Almighty sign in

Chapter 117: They Give Too Much

"Daily check-in has not been completed. If you check-in, you will get random rewards."

When he was conscious, Xu Ang signed it without opening his eyes.

"You completed the daily check-in and received a random reward: "Parasite" script."

The random one is not money anymore. It seems that I was lucky today.

Compared to most of the random rewards for daily sign-in, you can only randomly come to Brother Kong. It is really good luck to get rewards such as scripts and other items.

However, don’t underestimate the monetary rewards that account for 90% of the random chances of daily sign-in. Since obtaining the all-around sign-in system, Xu Angguang has received nearly 20 million yuan in money from completing the sign-in every day, let alone from time to time. Some more dollars.

Just relying on these is enough to make him and his family get very moisturized.

Opening his eyes, Xu Ang saw a small red face at first sight.Xiaoxiao was resting on his arm, and the little guy was sleeping soundly.

The strange feeling of being pressed for a whole night caused the blood flow to be blocked, Xu Ang walked around with the other hand, hugged the little sister’s soft body, gently supported her little head with the palm, and slowly moved The hand that was protesting frantically was removed.

The soreness, numbness, and pain made Xu Ang grin.

As the pressure disappeared, his arm slowly regained consciousness, Xu Ang could feel the roaring roar as the blood flowed through.

When the strange feeling in his arm disappeared, Xu Ang looked around and found the little sister's pillow from the corner, and pulled it over for her to use.

The little sister was sleeping soundly, Xu Ang did not wake her up, he lightly carried his clothes and shoes to the bathroom, and went out after washing.

In the living room, Fang Shuying was putting the prepared breakfast on the table. Seeing Xu Ang down, she asked, "Xiaoxiao is still sleeping?"

"Mom, let Xiaoxiao sleep more. I didn't see me for three days when I went to the eleventh district competition before this little bit. It sticks to me tightly these days and sleeps late."

A pair of children are getting along well. Xiaoying's mother is happy, but Xu Ang says on her lips: "You are so big, don't accompany your sister crazy like a child, let her sleep when it's time to go to bed. "

Xu Ang didn't answer, he leaned over to the dinner table and took a deep breath.

"Well, it smells so good."

Give a thumbs up for Xiaoying's mother's craftsmanship.

"Eat while it's hot, I think Xiaohe and the others took a few guests, and they were waiting at the gate early in the morning. Look at it now, it's still dark, there is still snow outside, I told them to come in. They didn't want to. They just said that they could just stroll around in the garden. They must be looking for you."

Xu Ang's heart moved, knowing that most of the hard disk issues had resulted.

He hurried to the outside without a bite of the meal, and someone greeted him as soon as he showed up.

Seeing the leading man wearing a tunic suit, Xu Ang did not dare to neglect, and ran over.Originally, he wanted to invite these people into the house, but he didn't want the other party to not agree, but signaled to him that the fewer people saw them, the better.

The man in the lead said to Xu Ang: "Comrade Xiao Xu, your leadership for the country is in your eyes and in your heart. The country will not treat any meritorious person or let anyone I am disappointed with the compatriots of the motherland."

Hearing a lot of praise in the other party's words, Xu Ang knew something good was coming.

Sure enough, when he hurriedly met him, the group of men in tunic suits left before dawn and there were not many pedestrians on the road. Xu Ang walked into the house before he had time to ask He Xing about the identity of the other party. , Hengdeli's call came.

"Boss, good news, good news."

"Our application passed!"

Hengdeli was so excited that he was just doing what Xu Ang explained with a tentative purpose, and submitted a land application to the relevant departments of Beiping City to build the headquarters of Xiaoxiao Media.

Because it was a temptation, he opened his mouth with the mentality of asking prices wildly. What he reported was an impossible figure of 2,000 mu of land.

The purpose of course is to create a topic to attract the attention of leaders.When the leader paid attention and was about to start the conversation, he then suggested that Xu Ang reduce the requirements according to the situation.

But I didn't want Huaxia's request for the US dollar to be so urgent at this time, and Peiping actually agreed.When receiving this news, Hengdeli's brain was down for a full minute on the spot, only then did he remember to give Xu Ang good news.

He actually forgot the time. He didn't expect how early this point was, Xu Ang was probably still sleeping.You can make such low-level mistakes, and you can see how bad Hengdeli is.

"Two thousand mu of land?!"

Xu Ang almost spit out a mouthful of rice soup.

Hengdeli, you are so good, you really dare to make a price.

Two thousand acres of land, here is Peiping, and every inch of land is rich in gold. What did you eat to grow up, so you have the courage... Oh, that's not right!

This is not a later generation. Although the land in Peking is rare, it has not yet reached that level.We must know that the world-famous Zhongguancun, within a few years, was just a village formed by the eunuchs who had buried their bones and retired after they retired and gathered together to warm up their lives.

According to Xu Ang’s experience in Peiping during this period of time, at this time, the Beiping Third Ring Road has not been fully understood. The first and second ring roads are about to be demolished and rebuilt in the LC area. How much effort can be taken outside the third ring thing.

Not to mention outside the third ring road, even if you walk on the third ring road, it feels like a small county.

Outside the Third Ring Road, that's the countryside.

"But boss, this land may be a bit inconvenient for you. Because the east side was built early, even the land outside the third ring road has been planned and it is inconvenient to have such major changes, so what can be allocated to us is the repair. The land outside the West Third Ring Road in the evening. What do you think...?"

"Hurry up and reply to the above, saying that we want it."

What's wrong outside the West Third Ring Road, here is Peking, so you don't want a fool of such a big piece of land.

"I have to remind your boss that it is conditional for Peking to be so generous. They require us to settle in US dollars regardless of whether it is purchasing land or other related expenses, even the wages of workers. According to their requirements, boss, you The final payment will be hundreds of millions of dollars. The U.S. dollar is an international currency, not a currency that has not been recognized internationally. All fees are paid in U.S. dollars. This condition is too harsh. I think..."

"No, you don't want to."

Xu Ang interrupted Hengdeli and made a direct decision.

"Go, just say I promised."

Hendry: "You are the boss, you have the final say, I will do it now."

After hanging up the call with Hendry, Xu Ang began to ponder.

Two thousand acres of land is too big, and he is very embarrassed.Just like there is too much money and I don’t know how to spend it all, it makes people worry and my hair turns white.

In fact, he was a little better, he was just worried about how to use such a large plot of land, Jiang Wen Jiangwu and the others were frightened.

"Brother, don't scare brother, this is a joke."

Sooner or later, in such a large plot of land in Peiping, it will be a matter of time. Unless Xu Ang has enough contacts, it will be unsafe for Jiang Wen and Jiangwu.

It's just that they changed their minds and thought again, Xu Ang can let the boss grant him such a large piece of land in Peking, so he can do it without the ability?

The anxiety in their hearts has diminished a lot.

"With such a large piece of land, plus the cost of constructing buildings on it, our brothers cannot take advantage of you. Regarding the shares of Xiaoxiao Media, my brothers and I have reduced it to 1%. Don't object to it. Even so, we both It's cheeky. If you refuse, we can only leave."

Xu Ang waved his hand: "Your shares have dropped from less than 15%. This is not taking me as a brother. Otherwise, how about two percentage points each?"

Jiang Wen rubbed the short stubble on his chin. He asked Xu Ang: "Brother, you should know that even a one-percentage difference is worth the money. I am very embarrassed if you do this, Lao Jiang."

Xu Ang shook his head and explained to Jiang Wenjiangwu: “In the future, Xiaoxiao Media’s shares will be awarded to employees who have contributed to the company. The two older brothers have been so helpful from the beginning. I don’t want you either. The shares are less than those of the latecomers. This is the case. If you want to be entangled, you don’t take me as your brother. Besides, such a big piece is far more than just building the headquarters building. I think I can build a small shadow park. The scenes of some of the company's dramas can be filmed at home. If it develops well and conditions permit, we may not be able to expand it."

Jiang Wen and Jiang Wu exchanged glances, are the young people so ambitious now?

"Let’s talk about this. Brother Wen, don’t Goryeo’s Golden Film and Television want to continue cooperating with us? Promise them. I took the time to write a script and use this script to collaborate. I won’t be the director. It should work with Your appetite."

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