Almighty in the city

Chapter 173 God's Ball Skill

There was an uproar in the surrounding stands.

This kind of continuous challenge to the "Eagle Eye System" of continuously questioning the referee's penalties has never appeared in a tennis match.

The Neon referee's face was as black as it had been wiped out by ink. He looked at Bai Yifan coldly and asked, "Are you sure you want to challenge the Eagle Eye System?"

"Of course I am sure." Bai Yifan smiled slightly, "Of course, if I choose to change the judgment that the ball went out of bounds just now, I can give up this challenge to Hawkeye."

The Neon referee snorted coldly and nodded to the Malaysian deputy referee.

He didn't believe that Bai Yifan's luck could be so against the sky. He challenged the "Eagle Eye System" three times in a row, and he was able to successfully challenge him three times.

On the big screen at the scene, the flight trajectory of the ball just now was clearly outlined again.

At the same time, there were screams and cheers in the surrounding stands--

Bai Yifan, once again challenged the "Eagle Eye System" successfully!

The drop point of the ball just now was 2.56 centimeters away from the boundary of the serving area compared to the first two faulty servings!

"Fuck! God!"

"What kind of look! It's almost the same as the lens of a high-speed camera!"

"It's too dick, this dynamic vision, maybe even the bullets shot out of the gun chamber can be seen clearly!"

"Hahahahaha! I think that neon referee must be embarrassing now!"

"This is a naked face slap! And it was three consecutive slaps!"

"With the'Eagle Eye System', even if the referee wants to blow a'black whistle', it is not an easy task. No wonder the fairness of tennis matches is the highest in all competitions! I strongly recommend it for football matches too. An'Eagle Eye System', let the'black whistle' play tricky!"

All the Huaxia audiences were full of fun, and they all watched the excitement with a smile.Someone in trouble even wanted to run to the opposite side with a SLR camera to take a picture of the neon referee's face at this moment.

The Neon referee was expressionless. Although he was already cursing his mother in his heart, he still pretended to be very calm.

But this time, Bai Yifan simply picked up his arms and hung the racket in his arms.

This is simply the most contempt of Luo in the world.

The Chinese audience in the stands instantly ignited, and the cheers burst out wave after wave.

Ullilberg was almost blown into his lungs. He snorted coldly, tried tennis three times without saying a word, and then another three-hundred-kilometer-per-hour serve!

The tennis ball instantly turned into a flash of lightning and a laser, hitting Bai Yifan's half of the court, and then swept past him like a gust of wind.

However, this time, the Neon referee didn't seem to want to give Bai Yifan a chance to slap him in the face for the fourth time. He raised his hand and announced: "lovegame! 0-1! Bai Yifan's serve!"


Ullilberg was taken aback, followed, and let out an angry roar: "I want to challenge Hawkeye!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Although ninety-nine percent of the audience can't understand German, everyone guessed from his facial expressions at this moment, everyone guessed that Bai Yifan successfully challenged the "Eagle Eye System" three times in a row and changed the neon master After the referee's decision, this time, it was Ullilberg's turn to slap her face!

At this moment, the face of the neon referee is already black and cannot be black anymore.

He glanced at Yuriel Borg bitterly, without saying a word, and asked the Malaysian deputy judge to get the "Eagle Eye System" replay.

The replay of the ball was immediately displayed on the big screen at the scene.

Everyone's eyes widened, and curiously wanted to see if Ullilberg's challenge to the "Eagle Eye System" would be as successful as Bai Yifan.

Then, they saw the flight trajectory and landing point of the serve outlined by the computer.

This ball is far worse than the previous three goals. The tennis ball's landing point is no longer a problem near the border, but it is almost approaching the bottom line where Bai Yifan is standing!

It's no wonder that the neon referee gave Bai Yifan a score without hesitation this time. It is because of this ball that he did not leave him room for "black whistle".

"It's impossible!" Watching the repeated replays of the "Eagle Eye System" on the big screen, Ullielberg suddenly shook his right arm holding the tennis racket and let out a beastly roar.

"Why is it impossible?" Bai Yifan looked at him, speaking in the purest German, "I just said that your sense of touch is gradually disappearing. Without the sense of touch, you can't control the position of the tennis ball. Is it normal?"

"My sense of touch is gradually disappearing?!" Ullilberg raised his racket and pointed at him from a distance. "Do you think you are a god? With just a word of you, you can take me away from me. Touch? This is ridiculous!"

Bai Yifan smiled: "Do you think that the previous matchup between me and you just wanted to fight you?"

He shook his head: "No, from then on, I have started to deprive you of your five senses. Touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste, these five senses, will continue as the game continues. Stripped from your body until you can no longer feel any presence in this court."

"Hahahahaha!" Yurielberg laughed wildly, "This is simply the funniest joke I have ever heard since I was born! Deprived of my five senses! Hahahahaha! I think you have a delusion! Unexpectedly, the captain of the Huaxia team was actually a crazy! Hahahahaha!"

Bai Yifan smiled, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly: "I know you won't believe it."

He tried the tennis ball in his hand and threw it up high: "So, let your body verify it yourself."

The sound, accompanied by the swing, sent the tennis ball directly to the half court of Ullilberg.

On the big screen of the scene, the instantaneous speed of the serve was displayed——

Two hundred and fifteen kilometers per hour.,, ..

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