Almighty in the city

Chapter 164 Bullying our Bai family?

"What?!" Bai Shanhe's face had already darkened, but now he couldn't help but become dark again, "International Tennis Association? Twenty-two national teams? What's the matter!"

"It's like this--" Bai Xi immediately narrated the causes and consequences of Bai Yifan's "cross execution" Kei Nishikori's match over the phone. "Then Neon made a solemn protest to China. The national teams headed by the Mijian team and the European Union also took the opportunity to submit a joint application to the International Tennis Association, requesting that the young master be banned and even made fun of his qualifications to participate in all professional competitions."

After Bai Xi finished speaking, he didn't say anything again. As a peer who played with Bai Shanhe since childhood, he was very clear about the temper of the "brother of the family".

Sure enough, after a few seconds of silence on the other end of the phone, Bai Shanhe's extremely gloomy voice rang: "For China, have you dealt with this matter?"

"It's handled." Bai Xi replied, "According to the information I got, Shen Jun, the seat of the China Sports General Administration, has made a decision to commend the young master. However, it is said that it is an internal commendation. Any media can be considered low-key."

"Shen Jun?" Bai Shanhe thought for a while, nodded, "I have a little impression of this person, he should be the number one trapeze in the China Track and Field Team 20 years ago, and I didn't expect to have already sat in the seat of the General Administration of Sports. He is just a thorn. He didn't expect to sit in the position he is today and still maintain his original intention. He is a good character."

Bai Xi didn't answer the conversation, because he knew that Bai Shanhe's words had just started.

"It's just that it is also a trouble for him to maintain that rebellious son like this." Bai Shanhe said coldly, "It seems that the people who will be sent to China at that time will not be easy to deal with that rebellious son. Forget it, this is something later, just think of a way to deal with it later."

Bai Xi still did not answer, because he knew that Baishan River was about to erupt.

Sure enough, after a few seconds of silence on the phone, Bai Shanhe's murderous voice suddenly sounded: "Neon and those 22 countries, but tennis can't get that opponent. I want to use the title to play and start from the International Tennis Association— —Hmph, do they treat my Bai family as dead!"

"Behind the incident of Kei Nishikori, there is the shadow of the Neon Muhama chaebol." Baixi said at this time, "It is certain that the young master can see that Kei Nishikori is making small moves in the game. When his teammates enter the hospital, he will be treated like this in the afternoon game."

"Mu He Chaebol--" An old but energetic voice suddenly came in on the phone, "Mu He Kitajiro, old fellow, probably has been a little life too comfortable these years."

Bai Xi was taken aback, and subconsciously held his breath.

He is very familiar with this voice. This is the voice of the old Bai family. Although this old man has retired from the position of the patriarch, as long as he speaks, the current patriarch of the five great Chinese reclusive families will not buy it.

If he sneezes casually, he can make the Fed officials feel uneasy and treat them seriously.

It turns out that Bai Shanhe is now with the old man. It seems that the young master is going to be a big deal.

Bai Xi was thinking about it, and he had already heard the orders from the old man Bai: "Go contact the Tang family, the Ye family, the Xiao family, and the Fan family, and say that my Bai family is going to short a wave of yen to make them interested. Yes, you can come to hit the autumn breeze."

"Let the Bai Group sell 30% of the national debt and 30% of the national debt of all member states of the European Union. No matter who comes to intercede or ask for the reason, they will all be dismissed and ignored."

"Let all companies under the name of the Bai family terminate all cooperation with the Muhe chaebol. In the neon project, you can contact other chaebols such as the Fujita chaebol and the Matsushita chaebol. The only requirement is to let them cooperate with us on the project. , Can’t use any products of companies under the name of Mu He chaebol, not even a single screw.”

"To bring a message to the Chaseold family, the Kennedy family, the Roosevelt family, the Morgan family, the Jehovah family, the Rockefeller family, and the DuPont family. This year, whoever dares to short China's foreign exchange market and stock market is preparing to fight head-on with our five major families. , Of course, only this year."

"In addition, give me the price of international crude oil below 30 U.S. dollars. Now the Mijian people and Europeans are living too leisurely, so that they have nothing to do when they are full. Find something to do."

One command after another came into Bai Xi's ears calmly and casually through radio waves.

Bai Xi's entire face was twitching, half of it was frightened by the grandfather's big hand, and the other half was suffocating with a smile--

Mu He's chaebol was really blind, and he didn't make a thorough investigation, so he dared to attack the young master.

The only heir of the Bai family's generation, how can your trivial Mu He chaebol be bullied at will!

Mi Jian and the European Union are also down with blood mold this time. It is the neon people who were beaten up. It’s up to you. You have to take the opportunity to get in. This is all right. 30% of the national debt is thrown away. I am afraid that this year’s debt pressure alone. It is enough to make a group of people in the organization laid off.

"Unexpected disaster." After talking to Bai Shanhe for a while, after hanging up the phone, the bookish chief of the Bai family finally couldn't help but let out a sigh, "The young master probably doesn't know at all, he is so casual. Hanging, how big an international financial turmoil will eventually be-it's really not worrying."

He shook his head and turned to deal with the orders the old man had given him.

Ten minutes later, in the tea room on the top floor of the Yunfeng Building, Tang Yunfeng drank the Dahongpao new tea that was just delivered this year. He squinted and said with a smile: "Short a wave of yen? Of course our Tang family is interested. When will we start? Remember to let me know. It's rare that Mr. Bai makes a move. How about playing a bigger game?"

That night, the neon foreign exchange market plummeted, and the stock market directly evaporated two trillion in market value. Most people woke up in their sleep in the middle of the night, looking at the vast green, completely frightened!,, ..

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