Almighty in the city

Chapter 177 The Will Team Retires

The chaos on the court continued. Bai Yifan glanced at the Willing team gathered on the opposite half of the court, smiled and shook his head, and walked towards the rest area of ​​the Huaxia team.

"How can you do it?" Chen Fusheng couldn't restrain his curiosity. When he saw him coming in, he couldn't wait to ask.

Bai Yifan glanced at him and shrugged: "In fact, it's nothing, it's just a psychological hint, just like the game I played with Sun Lingyue. In the end, isn't he the same as suffering from YIPS? "

Chen Fusheng frowned and said, "However, these two matches are completely different. The one against Sun Lingyue is because the difference between the strengths of both of you is too great. He was played by you from start to finish between applause——"

After a pause, he glanced at everyone in the Will team on the court: "But that Ulliel Borg, who just ran out crazy, the match between you and him has always been a close match, I don't see anything. Is there an overwhelming strength gap in this, why does his reaction seem to be stronger than Sun Lingyue's later?"

"All I said is a psychological suggestion." Bai Yifan smiled, "In this regard, you should be better than me."

"I just want to ask you if I don't understand it." Chen Fusheng looked curious. "In the game, all professional players know how to put pressure on the opponent, but I have never seen you like this-so abnormal. of."

Bai Yifan took another sip of water and smiled and said, "In fact, there is nothing to say, as long as you can hit back 100% of your opponent's shots."

After a pause, seeing Chen Fusheng’s "I don’t believe it", he smiled and said, "Well, I’ll give you a hint-if your opponent keeps playing alternate topspins and downs. What happens when you spin the ball?"

"Alternating topspin and downspin?" Chen Fusheng was taken aback, and instinctively imitated this shot of the ball in his brain.

A minute later, he frowned and said with some uncertainty: "If the topspin and the bottomspin are alternated, in order to get back these two completely opposite returns, my biceps and brachii The triceps will be in a state of fatigue that is repeatedly tightened and then pulled. After a long period of time, the arm will be temporarily paralyzed?"

"Yes." Bai Yifan snapped his fingers. "Similarly, if you target a certain part of the opponent's muscle group and hit a specific return ball, with strong psychological pressure, an impeccable return ball will appear just now. The result of the Erberg game."

He raised his hand and patted Chen Fusheng on the shoulder: "This involves psychology, kinesiology, tennis skills, athletes' dynamic vision, reaction speed, etc., etc., rather than pondering this, I think you still study Let’s be more realistic about the three return shots I’ve seen you before."

Chen Fusheng smiled bitterly.

The chaos in the stadium lasted for half an hour. After the Neon referee was rushed to the hospital, the International Tennis Association Organizing Committee had to temporarily dispatch a referee to the field.

The staff of the stadium re-examined the venue. At the strong request of the coach of the Will team, Michelle, the new referee team conducted repeated viewing and research on the video of the game just now, and finally concluded that-

"Horse, these dead-willed guys, do you think we are stupid?" It was a Polish referee who rushed to the rescue. Although both belong to the European Union, this Polish person obviously has no good feelings for the will, if not scrupulous With my current identity, I'm afraid I will swear directly at Michel and the others.

In the game, Yuriel Borg was hypnotized with the return of the tennis ball, and he was asked to provoke the neon referee, and then let him take the initiative to throw a tennis racket to attack——

grass!Dead will guy!Think you are making a science fiction movie!

The Polish referee and the Malaysian deputy referee looked at each other, and both saw deep dissatisfaction and anger in the eyes of the opponent.

As a referee, when encountering such a vicious attack on the referee, of course, there will be a kind of tragic empathy.

Although the two have no good feelings for the China Team, but now, the Will Team in their hearts, the dislike has obviously surpassed the China Team for several blocks.

"The game starts again!" The Polish referee didn't bother to pay attention to Michel's rhetoric anymore, and directly raised his hand to indicate that the D1 players from both sides were on the court.

On the big screen, according to the rules, the list of D1 players of the China Team was first displayed.

Only seeing the three "Bai Yifan" shot in the first place, there was a moment of silence in the Will team.

The five players who have been in charge of doubles even directly expressed that they did not want to play.

Just kidding, Ullilberg just let this Bai Yifan “hypnotize” and suffer from YIPS in full view. They are not willing to go up and ruin their career because of a game that they can't win.

The most important thing is that even Piero, a team doctor who specializes in psychotherapy and hypnosis, clearly stated that he did not understand what was going on.

In this case, as long as the opponent has Bai Yifan in his hand, they will not dare to go to the game if he is killed.

"The coach" a player who was selected weakly said to Michelle, "Well, let's just abstain and retire."

Michelle was silent.

Michelle felt an unparalleled anger.

But at the same time of anger, he also felt deeply helpless.

He glanced at the ten players who had already lost their fighting spirit, and finally sighed a long time, and his whole person looked lonely and withered.

He nodded, and squeezed two words between his teeth: "Okay."

A few minutes later, the Polish referee who rushed to save the field was very unhappy and announced that the Will team would abandon the next game, and the Chinese team had directly won the news of the team game victory.

The whole stadium was quiet for more than a minute, and then there was unscrupulous laughter and cheers from the Chinese audience.

In this boiling hustle and bustle, the Will team hurriedly left the court, leaving only ten dingy figures.,, ..

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