Almighty in the city

Chapter 201 A Selfie

As the only cuisine in the world that can be compared with Chinese cuisine, Gaul cuisine attaches great importance to the use of ingredients.

"You can't make good dishes with inferior ingredients" is a well-known saying in Gaul cuisine.

Bai Yifan inspected the ingredients he bought, and found that although they were not top-notch products, the quality was still at the "good" level, but Lu Ziqiao's wallet was not wasted.

The one who came to help him, the top recommendation was Xiaomei Fan, and she was probably the only one who knew how to cook.

Xiao Guan wanted to come up to help, but he was "squeezed" down by Qu Fairy and Lin Wanyu, who were in the midst of finding a sign.

Bai Yifan watched the two "spoil" the good ingredients there, and couldn't see it anymore, and forcibly replaced Xiao Guan and Xiao Qiu.

Fairy Qu had nothing to do, so he asked, "Elder Bai, what are you going to do with French cuisine today?"

"What else can I do? Of course I use the ingredients you bought." Bai Yifan smiled. "French cuisine is nothing but three things that are invulnerable-black truffle, caviar, and foie gras. The black truffle you bought Both the caviar and the caviar are third-class products. Only the foie gras is not bad. I work harder and can barely make the level of a Michelin five-star restaurant.

"Really?" Fairy Qu didn't believe it, "I've seen all the ingredients they bought. It's pretty good."

Bai Yifan glanced at her: "You don't even know what the five grains are. If you can tell the quality of the ingredients, then the chefs of the Michelin restaurant can go and eat."

"Eh~~~~~~~" Lin Wanyu jumped up and scratched his face, "Can you not say disgusting things when cooking, how can you make us have an appetite for a while?"

Bai Yifan smiled and started to heat the pot, ready to cook.

Orthodox French cuisine has five or six dishes, but today there are too many ingredients to buy, and Bai Yifan does not follow the "palace style" of Gaul for cooking.

"The essence of French cuisine lies in the sauce. A good sauce can enhance the flavor and taste of the food itself. Therefore, how to make the best sauce depends on the chef's skill." Bai Yifan said, starting to burn. On the hot pan, prepare the sauce for cooking today.

He is going to cook a total of eight dishes today-

Salmon roe steamed egg with hollandaise sauce, shrimp and avocado salad, boiled escargot and foie gras sauce, sizzling steak, grilled sea bream with nuclear basil sauce, sizzling lamb chops, lentil soup, and high Lu Baitao is served with homemade vanilla ice cream, and red peach made with raspberry sauce, red currants and mulberries, and vanilla ice cream.

Frankly speaking, French cuisine is more complicated. In addition to Huaxia’s most famous "Man Han Banquet", even Huaxia dishes for general banquets are not as troublesome.

Fortunately, Bai Yifan has a prop card by his side, and he has always been able to handle all of this with ease.

For more than an hour, eight French dishes were all prepared.

Originally, Bai Yifan was going to follow the order of French cuisine and let everyone eat one by one.

As a result, when the first salmon roe steamed egg with hollandaise sauce came up, the situation on the table immediately became confused.

It showed that Lu Ziqiao entered a state of violent eating, and then, under his influence, Zeng Xiaoxian, Lu Zhanbo, and Guan Gu Miqiang also entered a state of violent walking.

Then the girls held back for a moment and saw these four guys who were reborn as starving ghosts, no matter whether it was their own food or not, Feng Juan Canyun wiped out one dish and immediately switched to the next one.

Seeing these four shameless people, they killed three plates in five minutes. Among the girls, the big devil Hu Yifei couldn't help but joined the ranks of the rampage.

Then there was Xiao Qiu, a big foodie, and after putting aside his restraint, it was almost even more fierce than Lu Ziqiao and Zeng Xiaoxian combined.

Driven by these two women, Qu Yaojing, Lin Wanyu, Chen Meijia, Fan Xiaomei, Xiaoguan and Eucalyptus also joined this state of eating sea food.

The crowded dining table seemed to instantly turn into a battlefield filled with smoke.

Everyone is desperately "fighting", occupying "positions" and destroying "enemies" one by one.

Bai Yifan watched with a wry smile. He only had time to eat a portion of boiled escargot and foie gras sauce and a portion of sizzling steak. Other dishes, including the bowl of caviar, were all snatched by Lin Wanyu and Qu Fairy sitting on his side. It's clean.

After eating, the women began to grab food. Lu Ziqiao, Zeng Xiaoxian, Lu Zhanbo, and Guan Gu looked at the empty plate in front of them miraculously, and then looked at the delicacies left by the women. They were a little eager to move. As soon as he was ready to do it, he was suppressed by Hu Yifei with absolute force.

A French meal can be described as thrilling and majestic.

When they found that there was no more food, everyone came to a sense of loss of sanity.

At this soberness, everyone smiled bitterly, because they found that they were actually struggling again.

"Hey, my beauty sensation, I am afraid it is going to be pushed back today." Fan Xiaomei touched her slightly swollen belly, suddenly a little amused, and pointed to the women, "Hey, look, we don’t look like a group now A pregnant woman who just got pregnant?"

With a "pouch", the champagne Qu Fairy had just put in her mouth spouted out.

Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Hu Yifei for the first time, but when he saw the fist raised by the big devil, he was as witty as him, but he suffocated his smile, but squeezed his face so that it was almost purple.

"Sisters, why not take a group selfie." Fan Xiaomei suggested, "It is estimated that in the future, we will not be able to be like this at the same time."

"You guys, I don't want to do it." Qu Yaojing shook his head repeatedly, "I am a woman who is determined to practice from A4 waist to bee waist. How can I leave the stains in my life."

"If you want to get dirty, everyone will get dirty together." Lin Wanyu "chuckled" and laughed, "I think it's quite interesting! Sister Eundi, let's take a picture."

The picture of this night was finally frozen in this selfie in the Apple phone.

The girls in the photo have different smiles, but they all show a lot of styles. ,, ..

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