Almighty in the city

Chapter 198 The Second Call

"Lao Tan, you call me this. It's from the Lao family. I beg you?" The two had communicated on the phone until now. If Bai Yifan couldn't guess the intention of Tan Zongming's call, then he was not Bai Yifan.

Tan Zongming on the other end of the phone nodded: "Yes, the three companies that were brutally dealt with by Xinda Investment, including the Silverwing Group of the Lao Family, are looking for ways around these days, hoping to overcome this difficulty."

"Then what do you mean?" Bai Yifan asked.

Tan Zongming smiled on the phone: "I am a businessman, and one of the businessman's principles is to'make money with harmony'. Since this Xinda investment did not provoke my Shengxuan, I originally did not intend to interfere. However, Since the Lao’s family has something to do with you, as long as you speak up, I’ll help them if they do."

"The other party has a background in central enterprises." Bai Yifan smiled, "You dare to mess with it?"

Tan Zongming smiled and said: "In Shanghai, there are many companies that are not afraid of the background of central enterprises. It just so happens that my Shengxuan and I are one of them."

"Cannibals have short mouths and be soft." Bai Yifan smiled, "You don't owe so much favor."

"This time, I will pay back your favor." Tan Zongming said, "I have benefited a lot from the "Nine-Dragon Emperor's Seal" last time, but it is not a Land Rover bulletproof car.

"I'll think about it first, and call you later." Bai Yifan said.

"Okay." Tan Zongming didn't ask any more, and the two chatted casually before hanging up the phone.

Bai Yifan approached the study, opened the laptop, and at the same time dialed the cell phone number that Lao Sao used to contact him.

"Why, enough in Yanjing, are you ready to come back?" The phone was connected, and Lao Sao's teasing voice came from the phone, "I heard that you brought a whole harem regiment this time. Tsk tsk, long It's cool to be handsome."

"Don't be poor." Bai Yifan shook his head, changed the phone to his left hand, and started to operate the mouse with his right hand. "I just came back today and heard that your Silverwing Group is in trouble. How, is it serious? "

"Small things." Lao Sao's voice couldn't hear any sorrow at all. "Whoever mixes in the mall, who doesn't have a few troubles every day."

Bai Yifan has clicked on a webpage at this time, which is a detailed introduction and most of the information about Xinda Investment.

The shared databases of the five major Chinese incognito families contain information on more than ninety-nine percent of companies in the world. The larger the company, the more detailed the information.

These data will be updated every seven days. It can be said that it is the most comprehensive company database in the world so far.

Bai Yifan browsed the content on the webpage and frowned when he heard Lao Sao's pretending to be relaxed, "Really all right?"

"It's really okay." Lao Sao's tone couldn't hear any abnormality. It seemed that it was the same tone as when talking to him on weekdays. "Don't see the wind or rain. Our family in Shanghai can be considered a big business. , If you get killed by someone casually, that would be a joke. You, just run away from your marriage, don’t care about the nostalgia, don’t forget, the Bai Group already has a large number of people stationed in it. Shanghai, it is estimated that the world has been looking for you for several days."

"That's fine, if you encounter a problem that can't be solved, just call me." Bai Yifan said, "Although I can't mobilize the power of my family, there are still many local tyrants in the Middle East."

"Okay, buddy remembered what you said." Old Sao smiled, "Anything else? If not, just hang up first — buddy is so busy every day, and now I have to To meet a client."

Bai Yifan nodded: "Okay, you are busy, please contact me if you have anything."

Hanging up the phone, looking at various information about Xinda Investment on the laptop screen, a sneer flashed across his face.

At this moment, the mobile phone he had just put on the desk suddenly rang again.

Bai Yifan picked it up and found that it was a strange number.

The moment the call was connected, he frowned slightly.

Because the person who called was actually his cheap father Bai Shanhe.

"It's amazing, you would actually call me?" Bai Yifan's face showed a joking smile in an instant.

On the phone, Bai Shanhe's faint voice came: "Why, dad can't call his son?"

"Let’s talk about the important point." Bai Yifan shrugged, leaning comfortably on the back of his chair, "Everything does not go to the Three Treasures Hall, let alone the two of us are still facing the game, according to your personality, call this phone, sure. Nothing good."

"Hehe." Bai Shanhe didn't feel angry, but laughed, "Knowing son Mo Ruozi, knowing father Mo Ruozi-have you met the old man?"

"See you." Bai Yifan replied lazily, "The old man said that I am doing well now, so that I can develop well in China, and I won't have to return to Mijian in the near future."

"Really?" Bai Shanhe didn't seem to care about this obvious nonsense, and just said lightly, "Since the old man said it, then you have fun in China."

Bai Yifan said "Oh", "Is it so cheap for me?"

"Otherwise, you are my son after all. Can I find someone to kill you?" Bai Shanhe said lightly.

Bai Yifan smiled: "Then you have to find someone who can kill me."

"Don't be poor when you are done." Bai Shanhe's voice increased slightly, "I am calling you to tell you three things-first, about the marriage contract, the old man told me, it's up to you. So I won’t force you to get engaged anymore, just don’t regret it.”

"Second, since the marriage contract has been settled, you should go back to MIT to school for me. In addition, play less tennis, basketball, football and other children's sports, and practice the family martial arts more when you have time. The Tang family’s Xiaoguo is one and a half years younger than you, but he has already developed his'secret energy'. Look at yourself, do you feel Xiu ashamed?

"Third, I heard that the little fat man's family was in trouble. As long as you return to school, I will help their family take care of this trouble."

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