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Chapter 103: Detonating Goryeo's Savage Wind

At the end of the premiere, it was not too early. In addition, the two groups of people had another discussion after the premiere because they had to finalize the cooperation with Lao Mouzi on the next film.When everything was set up, Xu Ang saw that it was too late, so he didn't go back to Junjing's home, but chose to go to the courtyard of Shaonianyuan to rest.

It was noon when he returned home the next day. Xiaoxiao and her mother were waiting for him to have lunch.

Seeing her brother go home, Xiaoxiao slipped off the chair, and ran to the door with her short legs choked with excitement, and violently stopped Xu Ang from letting her brother enter the door.

"Bad boy, where did you go?"

The little sister rushed as soon as she spoke.

As usual, Xu Ang had to let this little kid know how good he was, but today is different, he is a little fictitious.

Seeing Xu Ang didn't answer herself, Xiaoxiao walked up and hit her brother's calf with her little hand, and said angrily: "Do you know that my sister will miss you, so I won't be good with you anymore."

The family who said that they would not be separated, the elder brother did not bring his little sister this time, Xiaoxiao was very angry, the kind that did not coax badly.

In fact, according to Xu Ang's original plan, this would not be the case. He originally planned to come back early this morning, so that he could get home before the little sister got up, and would not let the little sister know that he did not take her out.Unexpectedly, he overestimated himself. He played the war game several times last night and was exhausted. This morning, he couldn't hold back and replayed. He fell asleep when he was too tired and couldn't get back in time.

Speaking of it, playing games is causing trouble.

This pot game has to be remembered.

Xiaoxiao shrugged her little nose and sniffed. The Coyote found out that her brother was beginning to smell like Mi Sister again, making her little head full of doubts: He hadn't smelled Mi on his brother for many days. Sister's smell, how come today?

Xu Ang didn't know what Xiaoxiao was thinking. He only saw that his stupid sister was still angry at the moment, and the next second he hugged her leg and smelled it like Coyotito.

In order to let the little sister calm down, Xu Ang began to coax her sister.

It's a pity that the little sister was really angry this time, and for a while, Xu Ang really couldn't coax her.It took him three days before the little sister was willing to forgive him.

This is definitely not because of her beautiful new clothes and two more boxes of white rabbits in the small drawer that belongs to her to hide things in Xu Ang's room.

The little sister only saw that her brother was so sincere and decided to give her another chance.

She is a good and tolerant baby.

Only then did Xiaoxiao tell Xu Ang why she was so angry this time, and the real reason why she was so angry for so long.

It turned out that when the little sister woke up in the morning, she found that she was holding a big white rabbit in her hand. This silly boy felt that she had become a little fairy, capable of transforming a child’s favorite candy, and couldn’t wait to share it with her brother. The good news.But she didn't think that her brother was not at home at all, and the little sister was so excited that no one shared it, so she told her mother if she couldn't help it.

Then what happened was not so pleasant. Xiaoying's mother confiscated the little sister's white rabbit and forbid her to eat sweets early in the morning.The little sister was not sad at first, she was a little fairy who could turn into candy by herself.

When Xiaoying's mother left, the little sister found that she had lost her magic somehow, couldn't change candy, and was no longer a fairy.Make her feel wronged, sad, and want to cry.

"It's all brother's fault!"

The little sister pursed her lips with anger, almost making Xu Ang wonder if she ran out of soy sauce at home, and needed the little sister to go out and get two bottles of soy sauce back.

After figuring out the reason, Xu Ang was very aggrieved: Blame me?

I originally wanted to give you a little surprise, but you stupid boy is so capable. I can say what you can do.

Xu Ang, who has spent his energy on coaxing his sister in the past few days, didn't know that the first film he made had already caused a big disturbance in the outside world.Especially in Goryeo, who released "Savage Girlfriend" simultaneously with Huaxia, there was a fierce debate about this.

You can see information about "Savage Girlfriend" on TV, in newspapers, and even in reality.

As a country deeply influenced by Confucianism, certain things have penetrated into all aspects of Goryeo. Even if it has been embraced by capitalism for many years, it still influences what people say and do.

But Confucianism is a product of the old era after all. In the new era, it will always feel incompatible with the new relations of production and people's thinking.

The constraints of the old era's rules on women in the Korean society and the new trends of women in the new era have begun to conflict, but it has been concealed by the rapid development of the country.

Unfortunately, the movie "Savage Girlfriend" magnified this new trend of thought and set off a savage wind in Korea.The emergence of this barbaric wind violently collided with the old rules, detonating the contradiction between the two sides.

"There was a lot of quarrels in Goryeo. Some people scolded our film for promoting incorrect ideas and provoked their social conflicts. However, there are also many people who support us. There are women with new thoughts who are very concerned about the box office of this film. Great contribution."

Jiang Wen talked about the situation in Korea in the phone call to Xu Ang.

"In the seven days it was released, the number of people watching the movie in Korea has exceeded 10 million. This kind of performance is a phenomenal film performance for Korea. And with the continuous debate in their country, more people have been brought to the film. Entering the theater, it is not a problem at all that it is estimated that the number of viewers will exceed 20 million, just see how much it can eventually reach.

"Jinxing Film and Television hopes to cooperate with us again."

"Savage Girl" made waves in Korea, and this wave has gradually expanded and spread throughout Asia.It is said that many Asian film awards are considering this movie that is still in theaters. According to Jiang Wen's channel, Xu Ang learned that in addition to the national award of Korea, even the 11th district and Hong Kong Island are considering it.

If you want to talk about the flaws, Xu Ang believes that the domestic box office is not strong enough.Although the topic is very full, and many people know "Savage Girlfriend", there are still too few audiences who are really willing to spend money to walk into the cinema.The pirates have made a lot of money, and the disc dealers on the street have recently sold a lot of goods.

Xu Ang doesn't need to go to statistics to know that the movies he has worked so hard have come from those who have not made a copy and paste.

It must be admitted that the domestic film market environment at this stage is really not generally bad.

Of course, it will get worse in the next ten years. It will not get better until the back countries vacate their hands and begin to pay attention to it. It will gradually get better and gradually catch up with the United States, and it will greatly surpass it to become the world's largest movie. Market trends.

"It is really difficult to make a genuine under such a background."

Xu Ang just sighed and found Xiaoxiao smirked at him with her head up.

"Brother, what are you talking about?"

Poke her belly, Xu Ang told her: "I'm talking about your belly."

Xiaoxiao giggled. She was going to be taken by Xiaoying's mother to take a bath. She was only wearing thin little clothes and panties, and was pricked by Xu Ang's finger to make her belly tickling.

"Brother is a badass."

Xiaoxiao ran away.

Don't think that she is a child and you don't know that belly is not a good thing. Xiaoying's mother hates that she has a small belly. As a mother, things that mothers hate for babies are not good things.

The elder brother actually said that the little sister has a belly, even if it is only a small belly, he is also a bad brother.

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