Almighty in the city

Chapter 165 The Will Team’s Calculations

"Why did Xiaofan go to the national team to play tennis?" Old man Bai picked up a cup of barley tea, took a sip, and asked unhurriedly.

The clouds on his face were light and breezy, as if the people who had just issued an order to cause earthquakes in the global financial markets were not him at all.

Speaking of this, Bai Shanhe got angry, and he snorted coldly: "The Nizi, I want to fight us to the end!"

"It's with you, not with me." Father Bai looked at his son's gloomy expression at that moment, but he laughed, "My relationship with him is much more harmonious than you and him."

Bai Shanhe dissatisfied: "It is because you have been accustomed to him that you have developed his current temper! Even the marriage arranged by the family dared to resist, and even escaped the marriage directly——"

"Hehe." The old man Bai smiled, "But how did I hear that he is with the girl of the Lin family now?"

Bai Shanhe snorted coldly: "Not only Wan Yu, but also a Korean actress and a few other little girls! This bastard, escape from marriage is quite comfortable!"

The old man Bai couldn't help but laughed, "Who told my Bai family to plant well?"

Bai Shanhe couldn't help rolling his eyes: "Dad, this time, you can't let his temper anymore! When the China International Sports Exchange is over, I have to get this bastard back for whatever I said! Even if it is tied!"

Mr. Bai took another sip of barley tea, smiled, and said noncommittal: "It can cause the tennis teams of 22 countries to submit joint applications to the International Tennis Association. It seems that Xiaofan's tennis level is quite good. "

Bai Shanhe snorted coldly, and said uncomfortably: "It's more than good, the rebel, who swept the entire Geely team alone, even the second-ranked ATP world player this year was defeated by his confidence in three goals and forced the Geely team. The coach had to come out and abstain."

"Oh?" The old man became interested. "So, Xiaofan's skills are not only good, it should be said that he has reached the world-class peak level-is he practicing at MIT? ?"

"Who knows him!" Bai Shanhe snorted coldly, "He will inherit the entire Bai family's industry in the future! If you don't want to learn from me, he has practiced the skills of a professional player! It's nothing to do! The family has passed on for thousands of years. He doesn’t learn martial arts, but he puts so much energy into a game like tennis-it’s just plaything!"

"Okay, okay." The old man gave him a funny look, "Xiao Fan just played tennis, how can you say so exaggerated."

After a pause, seeing Bai Shanhe still opening his mouth, he waved his hand and said, "I will give me a copy of the game video. I will take a good look at how my grandson slings the famous tennis players of various countries. As for catching him back to Mijian There is no need to worry too much about this matter. After all, isn't the girl of the Lin family already with him? Young man, many places, my heart is close."

"You are contributing to that Nizi's arrogance." Bai Shanhe said uncomfortably, "I will do this according to my ideas."

The old man Bai was not angry, and said with a smile: "It's up to you, anyway, this is just a game between your father and son."

After a pause, he glanced at Bai Shanhe: "Be careful, don't overturn the boat in the gutter. Xiaofan is now, but far stronger than you used to be."

With that, the old man stood up and smiled and walked towards the Rolls-Royce Phantom that had opened the back seat door.

Bai Shanhe looked at his father’s still strong back, and snorted in dissatisfaction: "Better than me? When I was at this age, I had already practiced'secret energy' and entered the ranks of masters of national arts. That little bastard, maybe even the boxing handed down from the ancestors hasn't learned all! It's better than me back then-the whole is a Zhu Yuanzhang, the eccentric grandson ignores his son, otherwise the little bastard dare to challenge me?"

China, Yenching, Olympic Village, Willis team’s villa area, Tennis National Team coach Michelle’s villa lobby, Will team tennis players are discussing the tactical and strategic layout of the team game tomorrow.

On the projection screen in the lobby, the singles match between Bai Yifan and Kei Nishikori was being played repeatedly in the afternoon.

"Obviously, although we have paid enough attention to Bai Yifan before, we still underestimated his overall level in tennis." Michelle looked at the screen. In the projection screen, Bai Yifan directly smashed Kei Nishikori. In the scene where the whole person flew up and down, he said coldly, "His familiarity with this'violent play' is not inferior to his previous'technical play'."

Neither the coach nor the players of the Will team said anything, and everyone's faces were not pretty.

"Although, because of this afternoon's game, there are already 22 national teams who have jointly submitted an application for his suspension to the International Tennis Association." Michelle glanced at everyone's reaction and continued, "But according to the international The speed at which the Nets Association can process this kind of application will definitely be two days later, even if it is finally approved. Maybe it will be delayed by the Chinese people to find a way to the end of this exchange meeting, so I can’t put my hope of victory on it. On the notice of the International Tennis Association’s suspension."

After a pause, he looked at Ulliel Borg who was sitting on the sofa drinking Coke: "Ullier, you are one of the two strongest power players in the world. Do you think this Bai Yifan is here? Compared with you and Gonzalez, who is stronger in the strength shown in the game?"

"This is a stupid question." Ulliel Borg responded coldly, "If it were me or Gonzalez, there would be no need to waste three balls, to play a'cross' in advance, just one goal, You can fly this neon baby chick onto the wire net! Simple than strength, our white talents are the strongest among the three races!"

"So, for tomorrow's game, if you are arranged to stare at him--" Michelle pointed to Bai Yifan who was frozen on the screen, "Are you sure to use your power to knock him down?", ..

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