Almighty in the city

Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Three

Zhou Danian saw Bai Donglai suddenly start his hand, but his face was not surprised at all. Hearing Bai Yifan’s voice, he instead smiled faintly: "You must be able to demolish this house in the hands of your grandfather. Then this black pot, I'll carry it for you."

With a calm face and a smile on his mouth, he picked up the purple sand teapot and refilled himself with a cup of tea, picked it up, took a couple of sips, sipped the tea, and admired the fight between Bai Donglai and Bai Yifan.

Both of them reacted faster than ordinary people.

Bai Donglai couldn't see that he was already approaching the age of elders, and his body was harder than the young and strong boy in his 20s and 30s.

Bai Yifan went around twice, seeing that the old man's palm was still three inches from his throat, he immediately rolled his eyes and said, "You are here, I won't let it--"

"Do you dare to let me?" Bai Donglai laughed, "If you can win your grandfather today, the marriage that you escaped from marriage, I will call the shots and cancel it for you-but you don't regret it by then. it is good."

"Regret? I really want to marry that big fat woman. I really don't even have to take the regret medicine." Bai Yifan vomited, raising his hands for the first time, and his right hand should be Bai Dong to grab this throat One hand, directly slapped a palm.

This palm was so fast that Zhou Danian only had time to see an afterimage flashing by, and Bai Yifan's right palm was already facing Bai Donglai's right palm.

Two palms struck each other, but there was no sound of "pop" when ordinary people met their palms.

"Good boy!" Bai Donglai's drooping eyes suddenly lifted, and there was a glimmer of amazing flashes in his eyes, "I saw you and the neon player's game video before, and I knew your dark energy 'The skill is not shallow, I didn't expect it to have reached this point!"

Bai Yifan frowned, withdrew his right hand like lightning, and then slapped it out again like lightning.

The palms of the two were facing one another, and there was still no "pop" sound.

In Bai Donglai's eyes, at this moment, there was already deep surprise and disbelief.

Bai Yifan's brow frowned again, and he pulled his palm back for the third time.

This time, Bai Donglai simply didn't move, letting Bai Yifan's palm pat on his palm for the third time.

"Old monster!" Bai Yifan rolled his eyes silently, slipping under his feet, and he had retreated to the door. As long as he pulled his hand back, he could open the door and leave at any time.

Bai Donglai did not chase this time, but stood still, raised his right hand and looked and looked again. At the end, he let out a very happy laugh: "I dare to say that Grandpa is an old monster—I see You are the real little monster!"

He laughed and slammed his right hand.

His right palm slashed into the air.

At the same time, on a square stone pillar erected in the corner of the office, a small cracking sound suddenly came out.

Bai Yifan glanced away, and saw that this square stone pillar, ten steps away from Bai Donglai, had a shallow palm print at this time, but the stones around the palm print were intact, even a trace of cracks. Does not come out.

However, a thin layer of stone dust floated down on the ground where the square stone pillars stood.

"Dark power", this is the "dark power" that can only be practiced by a martial artist who has reached the level of a master of national martial arts. To use the proper terms in martial arts novels, it is "internal power" and "internal power".

The palm that Bai Donglai just took away from the air is not ordinary. It is the "anjin" he used to fight against Bai Yifan's three palms, together with the three "anjin" that Bai Yifan just shot into his palm. "At the same time, all condensed without sending out, flicking a palm through this gap, all drained out of the body.

This may not be a big deal, and some masters of the national arts can also do it.

However, Bai Donglai’s hand in the space just now hit the square stone pillar with four "dark powers", but he did not break the stone pillar at all, but directly shook the stone in the "palmprint" part. Broken into powder without causing any damage to other parts of the stone——

With just this amazing control power, even if a master of national arts slaps the square stone pillar directly with a palm, it may not be able to achieve such an effect. What's more, Bai Donglai's palm is still thrown out of the sky. !

Bai Yifan is a little bit convinced now that his domineering and cheap daddy Bai Shanhe is indeed likely to be beaten by the one in front of him, and he has also been broken a leg——

Horse, this old man's physical fitness is also abnormal!

A person who is almost 80 years old, his body can be so exaggerated!Rich is awesome!How about poor culture and wealth.

"Why, don't you fight anymore?" Bai Dong glanced at Bai Yifan and asked with a smile.

Bai Yifan snorted badly: "Fart! Could it be that I can really fight the old man? You want to cancel the marriage contract. Anyway, I will not marry a big fat woman with an'H' figure."

"Who told you that she is a big fat woman?" Bai Donglai looked at him amusedly, "You are the only grandson of Grandpa, and the only male of the main sect of the Bai family. Grandpa is counting on you to open branches for the Bai family. Ye, how could you find a fat woman to be your fiancee."

"Come on, want to lie to me back to Mi Jian?" Bai Yifan glanced at him disdainfully, "Don't even think about it."

Bai Donglai smiled and said, "It's your dad who wants to catch you back. This is a game between your father and son. Grandpa, I don't get involved."

He shook his head, walked back again, sat down, picked up the purple tea cup, took a sip of tea, and said slowly: "It's just that you have provoke the neon underworld and the Holy See in Europe at the same time, so I came here to explore. See your bottom, lest my precious grandson will be killed without knowing it."

He looked at Bai Yifan very pleasedly, his tone was full of surprises: "However, now I don’t worry about it. It’s only your secret power, unless the old tortoise of the pope goes crazy and directly sends the god. The people on the list come to China, otherwise other people won't be able to hurt your hair at all." ,,..

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