Almighty in the city

Chapter 187: The way the script is opened is wrong

While Chen Fusheng and Bai Yifan were on the phone, in the villa area of ​​the Olympic Village and in the lobby of the villa of the head coach of tennis in the European Union, the coaches of various countries who hadn’t slept for a whole night were also wearing black circles under their eyes. Haggard.

In the room, the strong coffee aroma mixed with the same strong smoke, turning into an indescribable taste.

"The news has been released ahead of time." A red-haired Gros said while eating bread with coffee and ambiguously, "Presumably, Huaxia is also thinking of a way to deal with it now."

"To be honest, using Huaxia's idiom, we are doing this, "the jade and stone are burned." Although China has to bear some international public opinion pressure, our loss is even greater." said the head coach of the Gaul team. He gave a big yawn, "I also blame the Huaxia man named'Bai Yifan' for being so incomprehensible, forcing us to use this suicide method that kills 800 enemies but destroys tens of thousands of ourselves."

"It's up to the Chinese people to deal with it." Will team coach Michele said with a sullen face, "If they don't want to completely tear their skin, then, I don't want long, they will call or send someone. Come to negotiate with us."

Fisichella of the Geely team snorted coldly and said with disdain: "What is there to negotiate! If you want us to give up the collective strike, then they must completely hide the "Bai Yifan" and let him abstain from the next men's singles game. At the same time, in team competitions, he cannot be allowed to appear on the court!"

"But in this way, the Huaxia people can't compete with us in the game." The coach of the Belgian team shook his head, "I don't think the Huaxia people will agree to such a request."

"There is a saying in Huaxia, called'Ask the price, pay the money on the spot'." Redhead Grove had eaten a whole oat bread at this time, burped, patted his stomach and said, "If we can, we too I don’t want to lose both. After all, this kind of large-scale collective strike in international events will definitely be punished by the National Tennis Association afterwards."

After a pause, he burped again, full of coffee and cigarette flavors: "However, as long as Huaxia can call or send someone to talk over, then there will be talks about this matter. We can completely promise. In the team competition, give the Huaxia team a bronze or even a silver medal."

"Apart from the'Bai Yifan', isn't there a Chinese player in the men's singles game who beat the Italian team upset and made it to the 16th final? We can also give him a bronze medal or It’s a silver medal.” The coach of the Swiss team said, “There is also a men’s doubles game, and the Huaxia team also has a pair of combinations left. At that time, they can also give them a bronze or silver medal for the men’s doubles. Talked about."

"Yes, as long as that Bai Yifan goes on, everything can be discussed." As everyone listened, they couldn't help but agree.

At this moment, the cell phone of the head coach of the European Union rang suddenly. At the same time, the cell phones of the head coach of the Mijian team, the head coach of the Canadian team, and the head coach of the Australian team also rang.

The four of them picked up their phones and looked at them, their faces full of fatigue and haggard, and a smile appeared at the same time.

"It's from Huaxia." The head coach of the European Union smiled. "I recognize this number. It was the number of the China Sports General Administration."

"Me too." The head coach of the Mijian team, the head coach of the Canadian team and the head coach of the Australian team said at the same time.

The spirits of everyone suddenly lifted at the same time.

Redhead Grohaha laughed and said, "Look, Huaxia still wants to be'good'."

"It's thanks to Mr. Fisichella's suggestion." The head coach of the Italian team was in a good mood at this time, and he immediately praised the head coach of the Geely team Fisichella.

Fisichella shrugged and smiled. Although their Geely team has no chance to qualify in the team competition, Geely's super ace Murray is entirely possible to win the final men's singles championship. If China is willing to compromise, he will naturally Also happy to see it happen.

Under everyone’s gaze, the four head coaches of the European Union also connected the call from the China Sports General Administration: "Hello—"

One of the calls was made from the office of Chairman Guo of the Network Association.

At this moment, everyone in the smoky office was suffocating a smile, watching Director Zhao, who had won the lottery, pretending to use English, and began to communicate with the head coach of the European Union on the other end of the phone: "Hello, here. It’s the China Tennis Association. We heard that for this morning’s team competition, your national teams in the European Union are planning to strike collectively?"

Head coach of the European Union: "Yes, we do have this intention."

Director Zhao: "Can you ask what the reason is? After all, the collective strike has an extremely bad effect for both of us."

The head coach of the European Union: "This is to ask your captain Bai Yifan. He has mastered the magical skills that can make opponents suffer from YIPS in the game. This makes our national team players from the European Union countries dare not take risks and He plays, what else can we do besides strike?"

Director Zhao: "This is nonsense."

Head coach of the European Union: "However, we have this concern and it is impossible to continue to participate in the next competition. Unless, you China guarantees that Bai Yifan will withdraw from the men's singles competition and will not be able to play in the team competition. Of course, in return. , We can guarantee that the players of the China Team will at least win a bronze medal in the three major matches of men’s tennis."

Director Zhao: "Hehe, if you choose to strike, then I am afraid we will let Bai Yifan participate in the next few international tennis matches this year. At that time, will you also choose to strike collectively?"

The head coach of the European Union was immediately stunned, and also the head coaches of the Mijian team, the Canadian team and the Australian team-

Ma, the way the script is opened is wrong, why is it so different from what you expected?!,, ..

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