Almighty in the city

Chapter 175 He is Hypnotized

No one answered him.

The spectators in the surrounding stands all looked at him with foolish eyes.

In the rest area of ​​the Will team, Michele's face was gloomy, and his ten teammates also frowned. Some even suspected that it was Piero’s "hypnosis", which had unpredictable side effects, which made Ulliel Berger now. Looks like a mentally retarded clown.

In the rest area of ​​the Huaxia team, Chen Fusheng, Zhang Chusheng, Wang Hao, Ye Nan and others looked at each other, wondering what the nerves of the "will tank", one of the world's two most powerful players, were making.

"It wasn't during breakfast, did you eat something wrong?" Li Feng muttered, "I heard that those volitioners are very interested in our Chinese cuisine. These days, they have eaten a lot of weird dishes. "

"I think it might be because I ate poisonous mushrooms accidentally." Wang Hao analyzed, "Many poisonous mushrooms, although not fatal, can affect the central nervous system and cause various hallucinations. I heard that the will Guy loves to drink mushroom soup. Maybe it was because of the mushroom soup mixed with poisonous mushrooms accidentally in a bowl in the morning."

Chen Fusheng glanced at the two of them, and said in a bad mood: "All the ingredients in the Olympic Village have been strictly inspected! Let's not talk about this kind of nonsense."

Zhang Chusheng asked: "Then Director Chen, what do you think is the matter with this willer?"

Chen Fusheng rolled his eyes angrily: "You ask me, I ask who to go!"

Bai Yifan had just spoken with Ullilberg in German, and Chen Fusheng and the others couldn't understand it, so naturally they didn't know the reason.

Fortunately, I don't know, otherwise, they might even be scared to pee.

The skills that can deprive the opponent of the five senses of touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste are possible if they appear in TV, movies, or comics, but it is impossible to appear in reality!

However, this is impossible, at this moment, it is made possible by Bai Yifan.

"0-30! ACE ball!" The neon referee glanced at Ulliel Borg, who was still unresponsive, shook his head, and announced the score of the ball with resignation and disdain.

Not long after his announcement, Ullilberg reacted with a blank face, and when he glanced at the score on the big screen, his face suddenly turned into a panic and confusion.

The second ball!

He shook his head severely, forced himself to calm down, and forced himself to stare at Bai Yifan on the opposite side of the court.

"One ball is good! As long as I hit a ball back, I will definitely break the damn lie!" He kept comforting himself, "Deprived of five senses, this is something only God can do, how could it appear in a tennis match? in!"

In the opposite half court, Bai Yifan has thrown a tennis ball for the third time.

"Come on! This time, I'm already going to fight back!" Ullilberg felt his attention, at this moment, really concentrated to the extreme!

He even saw every movement of Bai Yifan clearly-

The swing of the forearm of the left hand when throwing the ball, the locking and sudden release of the arm muscles.

The rhythm of the shoulder when the right hand swings, the locking and sudden release of every muscle in the arm.

"Come!" He saw Bai Yifan wave the shot.

The tennis ball flew straight towards him in a straight line without fancy.

"Fight back!" Ullilberg let out a loud roar, stepped forward suddenly, and ruined it with his right hand.

At this moment, he obviously felt something flying out of his hand.

"Hit!" Before he was happy, Ullielberger suddenly saw his racket. He didn't know when he flew out of his hand. Moreover, he was heading straight towards him with a very fast and fierce momentum. The neon referee on the referee's bench smashed his head.

"Fuck!" Although the Neon referee discovered this "hidden weapon" that smashed at him in time, but the racket flew too fast and too hard, waiting for him to subconsciously put his hand on his head to protect it. At that time, the racket had already hit his face.

With a "clang".

The referee's bench more than two meters high, because the neon referee shook violently, fell straight in the direction where Bai Yifan was.

The neon referee was first hit by the quadruple-strength Ullielberg with his racket hitting the center of his cheek, and then fell onto the court with the referee's bench. The whole person had already lost consciousness.

There was a sudden chaos on the scene.

The staff rushed out of the runners' channel one after another, moved the referee's seat to the referee's seat, and shouted stretchers for stretchers.

Ullilberg stood on the bottom line blankly, watching the chaos in this scene with empty eyes.

In his mind, at this moment, it was already blank.

Bai Yifan shook his head, this result was a bit beyond his expectation.

"Player Ullilberg! Because of your dissatisfaction with the referee, you openly attacked the referee by throwing a tennis racket! Now, the referee is injured and left the court. On behalf of the referee team, I announce you-a red card to withdraw!" After being taken aback, the deputy referee suddenly rushed to Ullielberg with an angrily face. After all, he took out a red card and said, "Waiting for the International Tennis Association's Ban it! You barbarian who ignores the rules of competitive sports!"

Ullil Borg did not react at all, as if he had not seen the red card, nor had he heard the sentence of the Malaysian deputy referee, he still stood there stupidly, motionless.

Michelle and the ten players who were elected have already rushed up at this time.

He was originally going to slap Ullielberger with a slur, but after seeing Ullielberg's state at this time, he was also taken aback. The curse was swallowed back into his stomach by him abruptly.

As long as you are not blind, anyone can see that Ullilberg at this time is absolutely abnormal!

"Who can tell me! What happened!" Michelle let out an angry roar.

"If I'm not mistaken--" Piero's voice reached his ears at this time, "Ulliel, was hypnotized by the Chinese man with a tennis ball.",. .

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