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Chapter 118 Steve's Invitation

"I'm climbing, climbing, climbing, climbing."

Xiaoxiao climbed over the mountains and ridges on his brother, crawling from his feet to his belly, and then lying on his belly, resting her small head on his chest, and smirking at him.When her brother touched her little head, she followed the path and crawled back, and then again.

Repeatedly, I sweated my forehead.

The little sister didn't know that the brother who was playing with her on the sofa was talking across the Pacific Ocean with a man named Steve on the other side of the ocean.

"The prototype has been made, you have to come over and take a look, Xu."

Hearing this good news, Xu Ang was overjoyed.

I thought it would take a long time for Steve to set up the company’s shelf, purchase equipment, and recruit personnel. It would take a long time for the company to become formal. I never thought that Steve’s ability to act was so strong. Even the prototype was made.

Doesn't this mean that the fruit company will soon start producing ultra-thin notebooks and make products from any computer company in the supermarket?

That would be another explosion.

After calculating and finding that there was nothing else at hand, Xu Ang said, "It's really good news, I didn't misunderstand the person. Wait for me, I will be there tomorrow."

It’s convenient to have your own private jet. You don’t have to wait for the flight. You only need to inform the airport three hours in advance to take off.

"Ha! I caught you, you big face plate."

Just as Xu Ang put down the phone, a little sister rushed over and hugged his neck, her wet mouth came up, and she was a kiss to Xu Ang.

Xiaoxiao said to her brother very seriously: "You have to take your little sister when you go out to play, and you are not allowed to leave your sister at home."

Holding her small face, Xu Ang looked disgusted: "You are everywhere."

"I'm going to take my brother's handjob."

As she said, Xiaoxiao opened her small mouth, revealing a bit of milk teeth.

Are you threatening me?

Am I a threatened person?

With two small hands, one of Xu Ang's finger was grasped, and the small mouth was moved towards Xu Ang's skin. Xiaoxiao kept looking at Xu Ang without blinking.

I will bite you if my brother doesn't bring his sister.

Give you bite marks.

Xu Ang squeezed her small face with the other hand: "You don't learn how to bite at a young age, you are a dog."

"I am Coyote."

Xiaoxiao replied crisply.

Xu Ang: "..."

I am speechless.

After giving the little butt a slap, Xu Ang said helplessly: "Go ask your mother, as long as your mother promises you, I will let you go."

The little sister who got the promise let Xu Ang go. She climbed off Xu Ang, slipped off the sofa, and walked her short legs to find her mother.

Seeing the success of his plan to evade Jiangdong, Xu Ang called again and asked Hengdeli to inform the airport of related matters.

"Going out again?"

Within two minutes, Fang Shuying came holding Xiaoxiao.

"How long is it going this time?"

Xu is accustomed to the fact that her son has to go abroad from time to time because of work. Fang Shuying is very calm this time.

In fact, she couldn't be calm. Xu Ang even had a private jet. She made it clear that she was preparing for frequent trips. Fang Shuying knew the news during the Chinese New Year. She had been psychologically prepared for so many days.

"It shouldn't be too long. It's estimated that it will take three to five days. Mom, you should go together too, just as you go out for a relaxing time. Anyway, it's very convenient to have your own plane."

Fang Shuying refused Xu Ang: "You take Xiaoxiao with you, but you have to take care of your sister. Now it's just the beginning of the year, there are a lot of people renting houses, and I can't live without it. You tell me you too, buy so many What are the houses for? Let them leave them empty and collect less money every day. Even though the family is rich, they can’t do that. You have to remember the frugality of the hard life.”

Regardless of what Fang Shuying said, in fact, she was very comfortable with her current life of chartering grandma.

Xu Ang was busy with her own affairs but didn’t find out. Fang Shuying has something to do after the Chinese New Year. Every day someone who wants to rent a house comes to her, and her life is fulfilled again, instead of not being found every day. Doing things, the whole person feels empty and uncomfortable.

For example, she has already made an appointment with someone this afternoon, waiting for the other person to bring someone to see the room.I heard from the other party that the renter was also a graduate of Peking University and went to the United States for further studies.I had already found a job in the U.S. and joined a poor company, but thinking that U.S. is not my place, I decided to return to China to find opportunities.

Fang Shuying thinks, this person must have a bad company name, so he didn't do it.

Listen, die a company, what a shame, who is willing to go?

Besides, returning from studying to build the motherland, isn't it right?

By the way, what's the other party's name? It seems to be Li Yanhong.

It should be this name.

What is Yanhong's name for a big man? You don't know how to name it.

"Mom promised the little baby, brother is not allowed to cheat, or mother will hit you."

Xiaoxiao stretched out her little finger at Xu Ang and urged him: "Brother hung on the hook with the baby. The hook will not change for a hundred years."

"Hey hey hahaha..."

Xiaoxiao rolled around on the comfortable sofa, and joyous laughter echoed in the fuselage.

"Brother's handjob is so beautiful!"

The little sister has a limited vocabulary. She only knows that she is beautiful, not beautiful, and beautiful, so beautiful.

Obviously, Xu Ang's private jet is the highest gear.

The plane carried the two brothers and sisters high in the sky, and the bedrooms, washrooms, bookcases and bar counters in the fuselage became the targets for the little sister to explore.This energetic little baby dashed around, sprinkling happiness in every corner.


"Really luxurious."

Even Xu Ang, the owner of the Gulfstream G550, commented on the interior decoration of the Gulfstream G550, let alone Li Ke and He Xing.

"I'm a good boy, no wonder they say that luxury hedonism prevails in capital countries. Look at this plane, it's so much more luxurious than the special plane of the big leader."

Li Ke nodded and deeply agreed with He Xing's words.

It is said that capitalist sugar-coated shells are highly corrosive. He originally thought it was an exaggeration and could be resisted by willpower. When I saw it today, Li Ke discovered that he had a superficial understanding of the sugar-coated shells.

Such a sugar-coated cannonball may be able to withstand a moment by willpower, and there are not many people who can resist it from eroding a lifetime.

Li Ke is very worried now. Xu Ang is still a young man, and his temperament at that age has not been completely settled. What if he is corrupted by hedonism.

Such a good young man can't let him fall.

As soon as he thought of the big leader handing over to himself for Xu Ang in private, his words were full of praise for Xu Ang, Li Ke felt that the burden on his shoulders was very heavy.

Xu Ang didn't know that Li Ke was worried about whether he would be knocked down by sugar-coated cannonballs. He was discussing this trip to the United States with Hendry.

"Boss, you may be interested in something. Mr. Thompson intends to develop in politics. He didn't have a good opportunity before, but now he sees the possibility in the Auto City. Do you want to meet with him? Your kindness?"

Xu Ang raised his eyebrows: "He wants to use my power to run for mayor? It's interesting. There are people in the DPRK who can do things well, so let's make arrangements."

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