Almighty in the city

Chapter 188 The Fearful Man

"Head coach?"

"Head Coach Peter?"

"Head Coach Hargrove?"

"Head Coach John?"

Seeing the dumbfounded look of the four Qi Qi, the coaches from other countries in the room couldn't help but become suspicious.

"Fuck it!" The EU chief coach who reacted first, the first thing he did after he woke up, was to drop his mobile phone directly, "Paralysis, how can I play with this!"

In his foul language, the Apple phone fell directly and flew around the screen.

Redhead Gro frowned and said: "Head coach, what is going on? There is no compromise on China's side?"

"Compromise?" The head coach of the European Union took a look at him, and then yelled: "paralyzed! They are more than unwilling to compromise! Do you know what they call for?"

"Didn't it come to negotiate with us?" Fisichella asked puzzled.

"I'm negotiating with you! They came directly to'intimidate'! Intimidation! Do you know the intimidation!" The head coach of the European Union, the mood at this moment is obviously a little unacceptable to Zhi's control.


Everyone looked at each other immediately.

At this time, the head coach of the Mijian team gave a wry smile and finally explained: "They said, if we dare to strike collectively today, they will guarantee that Bai Yifan will be sent to the next international tennis matches this year. Let us have a collective strike when the time comes."

"Moreover, not only this year, next year, the year after, they said that Bai Yifan will continue to participate in the competition until tennis is completely removed." The Australian coach also smiled wryly.

"Obviously, we have no bargaining chips with them at all." The Canadian coach sighed, "Military, the five permanent members of the United Nations all have nuclear weapons, and there is a'nuclear constraint' between them. , Can check and balance each other. However, in the tennis industry, so far, only China has a nuclear weapon! The dialogue between us is not equal at all!"

There was a silence, a deathly silence.

Bai Yifan, the nuclear weapon in the tennis world——

At this moment, everyone felt that this metaphor was really damn appropriate!

Appropriate to make people burst into tears, appropriate to make people want to cry without tears!

Yes, they can indeed strike at this international sports exchange meeting and have a "burn of jade and stone", but what about after this?

After that, the relationship between them and China will only grow stronger. China will definitely let Bai Yifan participate in the Four Grand Slams and participate in all international tennis tournaments. At that time, what should the players of their country do? ?

"Horse, how can such a monster-like human appear!" The Italian coach roared unwillingly. "One person can control the tennis of this era! God, are you fucking kidding us? ?"

This pious Vatican believer was completely influenced by emotions at this moment, and he actually greeted the God he believed in directly.

However, none of the head coaches who were also followers of the Holy See jumped out to accuse him or angrily.

At this moment, in their hearts, they all made the same cry.

God, are you fucking sure you are not kidding me?!

The whole room was silent for more than half an hour.

Seeing that the time was approaching half past eight, finally, someone couldn't help but ask: "What should we do now?"

"What else can I do?" The head coach of the European Union gave a wry smile, shook his head, and sighed helplessly, "Go ahead."

The silence was another deathly silence.

The coaches from various countries walked out of this villa one by one in despair.

Among them, the head coach of the Belgian team was even more crying. He didn't know, and thought he had just received the bad news that his parents had passed away.

At 9:30 in the morning, when everyone from the China Team entered the stadium and saw the empty rest area of ​​the Belgian team opposite, they all let out a laugh.

"You are really awesome for the White team." Zhang Chusheng laughed loudly, "Where you are, those foreign players won't even dare to play games!"

Chen Fusheng was on the phone at the moment. After a while, he hung up and said to Bai Yifan with a smile: "Your intimidation method is really useful. The other stadiums and the competition teams are all here."

Bai Yifan smiled faintly and walked towards the rest area.

Ten minutes later, the audience in the stands became agitated, thinking that the Belgian team, like the two players who abstained and retired yesterday, wanted the entire national team to be a turtle, the Belgian players and their coach, But he walked in from the contestant channel.

"This Belgian team is considered a man! Much more masculine than the Mijian and Spain teams!"

"Ma, I thought I couldn't see the game again today. It's still a man from Belgium."

"Belgian team come on! Play hard, although you will definitely lose, but everyone will cheer for you!"

"Don't be afraid to lose, the key is to play with confidence and style!"

"The Belgian team is already very strong. If you dare to appear on this court, you are already glorious despite defeat! Much stronger than the pressure of Mijian and Spain!"

At this moment, all the spectators in the whole stand sent warm applause and cheers to the players and coach of the Belgian team.

In this scene, everyone in the Huaxia team was laughing wildly. Wang Hao and Ye Nan were even kneeling on the ground with a smile, and they were beating the ground wildly.

Just when all the audience thought that they could finally see Bai Yifan on the court and sling his opponent.

The coach of the Belgian team walked out blankly, bowed to the surrounding stands, and said "sorry" in English.

Then, he walked in front of the referee on duty, took a deep breath, and said quickly: "I'm sorry, we abstained and conceded."

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