Almighty in the city

Chapter 206 Poisoning is a bit deep

Lin Yujing was suddenly bitter, and she subconsciously wanted to curse, but when she opened her mouth, the expression on her face suddenly choked--

She suddenly discovered that she had been fighting with this handsome young man for a long time, but she didn't even know what his name was. She just knew that her cousin Lin Wanyu was mostly with him now.

"I really don't believe I can't find out your information." Lin Yujing gave a bit of resentment, stood up, stuffed the phone into his trouser pocket, and walked towards the Jinbei commercial vehicle not far from the store.

"Beauty, your packing." Just as she was about to walk out of the shop, the middle-aged uncle shopkeeper shouted to her with a smile and handed over a bag that had already been packed.

Lin Yujing was taken aback. Then she remembered that at the very beginning, the scornful guy seemed to ask the boss to pack five copies earlier. At that time, she was still wondering where she had five teammates. See it.

"Thank you." She smiled and nodded to take it, reaching out to get the money out of her pocket.

The middle-aged uncle shopkeeper smiled and shook his head and said, "Xiao Bai has already paid."

"Xiao Bai?" Lin Yujing was taken aback, and then immediately reacted, knowing that this must be the guy's surname, and suddenly murmured, "The surname is also Bai."

She shook her head, carrying the packaged breakfast, turned and walked towards the Jinbei business car.

Pulling the car door, a voice suddenly came from inside: "Xiao Lin, I've been there for a while."

"I came across a rascal who knows how to sketch." Lin Yujing handed the packaged in her hands to a colleague earlier, got into the commercial car, sat down, took out her phone, unlocked the screen, and clicked on the sketch portrait, handed He gave Xu Pinghagi, who was sitting in the passenger seat, "Xu Chu, this is the sketch portrait of the'motorcycle man' drawn by the person you asked me to ask just now."

"Oh?" Xu Pinghua was taken aback and quickly took a look, and his brows frowned. "If this sketch wasn't his scribble, then, this time, we might have found the target activity location. "

"I think so too." Lin Yujing nodded, "After all, there are not many North Koreans in Shanghai, especially those who can tell that they are North Koreans at a glance, 100% are the people we are looking for!"

Xu Pinghagi didn't speak, he leaned on the back of the passenger seat, closed his eyes, and gently rubbed the temples on both sides with his right hand.

Lin Yujing knew that this was a habit of her old leader when thinking about problems, and immediately she didn't bother.

However, at this moment, her mobile phone rang a reminder of receiving a new WeChat.

Xu Pingha opened his eyes and glanced at the Apple mobile phone held by Lin Yujing in his left hand.

Just above the screen of the phone, there is a pop-up reminder of a new WeChat message.

Xu Pinghagi didn't look at the content inside, and handed the phone back: "Send a copy of the sketch to my phone."

Lin Yujing took the phone and clicked on WeChat to see, her delicate face suddenly became anguished again——

"By the way, Big Breast Sister, I just forgot to say that that Yamaha heavy-duty locomotive has undergone a second modification. Listening to the sound of the engine, it is obviously directly replaced with a professional racing engine. This engine is strictly controlled. Yes, it is expressly forbidden to modify to civilian motor vehicles. If you want to check, I suggest starting from this point. There should be gains."

At the end of the text message, there are three smiley faces with dog heads.

There is no need to look at the other person's avatar and name, Lin Yujing knows that it must have been sent by the guy just now.

"Sister Lin, what's the matter, why did my face suddenly become a little unsightly?" Several colleagues were sharing the bags early, and one of them happened to see her face when he handed the Xiaolongbao and Tofu Nao to Xu Pinghagi. 'S weird, suddenly asked casually.

"That ruffian!" Lin Yujing murmured bitterly, followed, and said to Xu Pinghan, "The ruffian just now--the person sent me a WeChat message, saying that he heard that the Yamaha heavy-duty locomotive was modified. The engine engine is not a normal heavy locomotive engine, but a racing engine. I think we can investigate from this aspect."

Xu Pinghan nodded and said: "This is a good breakthrough, and it is more effective than our current situation of'waiting for the rabbit'. I know that Shanghai has a special refitting car market with some highly skilled refitting masters.

He stopped, closed his eyes and thought for a while, then opened his eyes again, and said to Lin Yujing: "So, tonight, you and I will go there first to find out and see if you can learn from those refitting masters. Dig out some useful information."

"Good." Lin Yujing nodded happily.

Just as Lin Yujing and Xu Pinghagi were discussing the next action, Bai Yifan had already walked into 19B. While waiting for the elevator, he sent Lin Yujing a WeChat.

This information, he hadn't deliberately said before, is just for use now.

It’s strange to say that whether it’s Eucalyptus, Lin Wanyu, or the other girls like Qu Fairy, Xiao Guan, he has an attitude of letting the flow go, and he didn’t take the initiative to dial, even in the cockpit of that national flight Here, when facing Lin Xier, Lin Xier took the initiative to tease him.

But today I ran into Lin Yujing by accident. I don’t know why, he just wanted to take the initiative to tease this big breasted sister——

"Perhaps, when I was watching the drama, the poisoning was too deep." Seeing the elevator door opened, Bai Yifan smiled self-deprecatingly and stepped in.

On the 22nd floor, as soon as the elevator door opened, he felt a line of sight. He was staring at himself sneakily behind the door of the fire escape.

Smiling, he walked over, opened the door of the fire escape with his hand, and said to Lin Wanyu who was running downstairs: "Which one are you playing?"

"Oh! Lao Bai, please close the door quickly and don't expose me." Lin Wanyu was wearing sportswear at this moment, with a look specially for running away, and said to him anxiously, "My cousin, but the special service, the criminal policeman The detective in China is very ghostly. Maybe he is hanging behind you right now, ready to follow the vine to catch me!" ,,.

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