Almighty in the city

Chapter One Hundred Seventy Eight

An emergency meeting was held again in the Olympic Village, in the villa of the head coach of tennis in the European Union.

This time, not only coaches from countries in the European Union have come, but also other tennis powers such as Mijian, Canada, and Australia have sent their coaches to participate in this emergency collective meeting.

No way, after hearing that Bai Yifan swept the whole Willing team by himself today, the national tennis teams of various countries have raised his threat to an unparalleled level.

Now, everyone knows that if you want to defeat China's national tennis team, you must defeat Bai Yifan on the court!

Can't win Bai Yifan, so they will lead the team to fight against China this time. They want to severely suppress the purpose of this oriental power at the international sports exchange meeting. I am afraid that they will not only go bankrupt, but also have a counterproductive effect!

From the Huaxia team's draw in the absolute death group to the two strong teams that Bai Yifan swept the death group by himself, all this was so unexpected.

Beforehand, no one thought that the team competition would be such a result!

The Geely team, the Will team, the two old and strong teams in the European Union, were all swept away by one person——

"Michelle, I think you owe us an explanation." The head coach of the European Union looked at Michelle, the head coach of the will team who had not spoken since he came in, and said in a deep voice of dissatisfaction. Team Will, why should we take the initiative to abstain from the game!"

For a moment, everyone in the room looked at Michelle.

One of them has already heard some gossip about the game during the day. However, the gossip is a gossip after all. They still hope to tell the coach of the Will team about the game during the day. Everything in the team competition.

In the face of the countless gazes, Michelle sighed before officially speaking.

"Michelle." The relationship between Redhead Gro and him was pretty good, and when he saw this, he said, "Is there anything unspeakable?"

Michelle shook his head: "I'm just thinking about how to tell you."

"What's the matter, just say it, do you still need to think about it?" The head coach of the European Union frowned.

Michelle let out a wry smile: "The problem is, I'm afraid I'll say it, you don't believe it."

"Say it, but I want to hear what is unbelievable." said the head coach of the European Union.

"Okay." Michelle sighed again and said in a deep voice, "With regard to abstaining from the game, this is not my decision alone, but the remaining ten candidates of our team, unanimously requested. As for the reason— —If I tell you, because I played S1 singles with Yifan Bai, our team’s "will tank" has suffered YIPS, believe it or not?"

"What?!" There was an exclamation in the room, "How is this possible!"

The head coach of the European Union also frowned fiercely: "YIPS, Michel, are you telling us a joke?"

Michelle smiled bitterly and spread his hands: "Look at it, I know you won't believe it. In fact, until now, I don't believe it myself, but this is the fact-Ullilberg has suffered from YIPS. I am afraid that after this exchange meeting is over, he returns to the will and he will retire."

"Is that rumor turned out to be true!" The Spanish coach suddenly exclaimed.

Michelle glanced at him, nodded and said, "Yes, if you hear the rumor that Ulliel Borg can no longer pick up a tennis racket-then I can tell you with certainty now , This rumor is true."

There was silence.

Deathly silence.

I don’t know how long it took before the head coach of the EU region said coldly: "This is ridiculous!"

"It's ridiculous." Michelle continued to smile bitterly, "But, this is true. Otherwise, why do you think I should abstain from the game? Because, no one of my team members dared to go up and play against Bai Yifan. They all watched Ulliel go from an explosive state to suffering from YIPS. In this case, who would dare to bet on his career?

"With just one game, your opponent will suffer from YIPS! This is simply a fantasy!" The head coach of Greece exclaimed, "Could it be that the Chinese man named'Bai Yifan' knows magic tricks?"

"It's not black magic." Michelle shook his head. "A team doctor in our team who is proficient in psychotherapy and hypnosis said that Ulliel was hypnotized by tennis when the opponent was playing."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was already an uproar in the room——

"What?! Use tennis to hypnotize opponents in the game?! How could this happen!"

"Absurd! This is even more absurd than the Chinese man who can be sorcerer!"

"I don't believe it! I don't believe that there will be such a thing in this world anyway!"

"Michelle, I think you were hypnotized by that Chinese man! Otherwise, how could you say such absurd things!"

In the hustle and bustle, the head coach of the Mijian team, who has not spoken, suddenly spoke: "Maybe, it may not be impossible."

"What?!" The coaches of the European Union countries all turned their eyes to him.

The head coach of the Mijian team nodded and said: "In fact, in the past two years, there was a professor who studied kinematics and proposed the cause of the pathology of YIPS. I don't know the specifics, but he once let someone who originally planned to retire. The golfer who succeeded in getting YIPS, I heard that it used'hypnosis'."

There was an uproar.

Everyone couldn't believe their ears.

"In other words, the Chinese have mastered the method to make tennis players suffer from YIPS in the game?" The head coach of the European Union took a breath of fright at his own guess.

"No, maybe, only Bai Yifan has mastered this killer move." Michelle said.

"Grass! How do you play in the next game?" A head coach punched the sofa angrily, "Should we let our athletes go up to'death'?", ..

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