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Chapter 171 Xiaoxiao's Friend

"Sister Xiaoxiao, you can't go here."

Sisi saw Xiaoxiao twisting the steering wheel and turned into a path, and she quickly stopped Xiaoxiao.

She had been here the other day when she was playing in the community. She was curious and wanted to go there, but an uncle in a black uniform stopped her.Later, her parents also told her not to come near here, this is not a place where she can come to play.

The child is not an adult, so he didn't think so much. Anyway, he just listened to his parents.On the contrary, her parents thought a lot about this. Who made the Junjing Home Community recruited by Xu Ang be a veteran. People who didn't know would think that there was a big man living here.

After the beginning of the new year, the community has moved into hundreds of households, and the property service company has already started operation.

"Sisi, you have to be obedient."

Xiaoxiao didn't stop, she chuckled at Sisi.

The baby must take Sisi home, and can't let Sisi run away halfway through.

Sisi’s parents saw that Xiaoxiao had turned this way. They were already prepared to be stopped and explained to others, but they didn’t want to be at the intersection. The two security guards who did not let people approach the courtyard wall just watched. They gave them a glance, and did not come forward to stop them.They immediately understood that the identity of the new friend of the youngest daughter was not simple.

Sisi's mom quietly pulled Sisi's dad's clothes, and she gestured with her eyes: "We are mostly wrong. The two burly men and women following Xiaoxiao are not her parents, but her bodyguards. ."

A three-year-old Xiaodouding is equipped with two bodyguards, which is not the treatment that ordinary families can get.

In order to cultivate the eldest daughter, Sisi Ma retired too early, many years have passed, and many relationships are now useless, otherwise she would have found out who lives here early in the morning.

The originally nervous Sisi saw that the uncle in the black uniform didn't come to stop them, and her hanging heart was relieved. She quickly put aside her worry and kept looking to the side of the road.

Before this place, even her parents would not allow her to come near, but now she has no chance to come in, so she naturally wants to satisfy her curiosity.

"Go home!"

Entering the courtyard gate, Xiaoxiao cheered and announced that the little baby was back.She looked at Sisi being brought back by herself, and smiled triumphantly: "Hey hey hahaha..."

Sisi couldn't help asking Xiaoxiao: "This is your home?"

Xiaoxiao nodded: "Little baby's house, brother's house, mother's house."

Sisi said enviously: "Sister Xiaoxiao, your family is so big."

The children still don't have accurate concepts such as rich and poor money, but they do have the concept of big and small.Compared to my own family of four, this place is too big.There is a small courtyard where you can play and rest, as well as a large open space and a small three-story building.

It would be great if my house was so spacious so that I would not have to squeeze in the same room with my sister, who would also have a place to practice dancing.

Xiaoxiao giggled proudly. She said to Sisi, "My brother is a good brother. He still has a big house in #%%# Zhuang. Can you call my sister, OK, Sisi? Called my sister."

Xiaodouding hasn't given up yet.

Sisi did not agree. She was the youngest at home, and it was impossible for her to become a sister after making friends.

When Xiaoxiao stopped the car, Sisi got out of the car first, and then she went around to the other side, reached out to hug Xiaoxiao, and said, "Sister Xiaoxiao, sister, hold you down."

Who is the sister and who is the sister must be clear.

Xiaoxiao didn't think so much, her little head couldn't do too complicated thinking. Sisi wanted to hug her, and she was willing to let Sisi hug, so she let Sisi hug honestly.

Taking advantage of Sisi's chance to hug her, Xiaoxiao attacked Sisi and gave Sisi a mouthful with her small mouth.

When Sisi looked at her, Xiaoxiao smirked at Sisi haha ​​again.

"Why kiss me?"

"Thank Sisi."

This reason is reasonable, Sisi accepted.

As soon as she put down Xiaodouding, Sisi was ran in one direction with her little hand.

"Brother, my brother, the little baby brought you Sisi."

Xu Ang saw his sister holding an eight or nine-year-old child and ran towards him cheerfully. He asked Xiaoxiao, "Who is this little sister, don't you introduce Xiaoxiao to your brother."

"It's sister Sisi."

Xiaoxiao said that she laughed out the goose first.

She couldn't be disappointed, because she called sister Sisi in front of Sisi, and Sisi did not refute.

It's not easy for the little baby to finally become a sister.

Sisi looked up at Xu Ang, she was a little nervous.Until Xu Ang squatted down, stretched out a hand to her, and greeted her with a smile: "Hello Sisi, I am Xiaoxiao's brother."

Sisi's tension dissipated for the most part. She also stretched out her hand to hold Xu Ang's hand as her parents and other uncles and aunts usually do when they meet: "Hello, my name is Sisi. Xiaoxiao's brother, you So tall."

Compared with holding her own little beanie, Sisi feels so magical.

Xiaoxiao is so small, her brother is so tall.

Xu Ang looked at the hand held by the two children and asked Sisi, "Are you friends with Xiaoxiao?"

"Sister Sisi is the baby's friend."

Xiaoxiao interrupted, this time Sisi didn't let her be addicted to her sister, and refuted her: "I am a sister."

Then Sisi said to Xu Ang very seriously: "I am older than Xiaoxiao."

Xu Ang knew that children were very concerned about this, so he smiled and said to Sisi: "Xiaoxiao is still a child, Sisi, take care of her."

"Yeah." Sisi assured Xu Ang, "Don't worry about Xiaoxiao's brother, sister will take care of her younger sister."

Xu Ang couldn't help touching her little head with her appearance as a little adult.

Xiaoxiao was not angry even after being refuted by Sisi, she had already been called Sister Sisi anyway, and she earned it.

Holding Sisi's hand, Xiaoxiao said to her: "Little baby has a lot of toys, Sisi, come with me."

Looking back at Mom and Dad, and seeing Mom nodding, Sisi happily followed Xiaoxiao to see her toys.

After the child left, Sisi's father stretched out his hand to Xu Ang: "Hello, Mr. Xu, my daughter, Liu Li, is Sisi's father. This is my love, Nan Kong."

"Hello, my name is Xu Ang, Xiaoxiao's brother. My sister is still young, which is causing you trouble."

Reaching out and shook Liu Li, Xu Ang invited them.

"Two, please inside."

Nan Kong smiled reservedly, did not speak, until Liu Li responded readily: "Then it is better to be respectful than fate."

Liu Li has just set off to the sea and is in a difficult period of starting a business. His family also has some connections in the literary and artistic circles. Otherwise, it is impossible to marry a literary soldier in the system like Nankong, but he can't help him much in business.

Originally, Liu Li was worried about how to develop his career and make his family live better. He didn't expect that his little daughter would bring him good luck and give him a chance to make friends with a rich man.

That's right, Liu Li recognized Xu Ang and knew that this young man, even though he was only eighteen years old, had already started from scratch and earned a huge industry. In terms of assets alone, he had become one of the top richest people in China.

If you can get a little relationship with this guy and hitchhiking with him, it will undoubtedly be of great benefit to your career.

Not only that, her eldest daughter Ruoxi has an artistic talent since she was a child, and she also consciously nurtured her since her eldest daughter was still in elementary school. Xu Ang is also the big boss of Xiaoxiao Media and knows Xu Ang’s future for her elder daughter. Development is also very helpful.

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