Almighty in the city

Chapter 189 Fighting to Lose

At the same time, in the other courts of the Tennis Center, the players and coaches of the national teams from various countries participating in the team competition are also discussing the next game strategy in their respective rest areas.

In the first stadium, it was Gaul vs. Italy.

The head coach of the Gaul team looked sullenly, glanced at the Italian in the rest area on the opposite side of the court, and Shen Sheng said to his 11 teammates who were currently selected: "Our current situation is very bad. In the Congo team, our record was a complete victory! But the Italian team lost to the Ethiopian team-that is to say, even if we lose the team game, we still have the possibility of qualifying to the 16th finals!"

In front of him, the eleven Gaul teams were looking like iron in the election, and they looked like a big enemy.

Gasquet, the ace of the Gaul team, said: "The coach can rest assured that for today's game, we will definitely go all out to make the Italian beat us '3-0'!"

"It's not enough to be beaten as a '3-0'." The head coach of the Gaul team said in a deep voice, "You have to try to ensure that every game will be as'zero kill' as possible. If we can get three "zero bans", then our team points will be greatly reduced, and the chance of qualifying will be greatly reduced."

"Understood!" All the candidates of the Gaul team responded in unison, "We promise to let the Italians play our six games of'lovegame'!"

The head coach of the Gaul team nodded: "Very good! Just to have such determination and fighting spirit!"

At this time, in the rest area on the other side of the stadium, the head coach of the Italian team was also giving his players a word: "Compared to the Gaul team, our current advantage is very obvious. In the first two team games, they He died, winning the Ethiopian team and the Congolese team consecutively, and now ranks first in Group A in total points. As long as we lose to them in this game, they will definitely qualify."

After a pause, he continued: "Therefore, this game is not very stressful for us. You can play a little bit to show the tenacious spirit and romantic feelings of our Italians to the audience. Let’s see. In this game, you have to play style and size-the most important point is that you must lose! Do you understand?"

"Understood!" The eleven candidates replied together.

Italy’s ace Fergnini said at this time: “Coach, the current situation is not good for the Gaul team. If they don’t want to qualify, they must ensure that they lose to us by a big score. I think this game, Gaul People must make sly tricks, we have to guard against it."

The head coach of the Italian team did not panic at all, and smiled calmly and calmly: "Boys, I believe you! I think that in World War II, one of our Italian battalions was captured by a Gaul squad. In this respect, our natural genes have an advantage over the Gauls!"

He clapped his hands and encouraged the team members: "You can rest assured and boldly go on the ground and bring out the'unwinnable' characteristics in your genes. The victory in this game will always belong to the Gaul team!"

"Oh oh oh!" The eleven candidates folded their hands together like Arhats, and a loud slogan broke out, "Come on! Come on! This battle is better than losing!"

In the stands, the audience in the nearest VIP seat area, at first saw the high spirits of the Italians, and they also thought that they could see a hearty game today.

As a result, I finally heard the completely incomprehensible slogan "This battle is better than losing"——

"It's probably because they are Italians, and they don't have a good English learning relationship." These audiences thought to themselves, "This Italian accent is too serious. They all turn'this battle must win' into'this battle must I lost."

They thought, and couldn't help looking at the rest area of ​​the Gaul team.

I saw in the rest area, whether it is the coach of the Gaul team, the ace of the Gaul team, or the other ten regular candidates, at this moment, all eyes are on the Italian team, and everyone’s There was a solemn expression on his face.

"Sure enough, we heard it wrong." Suddenly, these audience members were relieved, gearing up one by one, ready to appreciate the battle between the two major tennis nations.

As a result, at the beginning of the game, all the spectators were dumbfounded, the two closing guests in the commentary room were dumbfounded, and the chief and deputy referees on the court were even more dumbfounded!

In the first S1 singles, the player of the Gaul team who guessed the right to serve, came up directly with a double fault and gave the Italian team a good start.

Immediately afterwards, for the second ball, he only hit a flat serve with an instantaneous speed of less than 160 kilometers per hour.

This kind of ball speed, let alone facing international-level tennis players, even those newcomers in the China team who are not eligible to enter the selection can easily return to such a serve.

Just when everyone thought that the Italian player would give the Gaul a "big pot", they saw that the Italian player seemed to have no response to this "turtle speed" serve. Let the ball hit the ground, and then "slowly" flew past him.

"15-15! ACE ball!" The referee from Korea swallowed and announced the result of the ball in disbelief.

For horses, a flat serve with an instantaneous speed of less than 160 kilometers per hour without any spin. This kind of ball can be caught by itself, but this Italian player ate an "ACE ball" alive!

Did he not eat in the morning and eat shit instead?

While the Goryeo referee was suspicious, the Gaul player over there cursed fiercely, to the effect of saying "a despicable Italian" and the like, which made him startled again.

The result didn't wait for him to stop. There, the Gaul player made a double-serving error and gave the Italian a goal for nothing.

It's not too late, the Gaul seems to be addicted to sending points, and then, two consecutive double-serving errors, directly sending out the score of the serve.,, ..

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