Almighty in the city

Chapter 196 Dinner

Familiar community, familiar atmosphere, at the moment when the door was opened and entered 19B, everyone felt a moment of relaxation, a moment of fatigue, a kind of faint worry and helplessness and peace of return to life.

"I suggest that we should go to Eundi's house for dinner at night!" While waiting for the elevator, Fairy Qu suddenly raised his hand and said.

As soon as she said, all the girls except Hu Yifei and Chen Meijia suddenly remembered the delicious dinner that Bai Yifan had previously taken care of, and they couldn't help but feel refreshed.

"Agree!" Lin Wanyu raised his hand first.

"Agree!" Fan Xiaomei followed closely behind.



Xiaoqiu and Xiaoguan raised their hands almost at the same time. They looked at each other and both looked at Bai Yifan, and let out a silver bell-like laugh.

"Old Bai." Eucalyptus also looked at Bai Yifan, and said with a smile, "It seems that you have to work hard again at night."

Bai Yifan rolled his eyes silently to them.

Hu Yifei said, "Lao Bai still cooks?"

Lin Wanyu "chuckled" and laughed: "It's more than just cooking. Lao Bai's cooking skills can kill a Michelin five-star chef-home cooking has made him the world's top cuisine. You say he is not amazing. ?"

"Wow!" Chen Meijia immediately stared, "You can get out of the hall, enter the kitchen, play tennis, fight hooligans-the key is tall and handsome, and your body is so impeccable! Lao Bai, you are like a man. The best, the best in the best!"

"Damn, don't you, the local tyrant, don't you—" Lu Ziqiao said with a look of contempt, "You are too much! You simply leave a way for our male compatriots!"

After a pause, he suddenly raised his hand: "However, if you can make us eat well at night, as a male compatriot, I won't care about you, how about it?"

Bai Yifan looked at them speechlessly: "The co-authors are wrong with me, right? I knew it, I shouldn't have helped you cook last time."

"Hehe, who told you to be so skilled." Lin Wanyu grimaced.

"It's hard work for those who can, who told you to be my elder Bai, isn't the elder used to'eat'?" Fairy Qu licked her lips provocatively.

Eucalyptus gave her a dumbfounded look: "Do you want to eat, or are you planning to eat people?"

The elevator just came down in the room while laughing.

Everyone filed in.

"At six o'clock in the evening, at 2201 Eucalyptus's house, everyone comes to dinner on time." Qu Yaojing said, "I will order a few bottles of red wine in a moment, and we will have French cuisine tonight!"

Bai Yifan gave her a roll of eyes: "You really treat me as a Michelin chef. I'm still ordering food. I haven't promised to make this meal yet."

"Oh -" Qu Ye Jing immediately stuck her whole body, holding his arm, almost completely attached to it, rubbing against it, and said coquettishly, "You see everyone is out of trouble, and specially asked for leave to go to Yanjing. I’m cheering you on. It’s reasonable for you to give us a French meal."

Bai Yifan only felt that the arm held by her was tickled, and he said helplessly, "Then I will call back and find a restaurant that specializes in cooking, and let them prepare a dinner for 13 people. , Bring it here."

"No." Fairy Qu continued to act like a baby, "I want you to do it for us."

Then, she looked at the women on the 22nd floor: "What do you think?"

"Brother Bai, just do it for us." Lin Wanyu also imitated her, acting like a baby.

Fan Xiaomei smiled and pursed her mouth, half jokingly said: "Otherwise, when we finish cooking, how about our sisters'rewarding' you together?"

"Lao Bai, tonight, you are afraid that you can't deal with it." Eucalyptus is also smiling, "It's better to come to the chef."

Bai Yifan smiled bitterly, glanced at Eucalyptus, and said: "I think you are so full of smoke and fire, where is the appearance of the'iceberg beauty' at the beginning."

Eucalyptus pursed his lips and chuckled.

While talking, the elevator has reached the 22nd floor.

The fairy Qu directly announced: "In this way, everyone will go back to take a bath and sleep. Then I am responsible for ordering red wine, Eucalyptus and Wan Yu are responsible for the evening venue and tableware, Yi Fei is responsible for buying the seasonings, Elder Bai is responsible for the spoons, and the rest are responsible. Buy groceries!"

Zeng Xiaoxian was a little confused, raised his hand and asked: "I don't know what ingredients are in French cuisine. May I ask, how to buy and where to buy? It must be impossible to buy in the nearby vegetable market, right?"

Qu Yaojing despised: "Teacher Zeng, you are also a'celebrity' in the Shanghai broadcasting industry anyway. You can't even handle such a simple problem?"

"Ingredients are easy to handle, I know where to buy." Lu Ziqiao raised his hand, "But, may I ask who will reimburse the expenses?"

"You have made a lot of money just by selling scalper tickets these days, right?" Qu Yaojing looked at him, "Of course the expenses are reimbursed by you. For this evening meal, Xier invited us to eat!"

Lu Ziqiao was taken aback: "Eh, no, I sold my own ticket--"

Hu Yifei squeezed her fist and made a "gege" sound at the joints: "If Xi'er couldn't come back, and you took her ticket, how could you sell your own ticket as a scalper-less nonsense, Go out in a while, you bring money!"

"Then it's so happy to decide." Qu Yaojing smiled at Lu Ziqiao who was crying, "Then, everyone on the 23rd floor, see you at six in the evening."

"See you or leave." Hu Yifei and Chen Meijia smiled and shook their hands at the seven people who had walked out of the elevator.

The elevator closes and continues to rise towards the 23rd floor.

Vaguely, everyone heard the wailing of Lu Ziqiao coming from the elevator: "My hard-earned money—"

Bai Yifan smiled, shook his head, and opened 2204's door.

As soon as he closed the door and entered the house, his cell phone rang.

"Lao Tan, your call is really punctual." Bai Yifan answered the phone and said with a smile, "I just returned to 2204, the door was closed, and your call came over-what's the matter? "

"Do you have anything to do with Lao's family?" Tan Zongming's voice rang.

Bai Yifan frowned, but did not answer his question. Instead, he asked: "What's wrong?"

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