Almighty in the city

Chapter 204 Cousin?

Seeing Bai Yifan "draw" on his Apple phone, Lin Yujing frowned slightly.

As a criminal police officer, and also a special service among criminal police officers, she has already developed a pair of insights for seeing people in the past few years following the old leader Xu.

Regardless of men, women or children, no matter what status or occupation, she has the confidence to see through some basic information of each other within a few seconds of meeting——

For example, general personality, family background, whether you have a higher education, what occupation you are engaged in, and even some obvious interests and hobbies can be seen.

In this regard, her old leader is an expert. With just a look, he caught a wanted criminal who had absconded for 18 years and even had three plastic surgeries.

Lin Yujing felt that she was at least 70% of the old leader's true biography, but at this moment, she felt like looking at flowers in the mist and watching the moon in the water for the handsome young man in front of her.

Except for being sure that this is a handsome man, Lin Yujing felt that she was not half sure about everything else about him.

For example, even though Bai Yifan’s series of judgments about her have been heard from the beginning to the end, she still doesn’t understand how Bai Yifan knows that besides her, there are five other members of her group.

This incredible judgment reminded her of the scene when she was assigned to the secret service department when she just graduated from the police academy and met the old leader Xu Pinghagi for the first time.

Xu Pinghagi glanced at these newcomers and shook hands one by one. He casually commented on their personalities and preferences. There were nine people in a row, but they didn’t make a mistake. He shocked her and eight other newcomers on the spot. Up.

Later, she learned that this kind of insight into other people's personal preferences, family background, occupation and other information is the basic skill of being a criminal police officer.

For a special service, it is the basic skill in the basic skills.

Through continuous learning and practice, she has gradually mastered this kind of insight and judgment that is incredible to ordinary people. Although it is not comparable to her old leader because of experience, she also has Xu Ping Hagi. 80% skill.

But this skill is completely lost today.

She can't see through this young man who is writing and drawing on the iPhone, but this young man seems to have seen everything about her——

No, not only her, but all the people in her group.

"Who are you?" Lin Yujing frowned. In her mind, in just an instant, an unbelievable guess had appeared, but this guess was ultimately rejected by her.

The young man in front of him is too young. He should be the same year as her. Even if there is a difference, he will definitely not exceed two years old.

This is a huge difference in age from the age of the principal culprit in this case.

"Why, suspect that I am the big boss behind the scenes?" Bai Yifan looked up at her and smiled lightly.

With his right hand, he dashed on the screen of the phone very casually, and his left hand took the flatbread fried dough stick and delivered it to his mouth, changing into a mouthful or two of tofu from time to time.

Lin Yujing watched him move like clouds and flowing water, a trace of embarrassment flashed in her eyes, and she shook her head and said, "No, just wondering if you will be a peer."

"Along with you?" Bai Yifan smiled, "Why didn't I see that I still have the temperament of a policeman."

Lin Yujing smiled too, and she didn't see it at all.

"Eat while it's hot, it won't taste good after a while." Bai Yifan paused drawing, pinched a pair of bamboo chopsticks and passed it over, "You are criminal policemen, you shouldn't be in the field when you grab everything you can use. Time?"

Lin Yujing hesitated for a while, but did not pick it up.

At this time, Bai Yifan's cell phone rang.

On the caller ID, a name in a communication appeared——

Lin Wanyu.

Lin Yujing's gaze swept across the screen of his mobile phone. Seeing the name, Liu Ye's eyebrows with a hint of heroism moved slightly.

Bai Yifan had already picked up the phone and connected to the phone.

"Lao Bai, Sister Eundi said that she will not eat breakfast today, so you don't have to take her share." Lin Wanyu's voice came from the phone, "I am not hungry at all. I guess everyone is the same today. Don't bring us early, lest it all go to waste."

"Why did you get up so early today?" Bai Yifan smiled.

"Oh, it's not that I got up early, or I haven't slept yet." Lin Wanyu on the other end of the phone yawned loudly while talking, "It's all to blame. I ate too much and I couldn't sleep at night. ."

Bai Yifan said funny: "Can this be blamed on me?"

"It's you." There was a giggle on the phone, "Next time you can't make the food so delicious, so we can't stop eating."

"Blame me." Bai Yifan said, seeing Lin Yujing looking at him with a weird look, he immediately smiled and said, "Okay, if there is nothing else, just hang up. I'm helping a people's policeman. Comrade, draw a portrait of the suspect."

"Policeman? Suspect?" Lin Wanyu's curious voice suddenly came on the phone, "What fun thing have you encountered?"

Bai Yifan was about to speak, but Lin Yujing, who hadn't said aloud, said at this time: "Wan Yu, I have been looking for you at home for a long time."

Bai Yifan was taken aback.

Lin Wanyu on the other end was also taken aback.

After a while, Lin Wanyu's weak voice came over the phone: "Lao Bai, is the people's police officer you just talked about a very beautiful beauty?"

Bai Yifan glanced at Lin Yujing, vaguely guessed something in his heart, and nodded amusedly: "Yes, and she has shown me her police officer ID. Just like you, her surname is Lin - Lin Yujing."

"" There was silence on the phone, about ten seconds later, Lin Wanyu's deliberately lowered voice came out, "Lao Bai, find a chance to drive away-she is my cousin, let her know where I live, at home People will be sent to catch me every minute." ,, ..

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