Almighty in the city

Chapter 202 Big Breast Sister?

In the early morning of the next day, at half past six, the powerful biological clock awakened Bai Yifan in his sleep on time.

As usual, after washing up and changing into sportswear for morning running, he put on professional running shoes and opened the door of 2204.

However, this time, he did not see Eucalyptus.

Yesterday, these eight girls really ate too much. Not to mention Xiaoqiu and the others, they are the eucalyptus who usually eat not much. Yesterday they also ate a full six main dishes, plus the first bowl of caviar, almost I have eaten all the French dishes from last night, and the portion is two to three times the amount of her usual dinner.

Excessive eating obviously affected her body clock.

Not to mention her, even Hu Yifei, a great athlete, is a rare bedridden today.

Bai Yifan took the elevator down to the first floor by himself. When he started to run in the morning, he couldn't help but think of the "Xiaoguo" that Bai Shanhe mentioned on the phone yesterday.

Tang Guo of the Tang family, one of the five great Chinese incognito families, is two and a half years younger than him. He is a big foodie like Xiao Qiu who can keep his mouth open 24 hours a day.

However, the five major Chinese incognito families all have their own family traditions. Once they have developed the "dark energy", let alone the food intake of last night, even if they are ten times or twenty times more, the body can fully digest them. Come on.

However, compared with their Bai family's national martial arts, there is a special price comparison in the Tang family's ——

The Bai family, since their ancestors created this family, and it has been passed down to the present, there is only one line left in the world. Although there are main sects and side branches, in fact, the blood of the main sect and side branches are also in the five servers. Inside.

However, the Tang family is different. In addition to the Tang family in Chinatown, there is also a larger "Tang family" in the world-Tangmen in Shuzhong.

Since the beginning of the Republic of China, the Tang family, one of the five great Chinese families with anonymity, has been arguing with the Tang Sect in Sichuan, China over the question of who is the master and who is the side branch.

Tang Yunfeng, the current Patriarch of the Tang family, was young and energetic, and even drove through the entire Bashu area alone, turning that area upside down. He even brought Qingcheng and Emei, the two national martial arts sects with a long history of heritage, to him Blood mold.

The Sichuan Wushu Association still has a wanted order for him. It is clear that as long as Tang Yunfeng dares to set foot in Sichuan, he will fight against him regardless of the rules and morals, until the bastard dares not come to Sichuan in this life.

Thinking of Tang Yunfeng’s “brilliant deeds”, Bai Yifan couldn’t help but feel a bit amused. He was a little curious about what the current Patriarch of the Tang family did in the past that was infuriating between people and gods, leading the Sichuan Wushu Association to directly treat him as a “public enemy of the martial arts”. Up.

"But that girl, Xiaoguo, is also amazing. She is silent, and she has actually developed'dark power'." Bai Yifan smiled and shook his head, speeding up the jogging.

After three laps, the time was almost ten minutes faster than before.

He glanced at 19B and saw that Eucalyptus and Hu Yifei have not come down yet, knowing that they are not planning to run in the morning today.

Shaking his head, Bai Yifan walked towards the familiar breakfast shop.

Just walked out of the gate of the community, a black whirlwind passed by.

Bai Yifan's reaction is not comparable to that of ordinary people. The instinct of the body, when the brain starts to think, has already taken his body to take a step back.

Then, he saw the true face of this black whirlwind——

A man wearing black clothes and black pants, wearing a black helmet, riding a black motorcycle.

At this time, this man was driving his Yamaha heavy motorcycle and had already dashed onto the sidewalk on both sides of the gate of the community.

His riding speed is extremely fast, regardless of whether there is anyone on the sidewalk, he just keeps rushing forward.

Pedestrians on the road gave way, some screamed and some scolded their mothers.

Several pedestrians who could not evade were even knocked out.

Bai Yifan frowned.

Although this community is not in the center of Shanghai, it is also in a prosperous area in the urban area. Motorcycles are absolutely forbidden here, not to mention the explosion of this kind of heavy-duty locomotives per hour comparable to ordinary supercars.

Moreover, judging from the reaction of this "black man", it seems that there is a sense of panic.

"Isn't it a fugitive?" Bai Yifan shrugged and smiled, without thinking, he continued to walk towards the breakfast shop.

He is not a nosy person. As he said before, his hobbies are "lazy" and "sleeping." If it wasn't for the help of friends or people around him, he would simply be too lazy to do many things.

For example, at this time, for this "locomotive man" who had at least violated the traffic law and public safety law, he had no intention to find the roots. After being curious, when he entered the breakfast shop, he had already This man and his Yamaha heavy locomotive were thrown into Java.

"Boss, as usual." Bai Yifan entered the breakfast shop, found a spot and sat down.

"There is no beautiful woman to accompany you today." The owner of the breakfast shop is a middle-aged uncle. At this time, he looked outside and found neither Eucalyptus nor Hu Yifei. He immediately laughed and joked to him, "No Is there a fire in the backyard?"

Bai Yifan smiled and said, "I ate too much last night, I guess I slept too late and couldn't get up in the morning."

"Haha." The middle-aged uncle laughed, and didn't know if he believed him, or thought he was trying to cover it up.

Flatbread fried dough stick tofu brain, plus a drawer of Xiaolongbao.

Just when Bai Yifan was about to start eating, a person sat down opposite, and a faint fragrance made Bai Yifan, who hadn't raised his head, realized that this was a woman.

"This gentleman, I am a policeman, and I want to ask you a few questions, hoping to cooperate with my work." A thin hand dangled a police officer's card before Bai Yifan's eyes just raised his head.

"Lin Yujing?" Bai Yifan drank the tofu brain in his mouth, his eyes swept over the photo of the police officer's ID card, his eyebrows were suddenly raised, his gaze skipped the police officer's ID card and stopped on the body of the uninvited guest. ?" ,, ..

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