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Chapter 172 Do You Know The Blog

His birth and growing environment have a great influence on a person. Liu Li can speak well because of family reasons, but after just a few minutes of conversation, Xu Ang has a good impression of him.

Of course, this favor doesn't come out of thin air, it's more from Liu Li's frankness.

This person didn't pretend to be stupid, and said frankly that he knew Xu Ang, so that he won a lot of impression points from Xu Ang at the beginning.

"Ashamed to say, I have been empty for forty years, but so far I have achieved nothing."

Talking about his career, Liu Li's hair was almost white due to sadness.

He just couldn't figure it out. He wanted contacts and connections, so he couldn't use it.Look at where Xu Ang lives, and think about where their family of four lives. In contrast, it really hurts self-esteem.

Xu Ang swept over Liu Li's face with a deep-minded look. It is a taboo to talk shallowly and deeply. It is impossible for Liu Li to understand. The two sides met for the first time and the two families had no friendship before. You sighed and sighed before me. Right.

Unusual things are demon, Xu Ang is sure and sure, Liu Li should have an idea.

Seeing that Xu Ang just smiled and didn't answer the conversation, Liu Li didn't feel embarrassed either. He asked directly, "Mr. Xu, you are a talented person. I wonder if you can give some advice to Liu. Liu is grateful. "

When Liu Li said these words, it was not Xu Ang but Nan Kong who was most surprised.

Nan Kong couldn't be more clear about what kind of person her husband was.

Liu Li's background is extraordinary, and the contacts left by his father's generation are very wide in the literary and art world. Even the current storytelling master Yuan Lao is also Liu Li's godfather.In addition, Liu Li is not a dude, but also a talented person who is full of poems and books. Otherwise, Nan Kong would not have been able to get along with him and gave up a great future for this, and chose to retreat and go home to be a housewife.

Such Liu Li was extremely proud in his heart, and Nan Kong had never seen him bow his head before.

But today, Liu Li actually put aside his face to ask a junior, how could Nan Kong not be surprised.

Liu Li's lowering of his head did not make Nan Kong look down on him, but was moved in his heart.Nan Kong knew the reason why the man he chose bowed his head.

It's all for this family.

As the pillar of the family, Liu Li couldn't create enough comfortable living conditions for his wife and children. Instead, a family of four had to squeeze under one roof and let two daughters share a room. He felt guilty.My eldest daughter has grown up, but I can't help myself if I want to develop a career. It is even harder to protect her. Liu Li is anxious.

Nan Kong knew that since her daughter graduated, because her career development was not smooth, Liu Li hadn't been able to sleep well for many nights. It was common to get up in the middle of the night to smoke and worry about quietly on the balcony.

"May I point you?"

Xu Ang said nothing.

What he actually wants to say is, why should I point you?

"Sisi, hurry up."

Xiaoxiao's laughter came from the second floor. The little sister walked in front of her holding her Xiaonian. She did not take anything but urged Sisi with a big burden.

"Sister Xiaoxiao, go slower."

"Sister Sisi, you are so slow. Only children can walk so slowly. You call me Sister Ba."

Sisi was not convinced: "I am older than you, and I am my sister."

The two children went downstairs. They wrapped Xiaoxiao's dolls in a blanket, and they wanted to take these dolls to play in the yard.

Seeing Xiaoxiao's happy smiling face, and the thoughts of Yang-ya-ya-ya helping out as a porter without complaining, Xu Ang felt softened after all.

The first friend my sister makes is always a bit preferential, if only a few words can be exchanged for a playmate that makes Xiaoxiao happy.

Therefore, Xu Ang thought for a while and opened his mouth in Liu Li's expectant eyes: "Do you know blogs?"

Liu Li shook his head simply: "I don't know. Can you elaborate on it?"

"Since Mr. Liu knows me, he must know Netscape. Strictly speaking, a blog is a portal site, and you can also use it as a platform for information resource sharing. Its mission is to be neutral, open and human."

Liu Li was at a loss, and Nan Kong was also puzzled.

But the two of them were very quiet, both listening attentively.

They knew very well that Xu Ang had no relatives with them. It was love to help them, and it was duty not to help. They were not qualified to ask Xu Ang to do anything.Xu Ang was able to show Liu Li the way, because his little daughter could play with Xiaoxiao and let his sister Xiaoxiao have a playmate. It was a great kindness.

Seeing that they didn't understand, Xu Ang simply put it simply.

"Online forums, please know, they are very similar. Netizens enter this website, register and log in to speak on it. As long as people are gathered, as long as there are enough users, it has commercial value and can be used for site advertising. Make money in other forms."

"Of course, netizens are scattered all over the world, and there is not only one online forum in China. Why do people come to you?"

"It lies in one characteristic."

"Mr. Liu has been working hard in Shanghai for a period of time. You should understand that only if you have no one, you can succeed in starting a business, and if you have one, can you develop and grow. Then, Mr. Liu, do you think of your advantage?"

Xu Ang didn't continue, he held up the cup and drank water, waiting for Liu Li's answer.

He was testing and wanted to see how well Liu Li was capable.

If a person does not even know where his strengths are, his development is also limited.

"Where is my advantage?"

Liu Li began to think about what he has that others do not.

After a long while, Liu Li had an answer: "People!"

Among the legacy left to him by his father’s generation, this is the most precious. Many old domestic artists can speak up. It depends on the affection of his parents and the face of his godfather, Mr. Yuan, if he has something to do. Asking these people will help him more or less.The reason why he and Nan Kong cultivated their eldest daughter Ruoxi to take the path of art students was not because they wanted to give full play to their own advantages?

It's a pity that he and Nan Kong never thought that things would change so fast.

New art forms such as movies and television will rise so quickly, replacing old art forms such as storytelling, playing and singing, and become the mainstream entertainment.Almost all of Liu Li’s family connections are in the latter. When the eldest daughter leaves school to develop her career, his family’s connections are empty of the name of an old artist. Those who are highly praised by others are really going to be practical. But there is not much impact.

Liu Li remembers that when he wanted to help his daughter, the upstart Wang brothers in Beijing had shied away in every way. People didn’t say that Liu Li’s eldest daughter had a bad image and temperament, and they didn’t raise the issue of acting skills. People just told you about them. There is already a suitable candidate, so please be early next time.

But in reality, Liuli knows very well that it is not that someone has already chosen it, but that your daughter is so beautiful and she refuses to sacrifice for art, which is not competitive.There are so many beauties in the film and television industry who want to become famous. Who are the opportunities for who are not given, and why do people give it to you and not those who are willing to dedicate their lives to art?

Don't talk about uncles and uncles, you must know that if officials in ancient times were in trouble and their families were charged into places like Jiaofangsi, these uncles and uncles would be most interested.

Some things are indeed dross, but this thing is human nature, it was like this in ancient times, but it is not much better in modern times.

It was the collision that made Liu Li very anxious. He didn't know how long young people could survive at the bottom and how long they could hold the bottom line in the Vanity Fair full of temptations.

Even if he could survive, even if he could keep the bottom line, how could Liu Li be willing as a father if his daughter stayed at the bottom of the circle for a lifetime.

Xu Ang nodded: "Yes, it's the connections."

Here comes a new problem.

"So, have you figured out how to use this network on the blog?"

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