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Chapter 119 Small Eyeliner and Sample Machine

At San Francisco Airport in California, Steve saw Xu Ang stepping down from his private jet. First, he scanned the Gulfstream G550 with his eyes, and after secretly vowing that he would also have a private jet that was not inferior to Xu Ang. This led people to greet him.

Although he is now down and down, he is once a big boss at any rate. He is known as a person who can compete with Bill in the science and technology circles in the United States. People like him can always get special treatment.

I was surprised to see Steve Xu Ang.

"I thought you would be waiting for me in Cupertino."

Xu Ang said during a courteous hug with Steve.

Steve responded with a smile: "I'm not that arrogant."

You are really not an arrogant person, you are just arrogant.

Xu Angneng doesn't know what Steve's character is, and various revelations in later generations have long shown a real him in front of everyone in the world.

This is a tough guy who has absolute confidence in himself and never admit defeat.

The most important question is that his brain is very good, and he is skilled. As his enemy, if he can't step on him to death, he must be careful to kill him at any time.

Fortunately, Xu Ang successfully turned him into his own partner and let him take charge of the fruit company.

This trip to the United States was when Xu Ang came to enjoy the results.


When Xiaoxiao saw her brother hugging a foreign uncle, she opened her mouth slightly in surprise.

The little sister's eyes were rolling around, she wanted to keep this in her little head, and when she returned home, she would inform Xiaoying's mother and ask Xiaoying's mother to reward her with a big white rabbit.

Poor Xu Ang still doesn’t know that Xiaoying’s mother agreed to let Xiaoxiao follow him, but to put a small eyeliner beside him, let the little sister look at him, go home and report to her mother to see if he has done bad things. .

Li Ke would worry that Xu Ang could not stand the temptation of hedonistic luxury. As Xu Ang's mother, Fang Shuying would naturally not want to be behind him.

After a few words between Xu Ang and Steve, who didn't know that he had a small eyeliner beside him, he turned around and took Xiaoxiao from Li Ke.

Steve saw Xu Ang holding a child, and couldn’t help asking strangely, "Is this your child, Xu. She is so cute, just like my daughter. You know, little girls are very cute. Of course, only Limited to when they were young."

Xu Ang knew that Steve had three daughters and one son in his life. Among them, the mother of the eldest daughter was one person, and the mother of the other three children accompanied him to the last woman.For the eldest daughter, Steve did not recognize her identity for a time, until later recognized her.

Listening to Steve's tone, now he should be in a period of disapproval of his eldest daughter.

It is difficult for an upright official to decide on housework, and Xu Ang is not interested in taking care of other people’s housework. For him, it doesn’t matter how much trouble Steve’s family makes, as long as it does not affect the company.

Xiaoxiao didn't understand English. She didn't know what the gurgling mouth of the American uncle who had been hugged by her brother meant, but that didn't prevent her from staring at Steve.

After Steve found out that the kid was looking at him all the time and turned his attention to Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxiao said to him: "*%#@!"


You ask Xiaoxiao what she said?

"The little baby speaks baby language, as long as the baby can understand it."

When Xu Ang asked her, Xiaoxiao's answer made Xu Ang confused.

Please, can you stop your infant language teaching now, we are adults, not babies.

"Hmph, you adults, don't listen to the little baby well."

If you adults say something that the baby can't understand, then the baby is not allowed to speak baby language?

The little man looked at the little head to the other side, and didn't look at Xu Ang and Steve. It's fine if you don't understand, the little sister just won't tell you what it looks like.

As her brother, Xu Ang couldn't see through this little trick.

It's not just that adults don't understand her infant language, she herself may not know what she said, otherwise you ask her to repeat it, it must be different.

After all, it was his sister, Xu Ang still wanted to save her some face, but did not expose her.

He said to Steve: "This is not my daughter. I'm so young. How can I have a daughter. In China, I have not reached the legal marriage age. As a good citizen who obeys the law, how could I break the law. Here you are. Introduce me, Steve, this is my sister, you can call her Xiao Xiao."

Steve shrugged, and said without embarrassment at all: "So it's your sister, you are really a good brother."

Xu Ang unceremoniously accepted his compliment: "My sister thinks so too."

The chat on the road is nothing more than a friendship that promotes friendship and a harmonious atmosphere. In the end, you can see the truth under your hand-the color of the samples produced by the fruit company is the key.

Coming to the southern part of the Bay Area, Cupertino, known as the heart of Silicon Valley, enters the office building rented by Steve.Xu Ang saw that he took out a white notebook from the safe in his office, and only printed the fruit company logo in black on the front shell.

"I have to say, every time I see it, I am amazed. Look..." Steve took out his previous office laptop and put the two together. "This is the latest model on the market. , Its price is as high as 3999 US dollars. Everyone praises it, saying that it is light, thin and easy to carry. But comparing this thing with our IMAC, this notebook that has been praised by countless people is like a bloated large Fatty, so ugly that it makes people want to throw it in the trash can."

Speaking of his company's products, Steve's expression became enthusiastic.

"You can't imagine how shocked it was when it was born in the R&D room."

"Look at this cute little girl. It is so light, so beautiful, and so noble. It is the most perfect masterpiece in the world. Now any similar product on the market is not worthy of carrying shoes. Once it goes public, it will kill everything and dominate the entire market swiftly and violently."

"very beautiful."

Xu Ang's praise is not at all polite, he really thinks it is beautiful.

This thin and light notebook, named IMAC by Steve, is a high-end model even by future standards.In addition, the appearance design of the model is aesthetically online. Although only black and white, it takes into account the beauty in simplicity, making the whole body pleasing to the eye, and people can't help but love it and want to own it.

This is not Xu Ang's nonsense, he has a basis.

The basis is nothing but Xiaoxiao's performance.

From the moment Steve took out IMAC, Xiaoxiao's gaze was caught, and she kept staring at IMAC.

Reaching out to take the sample machine, Xu Ang turned it on proficiently, observed the boot speed, and tried the fluency of the running software of the machine. After some operations, he nodded with satisfaction and put the sample machine in his bag. .

The whole process was smooth and natural. Steve wanted to comment on this, but was interrupted by Xu Ang's questioning.

"Just one sample machine? Shouldn't it."

"We made five such sample machines."

"Okay, give me another one. By the way, when will it produce energy?"

"Eh, you..."

Steve got off the topic again, but compared to these trivial matters, work is naturally more important.He replied: "The factories in the United States are already under construction. From a cost point of view, the labor here is too expensive and not cost-effective. That's why I decided to follow your suggestion to find an OEM factory in China."

This matter was beneficial to China, and Xu Ang took the matter down: "Leave it to me about the OEM factory. I am from China, so it's a big deal to open a company like this in China."

Originally, Steve had his own consideration of the choice of foundry, but after Xu Ang said so, he decided to give Xu Ang a face, and pass the alternative of Dywan.

"That's right." Xu Ang tapped his finger on the table and asked Steve, "The choice of the foundry factory is just a small matter. I noticed that our sample machine uses Microsoft's system. I remember the operating system I gave It's also included in the technical data of the fruit company."

Steve smiled: "There are indeed, I used it to install four sample machines, and only the one you took is equipped with a Microsoft system."

"Steve, has anyone told you that you are actually a bad-hearted person."

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