The sleeping child is cute, so cute that Xu Ang couldn't help poking her little nose with his finger, and the hand that caused Xiao Xiao to wave unconsciously.When her hand touched Xu Ang's finger, she held it tightly again.

Xu Ang didn't move until she relaxed, then took out her finger, and put a big white rabbit over.

When I want to come, my little sister will get a little surprise when she wakes up.

Fang Shuying looked at the door and saw that her son hadn't waked up his daughter, she whispered: "This is still New Year, you are going to work?"

It's freezing cold outside and there are not many pedestrians on the street. Naturally, mothers don't want their sons to work so hard.

Xu Ang understands his mother's concern for him, but he has a reason not to go.

"Mom, I made the movie, and it was my company that made the final money. Yang Xiaomi and Jiang Wen both worked hard to promote before, and they ran everywhere at home and abroad. I didn't participate in these. I can't be absent for the film premiere ceremony today. Up."

What Xu Ang said about Fang Shuying also knew in her heart that she just didn't want her son to be so tired, so she went out on the first day of the Lunar New Year and was busy even during the New Year.

As the first film he made, the weight of "Savage Girlfriend" in Xu Ang's heart is quite different.He has to stare to see how his first work can achieve, whether it can break through its original influence and break its original box office.

Although there was a premiere in China at this time, it was far less grand than that of later generations. Invite acquaintances and friends in the circle. If you have time, you can come to join the show. If you don't have time, no one will mind.If in the later generations, invited by a big circle like Jiang Wen, the premiere of the film will definitely be starry, murdering countless film films.

Xu Ang came late, he didn't mean it, because he did it intentionally.

Making movies is just his hobby, or one of his development directions, Xiaoxiao Media is only part of his career map.It is impossible for him to keep his gaze on the film and television circles, and it is impossible for him to spend all his energy on the film and television circles. This requires Xu Ang to cultivate his own people early, so that he can have someone to support him when he needs to let go.

Obviously, Zheng Jiajia is such a candidate.

In later generations, she was able to manage the media company jointly established by Yang Xiaomi and her, which proved her talent in this area. What Xu Ang has to do is to cultivate her early and activate her potential in this area in advance.

Therefore, Xu Ang, the premiere of "Savage Girl" in the country, pushed Zheng Jiajia to the front desk and asked Jiang Wen to take her to the people in the circle.

Of course, now it’s a familiar face. After the results of "Savage Girlfriend" come out, Zheng Jiajia, the boss of Xiaoxiao Media, is not just a familiar face. She will become an upstart in the circle, and will attract all kinds of people. The hero's capital is ready for the filming of the next TV series "Returning the Pearl".

"Brother, you came just right, and I was talking about you with Lao Mouzi."

Xu Ang pulled him away as soon as he arrived at Jiang Wen.

The face of an old farmer in the northwest is not handsome, but a sense of bitterness and hatred.

This is Lao Mouzi.

"Director Xu, nice to meet you."

Lao Mouzi called Xu Ang according to the rules in the circle, but he was actually very curious about Xu Ang.

God knows that when he learned that a young domestic man broke into the U.S. alone, doing such a big thing in Hollywood with his bare hands, and using a primary school student work that is hard to describe in the eyes of all professional filmmakers, he cut hundreds of millions of dollars in the North American box office. What a shock in my heart.

Not to mention the box office of several hundred million dollars in domestic movies, not even one hundred million.The box office that can have 20-30 million Chinese coins has already waked up with laughter, and it can be said that he is a famous director who sells at the box office.

Things that so many filmmakers failed to achieve, so many goals that domestic directors failed to achieve, were done silently by a young man. When the news came back to China, it was no less important to the domestic film and television industry. There was a magnitude nine earthquake.

So many of our big domestic directors and big stars who are well-known to the Chinese are still far away from the box office of 100 million US dollars. You Xu Ang, a little-known young man, gave a box office of hundreds of millions of dollars, and still The actress who used Yang Xiaomi's acting skills could not be ranked in the hearts of the directors at all. Everyone wants to ask: Where are you from the fairy? This is too enchanting.

Originally, Lao Mouzi, like other professional filmmakers, was not convinced by Xu Ang.In his opinion, the success of "Blair the Witch" was not the success of the movie, but the reason for the commercial operation, but after Jiang Wen found him with the script of "Hero", his thoughts immediately changed.

As a masterpiece of Lao Mouzi's future generations, the script "Hero" is really in line with Lao Mouzi's intentions. He feels that this script writes many of his thoughts in it, even many of him at the moment. Those who haven't been cleaned up are also clearly shown in the script.

For Xu Ang who could write such a script, Lao Mouzi did not dare to take it lightly, and would no longer think that his success was just a commercial success, but instead recognized that Xu Ang had true skills.

Seeing Xu Ang's youthful face, Lao Mouzi, who first met with the young man, couldn't help thinking: Now young people are so amazing?Am I really old?

"I took the "Hero" drama." Lao Mouzi first expressed his attitude, and then said, "I think so about rewards. It is the first time that Xiaoxiao Media of Director Xu has invested so much in China. I think it’s not that we don’t get fixed remuneration, but use the form of director’s remuneration plus box office share."

The investment of more than 200 million yuan is too big, Lao Mouzi is actually not sure that he can recover the cost, but his self-confidence as a leader prevents him from showing fear in front of others.He is not the kind of unscrupulous director who only cares about his own money and ignores the life and death of investors, so he thought of an idea to make himself less paid and reduce the loss of Xiaoxiao Media.

Given the domestic film market environment, the box office share he wants is simply not enough to offset the part of the salary he actively requested to reduce.

Lao Mouzi's price is cut in disguise.

Can Xu Ang agree?

Of course not.

It is true that the domestic market cannot afford such a large investment in a big production. As an investor, Xiaoxiao Media will definitely lose money to grandma's home.

But Xu Ang's eyes are not only on the domestic market, he has already had channels in Hollywood, and he looks at the entire international market.

The global box office of "Hero" is close to 177.4 million U.S. dollars. The domestic market contributed 250 million Chinese yuan in the box office, and the rest is in the international market.In other words, the box office in the international market has reached about 176 million yuan. Compared with investment, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a big profit.

Lao Mouzi is not Xiaoxiao Media's own person, how could Xu Ang promise him a box office share, even if he was kind.

"Director Zhang, everyone contributes to the domestic film industry. Talking about money is nothing."

Xu Ang laughed, and rejected Lao Mouzi's proposal.

The other party did not accept his own kindness, and Lao Mouzi stopped persuading him.Anyway, what he meant was that he had arrived, but the other party did not agree, and he could not be found if he lost money.

Furthermore, Xu Ang's script was written in too much detail, and I felt that a director could shoot it, so Lao Mouzi lost the space to move around and didn't have much room for bargaining.

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