Almighty in the city

Chapter 203 Please have breakfast

At this moment, Bai Yifan really feels that his experience after crossing will be so colorful——

On the international flight back to China from their marriage, I met Eucalyptus and Lin Wanyu by chance, but the three of them were still next to each other.

After arriving in Shanghai, the "refuge" arranged by the fat man, Lao Sao, turned out to be the 22nd floor of 19B of Happy Community.

As soon as I took the elevator to the 22nd floor, I ran into the fairy Qu wearing high heels and holding a tennis racket to "PK" with people, and then Xiaoqiu and Xiaoguan in 2202.

After being pulled by the Qu fairy to play the ball, the referee turned out to be Chen Fusheng, the former coach of the China National Tennis Team. After playing the ball, he returned to the elevator of 2204 and happened to meet Fan Xiaomei.

He Qu Fairy went out to have a meal, unexpectedly re-encountered Eucalyptus and Lin Wanyu, and also met Tan Zongming for the first time, and the calculated Zeng Xiaoxian.

I was dragged by Lin Wanyu to the love apartment that was about to be demolished, and finally I met Lu Ziqiao, followed by Shun Shuo, and met Chen Meijia, Hu Yifei, Lu Zhanbo and Guan Gu.

However, Chen Fusheng begged to go to Yanjing to help the national team to fight the fire. On the plane, he accidentally ran into Lin Xier, and because of the hijacking incident, Nizibi was forced to do so.

Originally, he thought all these encounters were full of drama. Unexpectedly, he came down for a morning jog by himself today and came to this breakfast shop for breakfast as usual, and unexpectedly met an "old acquaintance". ——

"How come there is a feeling of'protagonist halo' shrouded suddenly?" Bai Yifan shook his head and chuckled, muttering to himself. He only found it interesting and wanted to laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" Lin Yujing's voice, with a hint of doubt, passed into his ears at this moment.

Bai Yifan raised his head and looked carefully at the beautiful police flower sitting across the table. His eyes gradually descended from her delicate facial features, passing over her swan-like white tender and graceful neck, falling on a light blue that looked a little loose. Chiffon shirt.

The chiffon shirt was open, revealing the white wide-shoulder bottoming shirt inside.

This white wide-shoulder bottoming shirt was worn on her body, slightly taut, making the white cloth under the hanging shoulders look extraordinarily full.

"Sure enough to be a'big breasted sister'." Bai Yifan said to himself with emotion.

The next moment, his keen perception had already told him that the beautiful police flower sitting opposite, at that moment, exuded a faint anger.

"Have you seen enough?" There was a hint of coldness in Lin Yujing's voice.

Bai Yifan smiled slightly and said: "Sorry, I was thinking about something just now and I accidentally lost my mind."

Looking at his pale smile and clear water-like eyes, Lin Yujing was taken aback for a moment, not knowing why, she actually believed his words in her heart.

However, when she looked down at Bai Yifan's gaze, her face became cold again--

Men really are animals who think with Heermon, even this one in front of them is no exception, it is really blind to this handsome face.

She coldly put away her police officer ID, pulled the light blue chiffon shirt on her body, and covered the white wide-shoulder bottoming shirt inside: "Ask you some questions, hope You can answer truthfully and cooperate with our police in handling the case."

Bai Yifan nodded and said with a smile: "Do you want to ask the man in black clothes, black pants and black helmet riding a black Yamaha heavy motorcycle?"

Lin Yujing looked at him with a hint of surprise, nodded, and asked suspiciously: "Do you know that person?"

"I don't know." Bai Yifan shook his head, "However, this is downtown Shanghai. Not to mention this kind of heavy motorcycles, even ordinary motorcycles are prohibited from appearing on the road. I walked from the community to here. At a distance of less than one hundred meters in total, apart from being almost hit by the man’s locomotive, nothing happened at all."

He raised his hand and pointed to the time displayed on the mechanical watch: "It is 6:57 in the morning. Even if it is a policeman, except for duty and shifts, this point is not your normal working time. I am. After moving here, I come to this breakfast shop every morning for breakfast, but I have never seen you. Obviously, you are not living nearby."

"Of course, it is also possible that you see me as handsome and want to find an excuse to strike up a conversation. But looking at your expression and listening to your tone of voice, obviously I don’t have such a big charm. Besides, as a woman, let’s not say It's a beautiful woman, even if she looks ordinary, she pays attention to her appearance--"

"Even if it is a police flower, there are regulations, but the last light makeup is always okay." Bai Yifan smiled and raised the index finger of his right hand, and made two imaginary clicks on her face. "There are no traces of makeup, and there is no drop. The traces of makeup can only mean that you have no makeup at all."

"So, when will a beautiful police flower appear in front of people with pure plain makeup? The answer is obvious-when you perform the task, and, depending on the appearance of your strong fighting spirit, this night, it should not be so good. Take a rest."

He said, looking behind Lin Yujing, a Jinbei commercial vehicle not far from the breakfast shop took a look: "It's hard work in the field. You must have not eaten breakfast yet."

While talking, Bai Yifan pushed the drawer that hadn’t moved his chopsticks over, raised his hand and said to the middle-aged uncle: “I’ll have another drawer, a bowl of tofu nao. Then prepare five drawers, five bowls Tofu brain, pack it."

"The people's police are not easy, especially the police officers on the front line." He met Lin Yujing's surprised gaze, smiled and said, "This breakfast is taken as my condolences to our police comrades."

"How do you know that there are five others?" Lin Yujing looked at him with some uncertainty.

Bai Yifan smiled, took out his phone, and clicked on a drawing app: "The guy who rides a motorcycle, I will draw you a sketch of his portrait, but it will take some time. You eat first and wait until you are done. I guess I'm almost done drawing." ,, ..

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