Almighty in the city

Chapter 197 Something happened to Old Sao

"The Lao family's recent situation is not so good." On the phone, Tan Zongming didn't go around and said straightforwardly, "Sorry, I sent someone to check you before, but nothing was found. But you live in house 2204. I happened to know the original owner, Roussao."

Bai Yifan said with an "um". He didn't feel any special emotions about Tan Zongming's sending someone to investigate him. He was neither angry nor inappropriate.

After all, an old fox like Tan Zongming who has floated in the sea of ​​commerce, whether out of curiosity or protecting himself and the pedicles, will surely check all the household information on the 22nd floor.

This has nothing to do with whether you are a friend or not, it's just an instinctive habit of old foxes like him who are used to seeing intrigues in the sea of ​​business.

Hearing Bai Yifan’s usual tone of "um", Tan Zongming was relieved, with a smile on his face: "During the days when you went to Yanjing, there was a dragon from Shanghai, and when you came up, you stepped on the local Shanghai. Several large companies in China want to directly open up the Shanghai market through forced mergers and acquisitions."

"Guo Jianglong--" Bai Yifan frowned, and immediately thought of a suspect, "The Bai Group?"

"How could it be!" Tan Zongming on the other end of the phone laughed a little dumbfounded, "If it's the Bai Group, my Shengxuan is just a little ant in the eyes of others. How can it be qualified to call them "Guojianglong" . Moreover, Bai’s Group and Disney are already working together to build Disneyland. Once this project is 10%, they will be able to come in and expand the Shanghai market anytime, anywhere—for fear that Shanghai will not be in their sight."

Bai Yifan nodded, the expression on his face eased slightly.

At the moment Tan Zongming said "crossing the river", he thought it was Lao Sao helping him to "evacuate". The people in the Bai group knew about it and reported it to his cheap father, which caused the Bai family's revenge.

If this is the case, Bai Yifan will definitely turn his face on the spot, and use the strongest attitude to give his cheap daddy Bai Shanhe a "war letter".

Since it was not the Bai Group, the qi that had risen in his heart had disappeared a lot.

"What the hell is going on?" Bai Yifan asked.

"Have you heard of the company "Xinda Investment"?" Tan Zongming asked.

"I am not familiar with domestic companies, you know, I just came back from Mi Jian." Bai Yifan said.

Tan Zongming was not surprised either. He just explained on the phone: “This is an investment company with a somewhat complicated background. Although the company is private, half of the shares belong to a central enterprise called China Construction Materials Group. ."

After a pause, he continued: "Xinda Investment was established ten years ago, but through crazy expansion, it has grown into a giant. Its main business, or investment direction, is real estate in various parts of the country. Because there are With the background of general shares of central enterprises, they can easily borrow a large amount of funds, and then crazy enough to buy'land kings' across the country, speculate in land prices, and speculate in housing prices.

“It’s no secret that domestic state-owned enterprises and state-owned enterprises are speculating in real estate and real estate.” Bai Yifan frowned and said, “However, Lao’s family is not a real estate business. Although it also invests in real estate, it’s not a secret. It’s not their main business, how could you get into this Xinda investment?"

Tan Zongming sighed on the other end of the phone, "Everyone is not guilty, and they are guilty of their crimes."

"You mean, which piece of land does Xinda Investment have taken a fancy to the Lao's family?" Bai Yifan asked.

"Yes." Tan Zongming nodded, "They have taken a fancy to the land of the headquarters of Lao's'Silver Wing Group' and want to ask Lao's to buy it."

Bai Yifan sneered: "Go directly to buy the land where the company's headquarters is located? Is the boss of Xinda Investment a brain-dead? Unless the head of the laboring family has a brain, or the ghost will sell it to them."

Tan Zongming sighed: “Of course it’s impossible to sell it. It’s me. If someone wants to buy the land of the headquarters of Shengxuan, I will slap him directly and let him go as far as he can. This is no longer a business. Instead, they came and slapped me in the face."

Bai Yifan nodded: "Lao's family refused to sell the land, and Xinda Investment wanted to forcibly annex and acquire Lao's Yinyi Group? As far as I know, Yinyi Group should not be listed?"

"Really not." Tan Zongming said, "but this does not mean that the Silver Wing Group has no internal equity distribution. Moreover, even if the Laojia is 100% holding, as long as there is enough strength, it can complete this forced merger and acquisition."

Bai Yifan's fingers holding the mobile phone tightened slightly, and his expression was also gloomy: "You mean, think of a way to drain the cash flow of the Silver Wing Group, and then force them to reorganize their assets?"

"Yes." Tan Zongming nodded. "In the past week, Xinda Investment has already done something to three local companies in Shanghai, and Laojia's Yinyi Group is just one of them. Their methods are dirty, but very effective."

"So, Silver Wing Group has no way to lend money from the bank." Bai Yifan frowned, "I remember that they should be mainly engaged in export business, they want to drain their cash flow, just block the loan channels. It’s not enough, we have to find a way to restrict their exports."

A look of surprise appeared on Tan Zongming's face. He did not expect that Bai Yifan would know the doorway so clearly.

At the moment, he nodded and said on the phone: "Yes, Xinda Investment, through the central enterprises behind them, not only blocked the Silver Wing Group’s loan channels, but also colluded with the customs and found an excuse to temporarily hold their exports. Goods. According to our estimates, at most three months, if they fail to break this situation, their cash flow will be completely exhausted. At that time, all factories will be shut down, even if they lay off workers, they will not last long. One is not good, and even bankruptcy It's not impossible." ,, ..

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