been accepted, but it is still unclear how the International Nets Association will make a ruling."

Shen Jun sighed: "If it is for other sports associations, it would be nice to say that the key is this international tennis association. At present, no one of us in China is qualified to be one of their directors. This has led to a serious lack of voice."

After a pause, he instructed: "In this matter, communicate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and ask them to contact the Russian Tennis Association. Russia is also a big tennis country and has a considerable right to speak in the International Tennis Association. If they are willing to help, At least the decision of the International Tennis Association can be delayed until the end of the exchange meeting. Anyway, I don't think Xiaobai has any plans to become a professional player. At that time, it doesn't matter if he can't be banned."

The secretary nodded and said, "Okay, I will do it at once."

As he said, he hesitated for a while, and still asked: "Shen Ju, then our internal affairs regarding Bai Yifan's openly injuring Nishikori Kei in the game--"

"Oh, if you don't tell me, I almost forgot." Shen Jun nodded and said, "Inform the awards internally. Don't publicize it in the television and media. You should deal with it in a low-key manner during extraordinary times.

The secretary was speechless, said nothing, nodded, turned and went out.

When the door was closed, Shen Jun gave a wry smile: "This Xiaobai, I have taken it too, this temper is even stronger than I was before!"

At the same time, in a private manor on the outskirts of New York, Mi Jian, Bai Shanhe was drinking afternoon tea with his father on the farm.

Both of them are dressed up for farm work, and the boots on their feet are covered with mud spots. At first sight, they just came up from the farm.

"I heard that Xiaofan went to the national team to play tennis?" Old man Bai looked at the green rice field on the farm, and seemed to ask casually.

Bai Shanhe's face turned black suddenly, and he opened his mouth and cursed: "That rebellious son! He really turned him back! He thought that if he entered the China National Team, I can't cure him--"

As soon as he spoke, a bodyguard behind him bowed and handed over his customized version of the iPhone.

The call was from the housekeeper Bai Xi——

"Master, I just got the news from the International Tennis Association that the young master was jointly impeached by 22 national teams." ,,.

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