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Chapter 170 Xiaodouding Actually Knows The Temptation

Since Xiaoxiao got the new toy, Xu Ang has been cleaner in the past two days.

Xiaoxiao drove her car out every day, making several laps in the community.This little kid likes to listen to other people’s exaggerations, and likes to see the uncles and aunts in the community cast their surprised eyes on her. Every day after she goes out and turns around, she tells her mother and brother what she has seen and heard. Will be filled with her proud laugh.

With her own means of transportation, the small courtyard door could no longer be closed to the kid, and curiosity drove Xiaoxiao to explore the outside world.

Xu Ang is happy to see it happen.

Keeping a child at home is not good for her physical and mental growth. You have to get in touch with others and see the outside world more.

When it comes to contact with people, Xu Ang is concerned about one thing.

He approached Fang Shuying and asked, "Mom, there should be enough children suitable for kindergarten in the community. Before long, Xiaoxiao will be four years old, and it's time to send her to kindergarten to start studying."

Xiaoxiao, who was driving around the community in the car, didn't know that her brother had already arranged it for her, and there was not much time left for her.

Huaxia’s parents have always attached great importance to the education of their children. Hearing what Xu Ang said, Fang Shuying felt that time flies so fast.

After the beginning of the year, she was busy taking people to see the house every day, thinking about renting out all the houses in the community as soon as possible, but she really didn't notice that the year had passed so long.

Thinking of her daughter having been thinking about driving her car to explore the wider world for the past two days, instead of staying at home or playing in the yard as before, Fang Shuying said, “It’s time to let her go to kindergarten. Lest she run into a wild girl outside."

Agreeing to her son’s proposal and expressing her concern for her daughter, Fang Shuying again scolded Xu Ang: "Tell me about you, buy her a toy car, and buy it so well that she wants to go to the field every day. ."

Okay, Xu Ang has memorized the pot about my sister's car.

But when it comes to why the little sister loves to go outside, it's not all because of my mother that you didn't stop her when she drove the car for the first time and left the hospital, but you started with her when she went out?

How come I'm throwing the pot on my head now, it makes no sense.

Reasoning with mom... well, just think about it.

Not wanting to talk too much on this topic, Xu Ang changed the topic: "You are the principal of the kindergarten, and you and Xiaoxiao will choose the kindergarten teacher and mother who came to apply. After all, you spend a lot of time with each other. It is best to choose Xiao. Akatsuki and you both like it so that you don’t get along well."

The kindergarten teachers who can be recruited by Junjing Jiayuan Community Kindergarten are all experienced kindergarten teachers. Their professional ability and the level of educating children are guaranteed.Under such a premise, it is natural to choose what is pleasing to the eye.

Fang Shuying asked subconsciously: "Aren't you going?"

After getting Xu Ang's answer: "Just go with Xiaoxiao."

After that, she thought about it, and didn't make any demands on Xu Angdo.

The son really made sense. In the future, she and Xiaoxiao get along with the kindergarten teachers who are applying for it, so they naturally want them to choose.If Xu Ang is allowed to choose, in case it is unpleasant to get along with them, or if Xiaoxiao does not like it, then it will be a troublesome thing again.

The kindergarten in this community is not for making money, but for the little sister to grow up better.

When mother and brother arranged a meal for the little sister, Xiaoxiao stopped the car in the community.

The little sister waved to the side of the road: "Sisi, you are coming soon, little baby is coming to see you."

An eight or nine-year-old girl heard Xiaoxiao's voice, said a few words to her parents who were with her, and then ran over quickly.

Her parents followed her, and Zhang Qiong and Wang Fang, who also followed Xiaoxiao's car, nodded and motioned to each other.

"Sister Xiaoxiao, you are out to play again."

The little girl named Sisi stretched out her hand to touch Xiaoxiao's head, but it was a pity that Xiaoxiao was wearing a dog suit, only showing a small face outside, Sisi could only touch the head of the dog suit.

Xiaoxiao tilted her head and looked at Sisi, and she said to Sisi, "Sisi, baby let you ride in the car, can you call my sister, OK?

A three-year-old little Douding has the heart of being a sister, and the target is an eight or nine-year-old child. The little sister is really ambitious.

"Not good." Sisi shook her head, and she told Xiaoxiao, "I am older than you."

They just met yesterday. At that time, this little Douding wanted to be his sister, so he could not think about it.

This kid is so young, how could she be called Sister Xiaodouding, obviously it should be Xiaodouding's sister.

Reaching out in the dog clothes, Xiaoxiao took out a big white rabbit and started to lure: "You call my sister, I will give you the big white rabbit. The big white rabbit is delicious and very sweet."

Looking at the big white rabbit dangling in front of him, Sisi hesitated for a while, still shook his head: "I am older than you, so you want to call me my sister."

The white rabbit doesn't work?

How can there be children who can resist the temptation of the white rabbit!

Xiaoxiao is worried, she wants to be her sister, but others refuse to call her sister, what can she do?

Why is the baby so small? Why is even Sisi bigger than the baby? The baby has to ask his mother why he gave birth to his brother so big and the baby so young.

Seeing her daughter had withstood the temptation of Xiaodouding, Sisi's parents smiled.

That's why children have to withstand the temptation, otherwise they will be abducted by bad guys too easily.

Sisi can do this now, which shows that her parents' education is successful.

Zhang Qiong and Wang Fang were also laughing, but they thought it was funny.

It's amazing that a three-year-old little Douding knows the lure.

Xu Ang is such a great brother, and it seems that the little sister will grow up.

Xiaoxiao didn't get angry because she couldn't get Sisi to call her sister. She peeled the white rabbit's candy wrapper, opened her small mouth and bit off half of it, and then gave the remaining half to her eyes looking at her Sisi.

"give you to eat."

The little sister is a generous and good baby.

Sisi didn't dislike the little sister's milk tooth print on it. After receiving it, he said "Thank you Sister Xiaoxiao" before he put it in his mouth and squeezed.

The sweetness of toffee fills the mouth, making the children laugh.

Patting the co-pilot next to him, Xiaoxiao invited Sisi: "Sisi, baby will take you in the car, you come up quickly."

"Can I sit?"

Sisi was a little worried.

She is an older child, Xiaoxiao is a child, children’s toys will be crushed by older children.

Xiaoxiao was very proud to tell her: "My mother has been in the car before, and the little baby drove her mother to buy vegetables and vegetables. I think you are coming soon, and I will also take you to buy vegetables and vegetables."

Hearing that adults can sit, Sisi no longer worries.But she didn't take the little sister's car to go shopping, but to whisper to her little sister.

Grocery shopping is an adult’s business, so you can’t compete with an adult.

"Didi Ba Ba Du Du Du Du..."

Xiaoxiao drove the car around the community and headed home. She wanted to introduce Sisi to her brother and mother.

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