Almighty in the city

Chapter 194 Return to Shanghai

"I know the neon underworld, but what the hell is the Holy See in Europe?" Bai Yifan frowned, but the silent contest with Piero that night suddenly appeared in his mind, "Could it be that the Adolf family wants to restore Learn from Hitler to create another Nazi Europe?"

Bai Donglai's eyelids twitched slightly: "Why, have you fought against the remnants of the Adolf family?"

"Almost." Bai Yifan nodded, "The hypnosis methods are indeed endless, but the strength is too weak. Seeing that he has no intention of killing me, I let him go, but..."

He smiled: "He doesn't care with YIPS. If he wants to play with me, I took the opportunity to open a back door in his subconscious. After all, it is the Adolf family. I am also very curious. Maybe someday I will meet it. I can still get a little secret from his mouth that can satisfy my curiosity."

Bai Donglai smiled bitterly: "The remnants of hypnotizing the Adolf family--you can't figure it out! By the way, where did you learn your basketball skills and hypnotism?"

"Want to know?" Bai Yifan smiled and stretched, "Secretly."

Bai Donglai was amused and shook his head: "Since you have dealt with people from the Holy See, there are some things, so let's talk to you early."

Zhou Danian stood up and said, "Do you need me to avoid it?"

"No." Bai Donglai shook his head, "The Western Zhou bronze ware that caused you and me to get acquainted back then is actually related to the Holy See. It's just that at that time, Huaxia treated foreigners, especially foreigners in Europe and America. The entry-exit inspection was relatively strict, and at that time the China National Martial Arts Association had not split internally, and the Holy See had very few people sneaking into China."

"Later, with the reform and opening up, China gradually integrated with the world, and the control of visas and entry and exit of foreigners became more and more loose. Therefore, in recent years, according to my understanding, the number of people sent by the Holy See to China to do business has also increased. more."

"However, when the pope of their generation was sent in for a certain task by the previous pope forty years ago, he acted too arrogantly and angered a Wudang elder who was still a disciple at the time."

"It's also to blame for his luck. The elder who provokes him is a disciple of the Wu sect. The Wu sect disciples of Wudang are all violent, and they can fight from Wudang Mountain to the foot of Wudang Mountain without a word."

"Moreover, unlike the'Tai Chi' taught by the'Wen' disciples, the'Wu' disciples all learned the'Bajiquan' that can hurt one's muscles and bones. This generation of Pope had already practiced it at that time. "Quiet", it is just the little Taoist who is so proud and thinks that he can kneel in Wudang casually."

"As a result, I was beaten to pieces with the bones of both arms with'Bajiquan'. I fled all the way from Hubei to Zhejiang. I was almost chased by the Wudang faction elder and smashed out of shit, and finally fled back to Europe griefly. This period of experience has always been his heart disease, and it also made him very jealous of Huaxia. Even if the National Martial Arts Association split later, he did not dare to send people on the'God List' to China."

Speaking of this, Bai Donglai's face also showed a hint of amusement: "So in recent years, the Holy See has sent many people to find things, but they are all rules and regulations, and few dare to take the initiative. "

However, Zhou Danian understood a lot of things and asked, "Donglai, you mean, they are searching for China's national treasures and cultural relics on a large scale in China?"

"It's not necessarily a national treasure." Bai Donglai shook his head. "I still haven't figured out what the Holy See is looking for. However, if you can communicate with the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau and increase the security check, maybe Can give me some clues."

"Regarding the Holy See, my advice to you is—" He looked at Bai Yifan, "If it's okay, don't provoke it, but if you provoke it, hit it to death. The psychological shadow of their pope has actually been imperceptible over the years With the members of the Holy See, the harder your fist, the less they dare to look back and provoke you."

"It's boring." Bai Yifan shrugged, "I am most afraid of trouble."

"Just a reminder." Bai Donglai shook his head, and then asked, "When are you going back to Shanghai?"

"Why, you don't always want to follow it." Bai Yifan rolled his eyes back.

Bai Donglai smiled and said: "I just think that if you have nothing to do, you can practice with that project in Shanghai Disneyland."

Bai Yifan was speechless: "I am now'escape from marriage', you let me intervene in the business of the Bai Group?"

"The property under the Bai family's name will be handed over to you one day in the future--" Bai Donglai was talking, but was interrupted by Bai Yifan's impatient wave.

"Wait until that day." Bai Yifan looked at him, "Master, what else do you have? If not, I will leave now, maybe I can catch that flight."

Bai Donglai shook his head: "That's not there. This time, I mainly want to try your foundation. You are very good. It far exceeds my expectations. It is much better than your dad back then."

"Really nothing else?" Bai Yifan asked suspiciously.

Bai Donglai smiled and said, "It's really gone."

"That's all--" Bai Yifan waved at Zhou Danian, "Old Zhou, then I will leave first."

"Since it's here, let's go to the dinner together." Zhou Danian said.

"No, next time I come to Shanghai, I will invite you to dinner again." Bai Yifan said, glanced at Bai Donglai again, then opened the door with his backhand, lifted the suitcase outside, and walked outside.

He didn't believe that Bai Donglai came to Yanjing specially this time, just to try his kung fu foundation——

This group of old foxes, one more insidious and powerful explosion, should stay away as early as possible to avoid trouble.,, ..

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