Almighty in the city

Chapter 174 Deprivation of the Future

This is the speed at which any world-class professional tennis player can use a strong serve.

Moreover, this serve is not a "Tang Huaise serve", nor is it any other skill-based serve, it's a purely powerful flat serve.

Such a serve, for Ullilberg, should have been completely non-threatening.

However, after the racket that Ullil Borg slammed hit the tennis ball that bounced off the ground, he hit the tennis ball in the direction of Bai Yifan and hit a "home run"!

The tennis ball crossed the court directly, even past the VIP seat area of ​​the stands, and fell directly to the middle of the stands.

In an instant, the audience was in an uproar.

In the rest area of ​​the Will team, the head coach Michel and the ten players were also in an uproar.

In the rest area of ​​the China Team, Chen Fusheng and the nine players who were elected were also in an uproar.

The muscles on the Neon referee’s face twitched, and he abruptly held back the "eight-frame" that he was about to scold Ulliel Borg from his mouth!

He felt that he was too back today!

I wanted to blow "black whistle" to Bai Yifan and play "black referee", but I met a teammate like a pig!

"Ma’s dead will guy! We, who provided China with the arms pit during World War II, and the Axis nation, are now pitting me on the field!" I greeted them all again, feeling puzzled, and repeated the greetings several times.

At this time, Ullilberg looked a little confused, confused, and subconsciously panicked.

Because, only he knew that when his racket touched the tennis ball that bounced after landing, he could not feel the impact of the ball that was fed back from the racket.

This is not the most incredible to him.

What really made him feel a little bit of fear was that when he swung his arm back the ball, he couldn't even feel how much power he had used!

His sense of touch, as if at that moment, really disappeared from his body!

How is this possible!

This is reality, not the magical age of the Middle Ages in the novel!

The Chinese man he faced was a professional tennis player. He was holding a tennis racket, not a magic wand used by wizards in the Middle Ages!

But why, at that moment, I lost my sense of touch--

Do not!

Not only at that moment, even now, I don’t feel the tactile sensation of holding a tennis racket in my hand!

What Bai Yifan just said suddenly appeared in Ullilberg's mind.

"The five senses of touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste will gradually be stripped from your body as the game continues, until you can no longer feel any presence in this stadium. "

Now, his sense of touch is really about to disappear completely!

What kind of joke is this!

In this world, how could there be tennis skills that can deprive opponents of five senses!

Ullilberg's heart was roaring, roaring.

However, at the next moment, he suddenly heard cheers from the surrounding stands and the neon referee shouting "30-0! ACE ball"——

"What's the situation? What's the matter?" He suddenly raised his head and looked behind him.

A tennis ball, which seems to have just landed not long ago, is still bouncing slightly.

Ullilberg felt at a loss, followed by a wave of anger.

He suddenly looked at the neon referee and yelled directly in English: "Are you blind! Why didn't you raise your hand and gesture, let the Chinese man kick off! You are blowing the'black whistle' openly." I want to complain to you with the International Tennis Association! Your referee certificate will be revoked!"

The neon referee was also wondering at this time, why an ordinary serve with a mere two hundred kilometers per hour, this stupid willer would not react at all, and gave Bai Yifan an ACE ball for nothing.

As a result, he was puzzled, and he heard the roar of Ullilberg at him in English.

The neon referee was so angry that he almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood--

Horse's!Lao Tzu is blowing the "black whistle"!But the fuck is helping you idiot blowing that Chinese "black whistle"!

Are you fucking blind or mentally disabled? How low IQ is to tell that Lao Tzu favors the Huaxia people and helps him blow your "black whistle".

Besides, didn't I just raise his hand to signal?

Obviously you are distracted by yourself, okay!

Horse's!This is simply not a teammate like a pig!Is this a fucking pig?

The neon referee cursed wildly in his heart, wishing to kick Ullilberg's face directly, and then stomped a hundred feet toward his head to vent his suffocation.

However, on the surface, he still had to pretend to be the referee's fairness, restrained his anger, and responded in a cold voice: "Ullilberger, please pay attention to your attitude. I just raised my hand to indicate. , It’s you who lost your mind and missed the ball. This time, I will give you a verbal warning. Next time, if you make trouble like this again, don’t blame me for showing you a yellow card."


Did I see it?!

Ulliel Borg was stunned for a moment. He looked towards the rest area of ​​his team, but saw that everyone, including the head coach Michelle, looked at him with an incredible look. In that look, There was surprise, confusion, confusion, and even more anger.

Ullilberg suddenly felt a great fear!

He knew that the neon referee did not lie to him, he was really "wandering"!

He didn't even see the reminder and gesture to serve!

"First, the sense of touch, then the sense of sight and hearing -" Ullilberg finally let out a horrified roar, "This is impossible! How can such a devilish game exist in this world!",,.

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