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Chapter 116 Hard Disk

The scent of the hot food was overflowing, and the house filled the room with fragrance, Xiaoxiao sucked hard, even though he was greedy like a small cat, but his eyes could not leave the table full of food.

"Why isn't my brother coming back? The dishes are going to be cold."

The little sister waited in a hurry, but mother said that she cooked so many dishes to reward her brother for honoring the country, and no one was allowed to eat it until his brother came back.

If this is the case, Xiaoxiao would steal one piece at most while her mother was not paying attention.

Yes, only steal one piece, but steal one piece at a time.

Helpless mother knew too much about her daughter, she kept her little sister by her side, stared at her personally, and gave no chance.Let Xiaoxiao see it, but can't touch it, let alone eat it, but her little sister is anxious.

"Brother, you are coming back soon, my sister misses you, and misses you too much to eat."

Xiaoxiao began to miss her brother, and Xu Ang would definitely correct her if she were here.

You don't think your brother can't eat, but you can't eat.

The reason why Fang Shuying would cook a table of dishes to reward Xu Ang this time did not allow Xiaoxiao to steal it. The reason was not elsewhere, but the scene after Xu Ang won the gold in District 11.

"Play our national anthem on the ground of the little devil, and raise our national flag. Son, you really show our parents' face."

The first sentence Xu Ang heard after returning home revealed the reason why Fang Shuying did this. For District 11, Fang Shuying didn't like it.

Originally, she had a bad impression of the 11th district, and the opponent played tricks in the finals. Fang Shuying had a bad impression of them.

If Xu Ang's strength is not strong enough, let the opponent succeed if he is not sure. You can't get the gold medal, you can't hear the national anthem playing in the 11th district, and you can't see the bright red national flag rising in the 11th district. .

How could Xu Ang not accept his mother's intentions? Today, he deliberately ate an extra bowl of rice, and he was envious of Xiaoxiao, who was sitting next to him.

The little sister touched her full belly after eating a small bowl of rice. She had more than enough energy for the table full of vegetables. She could only watch her elder brother feasting, tearful of envy, and she was about to cry.

"Brother, eat less, don't break your belly, or your belly will hurt."

"My sister told you to eat less, brother, why are you still eating!"

"You nasty bastard, don't eat my dishes, baby will eat it at night."

"You eat less, brother, you eat less."

Adults eat so much, and children can only eat a little bit. Why is that? Is it bullying the children? I am embarrassed.

Seeing that Xiaoxiao was so anxious, Xu Ang didn't tease her, but just picked her up and gave her a kiss after eating.

The kiss was so terrible that the kiss made her little cheeks all over her face, making her little sister’s red cheeks smooth and shiny.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

Xiaoxiao didn't resist stupidly when she was kissed, but just stared at her brother blankly.

When Xu Ang had enough kisses, she wiped her mouth clean by the way, saving a tissue for wiping her mouth at home, and when she put Xiaoxiao down, the little sister touched her little cheek and looked at her face. The oil rubbed up and down blinked, then took a deep breath, and used her small mouth to send out the most affectionate accusation against her brother: "Ah~~~~~~!"

Xu Ang, who covers his ears and protects his eardrums from her little sister's magic sound, sighs with emotion. It seems that certain abilities are indeed universal talents that a three-year-old child has.

Listen to this tone, measure this decibel, it's not comparable, it's not comparable.

"Bull your sister as soon as you get home."

Xiaoying’s mother presided over justice for the little sister and drove Xu Ang away. She accompanied the little sister in the dining room, waiting for the little sister when her eating skills had cooled down, and then she would choose the hot dishes for her. .

"I am my mother's favorite baby."

Feeling that she had won a great victory, Xiaoxiao led Li Ke and He Xing up to the second floor, and by the way, Xu Ang, who had also called Zhang Qiong, made a proud announcement. She also stuck her tongue out and made faces at him. .

"Mom drove you away, so many dishes are not for you, just a little..."

Is Xu Ang someone who can endure this provocation?

Of course not.

When the little sister made a face at himself, he was about to run towards her, scared that Xiao Xiao pounced, and his little head got into his mother's arms.

"Ah... Brother is coming to catch the little baby, mom save me, Xiaoying mom save my life!"

Cut, kid, can't I clean you up?

Because Xiaoying's mother was there, Xu Ang didn't take advantage of the victory. He gave the little sister who was hiding in her mother's arms shivering with Wang Zhi's contempt. Before the little sister recovered and lifted her head from her mother's arms, he quickly went for two. Downstairs, I went to my room.

Fang Shuying looked at the pair of children funny. The daughter was lively and lovely. The son loved to play with his daughter as if he were not grown up. The whole family was happy, which made her very happy.

When Xu Ang had entered the house, Xiaoxiao, who felt no movement, raised her little head. She looked around carefully, and immediately smiled triumphantly when she saw that there was no elder brother.

"Mom, mom, you drove your brother away, you are such a good mother."

"Mom protects the baby, and the baby loves his mother the most."

"Brother, where did you go? Come here, the baby has a mother, so I'm not afraid of you. Don't you dare to come now, hey hahaha..."

The little sister first praised her mother, and finally did not forget to provoke her brother, she really floated to the sky.

Xiaoxiao is about to ask: What is flying to the sky? The baby just wants to make a brother.

The sound insulation of the room is very good. Xu Ang did not hear Xiaoxiao's provocation against him, otherwise he would rush downstairs, risking being beaten and crying by Xiaoying’s mother and slap his little sister’s ass. Beat and cry this little child first.

Calling the three of Zhang Qiong, Li Ke and He Xing to their room together, Xu Ang didn't speak at all, but motioned them to check their room again to see if there were anything that shouldn't exist.

Seeing him being so cautious, Li Ke and the others looked serious and immediately started to act.

It took more than ten minutes to check all corners of the room three times, and after confirming that there was no problem, Xu Ang carefully took out a hard drive from his backpack and asked them: "You used to be responsible for the safety of the leadership, now Can you still get in touch?"

The three of them first looked at the hard drive in Xu Ang's hand, then looked at each other again, and they had a guess.

Li Ke replied on behalf of the other two: "You can contact me, boss, who are you?"

"It's fine if you can get in touch." Xu Angyang touched the hard drive in his hand, "This is when someone bypassed other people to contact me secretly when I went to District 11, and sold it to me for $30 million. .I don’t know the identity of the other party, and I don’t know whether the content inside is true or false, but I know that there is that ability to hide it from others, especially the seller who sneaked into my house without you and He Xing knowing. He definitely has real skills. He dared to make a price of 30 million U.S. dollars. The stuff in it should be very precious."

"Boss, you..."

The three of Li Ke exclaimed.

Thirty million U.S. dollars. I bought a hard drive with unknown content from someone of unknown origin. The boss's heart is too big.

If this were to be cheated, it would be thirty million dollars!

As many domestic workers have to do, how many commodities the country has to export in exchange for it!

Are the rich people now so self-willed to buy things? As long as they think they can, they don’t even care about what they are buying. They pay for it first.

"Don't think that your boss is so cheating. I have already read the contents after I got it. It is some construction materials. If you are worried about getting out of the basket, you can ask a few trusted construction experts to check it out."

Xu Ang's meaning, Li Ke, of course, they can understand. If the contents of the hard disk are really confidential, it is not enough to ask ordinary experts to come. It must be an expert who can keep the secret without worrying about the other party's leakage.

No wonder the boss will call us.

Li Ke said: "The three of us have friends in this area, boss, please rest assured."

When Xu Ang signaled them to call the contact, Li Ke and He Xing's expressions sank after leaving the door.

Someone actually touched Xu Ang's room without them noticing it, even if it was in District 11 at that time, it was an unforgivable mistake for them.

Just imagine, if the other party is not trying to make money, but is going to be against Xu Ang, then something big will happen.

Although Xu Ang did not blame them for this matter, Li Ke and He Xing could not forgive themselves.

As for whether Xu Ang is lying, don't tease, how is this possible!

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