Almighty in the city

Chapter 205: Very Willful

"Okay, I know, don't worry, I will take care of it." Bai Yifan held back a smile and hung up the call amidst Lin Wanyu's many warnings.

Lin Wanyu, Lin Yujing.

Big breasted sister is actually Wan Yu's cousin——

This world is really interesting and wonderful.

It takes so much brain and imagination to connect Big Breast Sister and Lin Wanyu together.

Who can imagine that the daughter of the Lin family behind Lin's Bank did not develop well in Mi Jian, but went to Huaxia Shanghai to become a policeman, or a criminal police officer, and a special service in the criminal police.

The more Bai Yifan thought about it, the more interesting he became. He only felt that all the young people in the family's family were so headstrong, so individual and thoughtful, that he couldn't help but laugh, and laughed out loud on the spot.

In fact, he didn't want to think, in terms of willfulness, compared to Lin Wanyu and Lin Yujing, he, the eldest young master of the Bai family, is really not much better. At most, he is at the level of fifty steps and a hundred steps.

Lin Yujing watched him leaning forward and back while smiling, frowning slightly, and said coldly, "Is it so funny?"

"What do you mean?" Bai Yifan looked at her, "Good, the Lin family's daughter is wrong, why did you run here as a detective? Can you tell me what you think? Big breasted sister."

Big breasted sister——

This claim caused Lin Yujing to ring the gaze that he had just stared at her chest, her face immediately became cold, and she coldly snorted, "You try again?"

Bai Yifan had already restrained his emotions at this time, shook his head and chuckled, "Okay, it seems that I did not invite the wrong person for this breakfast--"

He passed the pair of bamboo chopsticks over again: "Let's talk while eating, I will continue to draw you a sketch portrait of that person."

Lin Yujing hesitated for a while, but this time, she did not refuse again. She took the bamboo chopsticks handed by Bai Yifan, and asked at the same time: "Do you know where Wan Yu lives?"

"Is this the beginning of the question?" Bai Yifan smiled, "If you want a sketch portrait of that person, don't interfere in this matter anymore."

Lin Yujing's brows wrinkled slightly again, but when she glanced at the phone screen that Yifan Bai shook at her, she swallowed abruptly when she was about to say something.

She nodded and said: "Okay, I can assume that I don't know. However, you probably don't know one thing, Wan Yu is—"

"Fleeing from marriage, right?" Bai Yifan began to click on the phone again, "I knew about this a long time ago."

"Then do you know who her fiance is?" Lin Yujing said.

"The daughter of Lin's Bank, one of the five major Wall Street banks, is not inferior to the fiancé's grade." Bai Yifan said indifferently. "Wan Yu said that their family seems to have a business selling oil, similar to the royal family in the UAE. The connection, obviously, is a local tyrant."

Lin Yujing nodded and said: "In fact, her fiancé's background is far more terrifying than you know. So, I advise you, it is best not to fall into it, otherwise, the consequences will definitely not be affordable."

"Then what about you—" Bai Yifan didn't comment on her warning, but asked instead, "The same is the daughter of Lin's Bank, and it is not in Mi Jian to develop well. How did you come to China as a criminal police officer? Even if you have the ambition to be a policeman, you can Your family background, it’s good to join Interpol in one step."

Lin Yujing glanced at him, picked up a small steamed bun, dipped the vinegar from the saucer, stretched her swan-white soft neck slightly, took a bite, and then another bite, taking the remaining half. Only Xiaolongbao was eaten in his mouth.

Bai Yifan glanced at her, knowing that she didn't want to answer, shrugged, and didn't ask any more.

The atmosphere between the two seemed to have returned to the time when they first met. Lin Yu quietly ate the dumplings, while Bai Yifan continued to bow left and right, eating breakfast, and continuing to draw on the mobile app the man riding the Yamaha heavy motorcycle. Sketch portrait of black man.

Ten minutes later, he stopped this dashing, looked at Lin Yujing and said, "How much is the WeChat ID?"

"What are you doing?" Lin Yujing looked at him alertly.

"Add friends and send you sketches." Bai Yifan smiled, "Could it be that I asked you to have an appointment?"

Lin Yu was bitter, gave him a stern look, took out his phone, clicked on the QR code of his WeChat ID, and coldly pushed it over and said, "Add it."

My WeChat friend quickly added it. Looking at Bai Yifan's three English letter remarks under her nickname, Lin Yujing frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean?" Bai Yifan was sending her the sketch that was saved in the album, and he casually responded.

"DXJ, why do you note these three letters?" Lin Yu quietly asked.

Bai Yifan posted the sketch, gave her a grin, shook his head and said, "I still don’t say it, I’m afraid you will turn your face on the spot. After all, it’s Wan Yu’s cousin, in case you start, no Be careful of hurting you, I'm afraid that Wan Yu will complain to death."

While talking, he stood up and said to the shopkeeper of the middle-aged uncle: "I just packed it and hand it over to this beautiful woman-Wan Yu's cousin. I will leave first and contact WeChat if there is something to do."

"Boy, okay, it's true that there are beautiful women to accompany you every day." The middle-aged uncle gave him a thumbs up when he passed by, "However, you were too proactive today, but usually I never saw you like this."

"Is there?" Bai Yifan turned his head and looked at Lin Yujing, then smiled suddenly, "Probably the poisoning is a little bit deep-after all, she is DXJ, big breasted sister."

The last three English letters and the three words Big Breast Sister, he deliberately rang a little, and the voice was not too loud, just enough to be heard by Lin Yujing who was looking at the sketch portrait on the phone.

"You!" Lin Yujing understood what DXJ's remarks were. She was annoyed and turned her head suddenly, only to see Bai Yifan's back, which was drowned in the crowd that was gradually increasing outside the breakfast shop.,, ..

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