Almighty in the city

Chapter 170: A Man from the Holy See


"Fuck! I really won head-on!"

"Want to be so awesome! This is the rhythm of going to heaven!"

"Unexpectedly, I just won the'will tank' in a positive power battle! I think that human tennis players can no longer stop our national team captain!"

"It's too dick! Fuck! At this moment, I just want to ask the gringoes-also! Yes! Who!"

"I really want to see the expressions of the will guys in the rest area."

"Hahahahaha! They must be dumbfounded!"

After a brief silence, there was unparalleled cheers from the Huaxia audience.

This sound seemed to celebrate the victory in advance!

In fact, they are celebrating the victory of the game in advance——

Not only this S1 singles, but also not only this team match, they are celebrating in advance, is the men's tennis singles and team victory in the entire international sports exchange meeting!

The superb ball skills can directly win the power of the "will tank", and can hit back the reaction speed of the ball speed of 270 kilometers per hour——

When these three are concentrated on one person, who else will be his opponent in the world of tennis!

"Bai Yifan!"

"Bai Yifan!"

"Bai Yifan!"

There were waves of tsunami sounds from the stands. The sound was so neat, so joyful and inspiring.

At this moment, this voice dominates the audience!

Ullilberg's face was a little gloomy, he looked down at his right hand, and suddenly a wild beast-like madness broke out in his eyes.

"Not enough! My potential has not exploded enough!" He yelled lowly, his breathing gradually became quicker, and a strange redness appeared in his eyes.

In the player channel of the Will team, Piero, the team doctor who "hypnotized" Ulliel Borg before the game, was leaning against the wall and watching the two people on the court with interest.

When he saw that Ulliel Borg was in the match of the first ball, because the muscles of his arm could not bear the impact of the ball from the opposite side, he was hit by the racket and lost a goal. In the blue eyes, a look of surprise flashed.

And at this time, when he saw Ullilberg’s eyes, bloodshot began to gradually spread, and the temples on both sides were bulging, and there were faint blue veins jumping. The surprise in his blue eyes that day had become A kind of surprise: "Tsk tusk, this is just the beginning, I was forced to enter the second level of'hypnosis' state——"

He glanced at Bai Yifan on the other half of the court, raised his eyebrows slightly, and a faint gleam flashed in his eyes. With a voice that only he could hear, he said to himself: "I give The'hypnosis' imposed by that idiot Ulliel is more than one layer, but three layers."

"The first level of'hypnosis' state will not cause too much burden and damage to his body, but it can also double his strength during the game. Afterwards, he only needs to infusion for 24 hours to rest. I can recover."

"The second level of'hypnosis' he has entered now allows him to exert four times the brute force in the normal state! However, this excessive use of power will bring four times the amount of cells in the body. It also accelerates the secretion of hormones in the pituitary gland, so it can’t be recovered after infusion for 24 hours."

"However, Ulliel, with four times the brute force, is so powerful that he can beat a master of martial arts with brute force. Just let me see, you, the master of Chinese martial arts who came to play tennis, in the end. How many shades are there."

The corners of his mouth stretched slightly toward the base of his ears, jokingly and curiously, but more often, still cold: "If you break other people's good things, you always have to pay some price, right?"

Under his gaze, Ulliel Borg, who had entered the second level of "hypnosis", had already thrown up the tennis ball in his hand, and then roared and swung his racket!


It's so fast!

Even if they were mentally prepared for the first ball, everyone on the court, the moment they saw Ullielberg preparing to serve, their eyes widened and their attention was focused to the extreme.

However, at the moment Ullilberg swung his bat, what they saw was still the yellow laser, not the tennis ball!

This ball, already nearly ninety-nine percent of the people present, can't catch it with their own eyes.

For the remaining ten tenths of a percent, most people can only see a vague, afterimage trail of a tennis ball that is almost reaching its limit.

At the same time, the instantaneous speed of the ball has been displayed on the big screen on the scene——

Two hundred and ninety kilometers per hour!

It turned out to be 20 kilometers per hour faster than the incredible speed of the first ball!

This ball has approached the limit of 300 kilometers per hour!

There was once a Mijian scientist who specializes in the limits of the human body. He published an academic paper after Gonzalez hit an extreme high speed serve of 239 kilometers per hour three years ago.

In that paper, he predicted that with the current human genetic optimization, the fastest tennis serve that can be played in 50 years is 260 kilometers per hour; the highest speed serve in 100 years will not More than two hundred and eighty kilometers per hour.

And now, only three years have passed, Ullilberg has already used two serve to swell the face of this scientist.

Serving at 290 kilometers per hour!

When I saw this number, no matter the audience, the players, the coach, the referee, or the two commentators in the commentary room, they could no longer make a sound.

This means that let a Ferrari sports car start at the moment when Ulliel Borg serves the ball, and directly step on the accelerator. In a distance of 50 meters, it can't run the tennis played by Ulliel Borg!

What a crazy serve this is!

But what is even more maddening is--

This ball was hit back by Bai Yifan!,, ..

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