Almighty in the city

Chapter 171 Tennis Deprived of Five Senses

"Amazing!" At this moment, even Piero's face showed a look of wonder.

If you want to catch a serve of 290 kilometers per hour, you can't do it with "dark power" alone, and it can't even be achieved by relying solely on reaction speed——

Even if you are a master of national martial arts, your body has developed to a situation far beyond ordinary people, but still a mortal person.

As long as it is a human, it will never be possible to break the limit speed of nerve conduction.

No matter how fast the master of national martial arts reacts, it is close to this limit speed at best, even the master cannot break it.

The reason why they can react faster than ordinary people is because ordinary people are conducting nerves. After transmitting the signal to the brain, they have to react for an instant in the brain, and then feedback the signal of this action to the limbs, even if this The time in it reaches the speed of light, and there is also a delay.

However, the masters of Chinese martial arts and grand masters are different. After years of exercise, their bodies can directly use the vision they see with their eyes without the transmission of instructions from the brain, without waiting for the signal to be transmitted. The brain, and then feedback from the brain back to the limbs, has completed the action they want to complete.

This is what people often say "sees and hands", and is the true limit of human reaction speed.

And this reaction speed is still not enough to catch a serve of 290 kilometers per hour.

Bai Yifan was able to do it because he tossed the tennis ball at Ullilberg and the moment his swinging hand hadn’t really fallen, he had already judged it through the movements of Ullilberg’s shoulders and the changes in his body’s muscles. The landing of this ball!

And this is what makes Piero amazed and unbelievable.

"The dignified master of Chinese martial arts has actually studied to this point in such a boring little game as tennis." After exclaiming, Piero felt dumbfounded. He could not figure out such a young Chinese martial arts. Master, why waste energy on playing tennis.

In his opinion, if Bai Yifan's eyesight, reaction, and talent can be focused on the national skill he is practicing, it is very likely that he will reach the realm of master at the age of forty.

A forty-year-old master of martial arts, even if he looked at the entire Vatican, he could not find two slapped people.

"It's no wonder that the Bishop would be so dissatisfied with Huaxia's martial arts world." Seeing the two people on the court entering the rhythm of the attack, Piero chuckled and shook his head. The poison of Taoism is too deep. The inaction of Taoism and the indisputability of Buddhism have made Huaxia, which has the most abundant types of national arts in the world and the most masters, become a free and unsophisticated land of national arts. In the end, even one can be a god. There are no people on the list."

He looked at Bai Yifan, with a look of regret flashed in his eyes: "It's a pity, if he is a member of our European Union, perhaps, if he is led to join the Holy See, there is hope in the future to fight for a place in the "God List". It."

Just as he was talking to himself, on the court, Bai Yifan and Ullilberg's confrontation became more and more fierce and fierce.

The match between the two has already gone through fifty shots.

At this time, Bai Yifan had already hit the "108-style wave ball" to the forty-fifth style, and the "dark energy" he used on his arm was doubled compared to before.

"This silly big guy's state is not right." Bai Yifan looked at Ulliel Borg, whose eyes were already red, and frowned slightly. "The strength has been doubled again. This is not something that ordinary'hypnosis' can do. Yes. Now he is playing tennis with me with his own life. What is the will person thinking? Is it because he wants him to die on the court and use his life to create a public opinion crisis for me? "

Shaking his head, Bai Yifan suddenly turned his racket, held it in the opposite direction, and drew out a "pirate's horn" facing the 45th type "wave ball" returned by Ullilberg.

An incredible arc of the tennis ball crossed the net, landed on the half court of Ullilberg, and then flew sideways.

"0-30!" The Neon referee felt very helpless. This ball just fell on the court, so he still couldn't find a chance to play a "black referee".

"You're scared!" Ullilberg turned to look at the tennis ball that had fallen on the side of the court, and then looked at Bai Yifan with red eyes.

"No." Bai Yifan shook his head, "I just get bored."

After a pause, he glanced at the muscles of Ullilberg's whole body, and said lightly: "Your life is worthless, but I am afraid of trouble."

"What do you mean?" Ullilberg frowned.

"When the game is over, go and ask the guy who helped you with the'hypnosis' treatment." Bai Yifan didn't bother to explain to him. He stopped on the baseline and waved his racket. Do your best."

Ullilberg's brow furrowed tighter, and he glanced at the player's passage subconsciously.

He saw Piero drinking water.

Piero smiled at him slightly, his lips seemed to move twice.

Ullilberg was taken aback for a moment, and then he suddenly felt the power of a wild beast in his body, fully awakened.

This power surprised him.

"Go to hell!" He hit the third serve--

Three hundred kilometers per hour serve!

However, this time, Bai Yifan stood still, letting the yellow laser fall on his half of the court, and then passed him and crashed into the block not far behind him.

He just looked at Ullilberg, stretched out a finger, and said lightly, "It seems that your sense of touch has already begun to disappear."

This serve didn't make it into the serving area at all. It had no speed, but it was an invalid missed serve.,, ..

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