Xu Ang didn't plan to stay too much when he came to the United States this time. He looked at the sample machine and discussed the future development of the fruit company with Steve.

After spending a day in Cupertino, Xu Ang got up and headed to the city of automobiles after taking two prototypes.

He will not come again until the fruit company's products are on the market.


"Steve's business thinking is really..." Xu Ang smiled, "A familiar taste."

Just like operating Peak Studios, Steve was already in the process of going public before the product appeared on the market.

Last year, Peak Studios completed "Toy Story" and used the first 3D animation film to be shown on the theater line as a gimmick. What will create a new era of animation films, and what era pioneers and other titles like rain Smash the past to attract the attention of investors, hoping to get a higher degree of recognition from the market, so that you can perform better after listing.

This time it seems to be the same.

After the prototype machine was produced, Steve used the personal connections he had formed when he was still in charge of the Big Banana Boat to promote the listing of the fruit company.

It's just that because this guy is too confident in the product, and because he was swept away by capital in the Big Banana Boat, he is very tight about equity and shares, which are almost more important than life, so things have progressed in parallel. Not so smoothly.

You don't give any benefit to certain companies, so don't think about their contribution.

If you want to get a fruit company to go public, they are worthy of you if they don't mess with you.

It's really messy to run it all by himself, but Steve, a workaholic, enjoys it, because he looks forward to the return of his king and slaps some people in the face.

As the founder of the company, Steve, who also led the company to glory in one hand, was ruthlessly swept out after his success, as proud as how he could bear it.

In the past few years, he has been thinking about slap and slap home all the time, but God just wanted to make a joke to him, just not let him succeed.Since he left the Big Banana Boat, his repeated failures have almost made him a laughingstock. The directors of the Big Banana Boat proudly declared that their decision was correct at the time, otherwise you Steve succeeded once. Let us see.

"Steve who left the Big Banana Boat is nothing, so stop saying that Steve made the Big Banana Boat. The truth is that the Big Banana Boat made Steve."

This sentence alone can make Steve hate for a lifetime.

He has been simmering in his heart to prove himself, and now the opportunity is right in front of him, and the chance of success is 100% in Steve's eyes. He will not let other people pick up this big deal and share himself if he is dead. Of glory.

Guo Guo has two shareholders, he and Xu Ang, which are enough before going public.

As for the listing of the company, it is inevitable that the company will have to join new shareholders for development. However, at that time the company’s shareholding structure had already been perfected and determined. The addition of new shareholders and the entry of other capitals could no longer shake Steve’s view Unless Xu Ang changes his mind and does not abide by his previous promises.

Will Xu Ang turn back and lose weight?

of course not.

He is a principled person, and things that he said will basically not change, just like the itinerary he planned when he came to the United States this time.

Flying from Cupertino to the city of automobiles, Xu Ang saw another scene.

Compared with Cupertino in the heart of Silicon Valley, Xu Ang feels quite shocked by the city of automobiles.Even though most of the factories have been abandoned, most of them have stopped working. It is vaguely visible how prosperous the city was.

That is the prosperity of the era of big industry.

It is a pity that just like the depression of this city today, such a big industrial era is finally a thing of the past, so that the chimneys and factories everywhere are like yellow flowers yesterday, which can only be recalled.

If you want to make it reappear, you can't see it in the land of the United States. It depends on opening the door of the country and struggling to catch up with the world.

For safety reasons, Xu Ang did not bring Xiaoxiao out.He reached an agreement with his little sister at the price of a box of white rabbit toffee, let her stay on the plane obediently, and come back when his brother is done.

Hengdeli, who was next to Xu Ang, asked, "Boss, why take the risk if you are so pessimistic about the security of the Auto City?"

Xu Ang told him: “It’s not that I’m not optimistic, but as an older brother, I will not let my sister be in danger. Since the city of automobiles has become lonely, the number of unemployed people has increased, and the United States is another one that cannot help but shoot Kingdom, I have to make sure that unpleasant things will not happen to my family. As for myself, I am so big, and I carry bodyguards with me, of course I am not afraid.

Xu Ang would not tell Hengdeli that Xiaoxiao was safer than herself.

After all, the Gulfstream G550 is a New Year's Eve reward from the all-around sign-in system. Its safety is beyond doubt, not to mention that there are three crew members selected by the system on board.They have full loyalty to Xu Ang and their abilities are good.

According to the information given to Xu Ang by the system, all three of them had served in the army of that neighbor in North China.

Speaking of bodyguards, Xu Ang has a question to ask Hendry: "What about the gun license? I remember I told you that I want to form my own bodyguard team to ensure my safety. If they can’t be equipped with guns in the U.S., what about them? Make it happen?"

Hengdeli was about to talk to Xu Ang about this matter. Hearing Xu Ang’s question, he immediately replied: “It’s being processed, boss, you know, your bodyguard is from Huaxia, and it’s normal for some procedures to go slowly. If you are willing to dredge, efficiency will naturally be there."

Seeing Heng Deli put a finger at himself, Xu Ang curled his lips.

Isn't it money? Lao Mi's people also have that virtue, and they pit money when they catch the opportunity.

"One million? They can really speak."

Hendry smiled awkwardly. He couldn't help it. It was pretty good to be able to spend money. Many people didn't have the chance to spend money.

"Give it to them, but the speed is fast. I don't want to have my bodyguard not even a gun when I come to the United States next time. This experience is too bad."

In a country where guns cannot be controlled, where does the sense of security come from having no gun in your hand?

It's better for China to think about it.

"Don't worry, it must be done for you beautifully."

Money is easy to do. This is not a joke in a country where money is supreme. It is the truth.

But the truth is sometimes difficult to use.

When Xu Ang came to his factory in the Auto City, he found that the several factories that had been integrated into one park did not have the scene where he expected the workers to work in full swing.

"How is this going?"

"Boss, have you forgotten that it's off work now, and the workers have already left."

Hendry has a strange tone of your question.

Xu Ang was stunned.

It's only 5:20 in the afternoon. Even if it's five o'clock in the afternoon, there are not many people left for three to five thousand workers in a factory area. How fast are they leaving get off work?

Are you rushing to reincarnate?

Xu Ang asked Hengdeli: "I remember that I have a promulgation system. I said that overtime is paid for overtime."

"But this is not a reason for them to work overtime." Hendry explained to Xu Ang, "In fact, it is very difficult for you to make these guys work overtime in the United States, which is different from Huaxia."

Xu Ang didn't speak. He looked at the empty factory area and thought to himself: They are all habitual problems.Forget it, I didn't expect Laomi's people to be hardworking, as long as the production capacity here can keep up with the demand for suppliers from all over the country, anyway, it can only produce some movie peripheral products.

By the way, how much money did it make for me?

"It has already created a fortune of 60 million dollars for you after deducting various taxes, workers' wages and raw materials. It has to be said that you are very wise to take down the Peak Studio."

Earn a lot, that's all right.

"Let's go, since there is nothing good to see here, we will meet little Thompson and have dinner with him by the way. According to the habits of our Chinese people, we are talking about things during the meal."

Hendry wanted to remind Xu Ang that this is the United States, the customs are different, and he and Thompson agreed to meet tomorrow, but he thought that Xu Ang was the strong side, and it was the little Thompson who wanted Xu Ang, so naturally he had to follow Xu Ang. The rules come. Therefore, Hendry's words became: "Boss, please get in the car, I will inform Mr. Thompson.

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