Almighty in the city

Chapter One Hundred Ninety Nine

"It turned out to be to threaten me." Bai Yifan smiled, "You are already a few dozen years old, and you still play such a naive game. It's quite childlike."

"You can think about it." Bai Shanhe was not angry, but his tone was a little more majestic. "The company of the little fat man's family has already burned his eyebrows. If no one gives them their heads, it will be less than three months. , They will be finished. If I let the Bai Group burn another fire, I am afraid they will not even survive the end of this month."

"Holding is not a threat to change?" Bai Yifan shrugged, "Do you think this naive trick works for me?"

On the other end of the phone, Bai Shanhe nodded affirmatively: "Of course! I said it, knowing the son Mo Ruo father. You rebellious son, rebellious and rebellious, but after all, you have the blood of our Bai family. To true friends, It's impossible to see the dead without saving."

"Awesome, you can see this." Bai Yifan smiled, "However, why should you threaten you for nothing that I can save? In addition, I don't want to be a prodigal, so I give you one. Suggestion-don't rush to let the Baishi Group take a shot, first look at the next fate of Xinda Investment before deciding whether to piss me off.

"What do you mean?" Bai Shanhe's suspicious voice came on the phone.

Bai Yifan smiled and said: "What do you mean? Let the guy in charge of the Disney project in Shanghai pay attention to the recent stock price changes of Xinda Investment. Within three days, you will know what I mean."

He paused, and before hanging up the phone, he added: "Friendly reminder, I can let Xinda Investment, which has a background of central enterprises, make a profit in the domestic A-share market, so that Bai Group can fall in the global stock markets. The same fate—but this is too ruin after all, so better not to force me."

After speaking, he didn't care what Bai Shanhe's reaction was, he hung up the phone.

Throwing the phone on the desk, Bai Yifan re-clicked on a search engine webpage, and then entered a domestic stock trading software from China.

After downloading and installing, he clicked on the stock trading software and entered the name of Xinda Investment.

The screen on the laptop screen flashed, and the interface of the stock trading software had entered the stock page of Xinda Investment.

"Tsk tsk, the background of central enterprises, so awesome." Bai Yifan sneered, calling out the virtual screen of the "strongest card king system".

He hasn't used this system for several days since he started to "lie down" in a tennis match.

At this time, he called up the virtual screen, swiped his finger on it, and quickly selected a primary card——

[Black Card (Elementary)], using the effect, you can choose a stock at will, you can make it directly lower the limit, the effect lasts for 24 hours, and can be accumulated.

"Good things, good things." Bai Yifan raised the corner of his mouth and dropped five [Black Card (Junior)] against the "Xinda Investment" stock.

In the interface of the stock trading software, the K-line chart of the stock that was originally rising all the way, after Bai Yifan threw five [Black Cards (Elementary)], unexpectedly a "cliff-like" drop occurred in an instant, directly From an increase of 3%, within a few seconds, it became a decrease of 10%——

It happens to be a lower limit.

"If you are not a listed company, I might have to think of another way, but since it is a listed company, it is too simple." Bai Yifan turned off the stock trading software, pushed aside his chair and got up, and walked to the bathroom— —

After waiting for five days, let Xinda Investment have five consecutive limits, and then contact their big boss to have a discussion.

As for now, it's better to take a bath and sleep.

In a private club in downtown Shanghai, many local entrepreneurs from Shanghai are gathering together.

Tan Zongming is also on the list.

This gathering was initiated by the chairman of Xinda Investment. It was stated that he wanted to contact the local gangsters in Shanghai, but the actual purpose, everyone present at this time was clear. .

Obviously, Xinda Investment is a courtesy first and then a soldier. First, I will persuade them not to interfere in the affairs of the three companies. If someone does not listen to persuasion and insists on intervening, then Xinda Investment will have a direct move. The excuse of the knife.

"Old Tan, those three should come to you." A man who was just in his early forties, who was between a young and middle-aged, who seemed to have such a dull taste, took a glass of champagne and walked to Tan Zongming's. Around.

Tan Zongming glanced at him. This man is the youngest son of a Shanghai real estate tycoon, named Lu Yuefeng, a well-known brother in Huachang.

This time Xinda Investment entered Shanghai in such a brutal way, and one of the most threatening people was him.

"I really beg for me." Tan Zongming clinked glasses with him, and said lightly.

Lu Yuefeng swept his gaze around, followed, lowering his voice and said, "Then what do you think?"

"Consider it." Tan Zongming still said lightly, without leaking words.

"This Xinda is still going through Jianglong, but it really wants them to gain a foothold in Shanghai, but they will become a hungry tiger that can't be fed." Lu Yuefeng said in a deep voice, "My old man wants to unite a group of people. Drive them out of Shanghai, I wonder if you are interested in Lao Tan."

Tan Zongming raised his eyebrows slightly as he was about to speak, but a voice came from a distance: "President Tan, Master Lu, what are you talking about?"

The two turned their heads in response to the sound, and saw a young man with a greasy face, walking towards them with a glass of red wine.

Lu Yuefeng raised his eyelids: "It is Xinda's son-in-law Zhao Lingfeng. I heard that he is a'hungry ghost in color'."

Tan Zongming glanced at him amusedly. He really didn't know where his courage came from, and he dared to say that others were "hungry ghosts in sex".

Zhao Lingfeng walked this way triumphantly, when suddenly, the phone in his pocket rang.

After he took out to connect, he only listened to it for less than ten seconds, and his face changed from being smug in the spring breeze to a clouded cloud, and he didn't even care to say a few words with Tan Zongming and Lu Yuefeng, and put the wine glass in his hand on the nearest table Once lost, he hurriedly walked out of the clubhouse.,, ..

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