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Chapter 181 Small Water Gun

Two days after going out, just when he got home, a Coyote cheered: "Brother is back."

Walking towards him with his short legs, Xu Ang squatted down quickly and caught the cute tiger.

Fortunately, my reaction is fast. If the reaction is a little slow, the little sister can't jump on the floor?

By then, it will not be the cute tiger rushing to eat, but...unspeakable, unspeakable.

Anyway, the little sister has to fall into a big painted face. If her tender face is broken, not only will she cry, but Xu Ang will also feel distressed.

She stretched out her little hand and patted her elder brother's arm with her little slap. Xiaoxiao blamed her elder brother: "Brother, don’t run around. If you don’t go home, mother will worry about you. If the baby cannot find you, she will miss you. ."

Xu Ang's little sister silently had the little head, but he didn't want Xiaoxiao to hug his neck and give him a mouthful.

"Hey hey hahaha..."

What Xiaoxiao smiles is that she punished the bad brother who didn't go home, and successfully left her saliva on his face.

"You're so little."

How could the little sister's tricks be concealed from Xu Ang? He picked up the little child and was about to take him to his bedroom to beat him up.But she didn’t want the little sister to smell the dangerous breath with Coyotito’s keen sense of smell. She twisted her body and struggled constantly, and sent a message to her mother for help: "Mom, save my life. Mom, save the little baby. , My brother wants to bully me."

My daughters are calling for help, how can mothers be indifferent.

Fang Shuying rescued the little sister from Xu Ang. She comforted the little child who made faces at her brother after she was saved, and stopped her from provoking her brother. At the same time, she said to Xu Ang, "Xiaoxiao’s friend is called Sisi. Yes, right. Their family name is Liu, and they rented a house in the community yesterday."

Xu Ang was surprised: "They are from Peking and have a house in their own home. Why can't they live in their own home and rent a house outside?"

Not to blame Xu Ang's surprise.

If you can say that your own house can be rented at a higher price, and the price of a house rented outside is lower than the price of your own house after renting, it is understandable.

But Junjing Garden is a high-end residential area, and the rent here is not cheap. Even if Liu Li and his family rent out their old house, whether the rent can have one third of the rent of Junjing Home is still unknown.

But in terms of economic benefits, the Liuli family is doing a loss-making business.

Although Xu Ang and Liu Li have only met once, Xu Ang doesn't look like someone who doesn't even understand such a simple economic account.

Xu Ang said inwardly: There must be other reasons.

As for Liu Li to make it easier for Sisi and Xiaoxiao to play, there may be some reasons, but other factors are definitely at work.

Could it be what happened to Liuli's house?

Xu Ang remembers that when Liu Ruoxi led Sisi to find Xiaoxiao to play, Liu Li and his family were thinking of ways to raise money to start a business because they had pointed out a few words to Liu Li. What they did was Xu Ang told Liu Lee's blog.

Thinking about Liu Li, Xu Ang was distracted.

Xiaoxiao, who had been making faces to her brother and provoking her brother with the protection of her mother, met. The little sister took the opportunity to jump out. She did not know where to take out a small water gun and shouted at Xu Ang: Boy, baby wants to teach you. biubiubiu~~~!"

A burst of coolness shot out, hitting Xu Ang's face.

"I taught the bad guy brother, hahahahahahahaha!"

The little sister was smiling triumphantly, she giggled triumphantly, unaware that the real danger was approaching.

"Playing with the water gun again!"

Fang Shuying snatched the water gun in Xiaoxiao's hand. The little sister, who was focusing on her elder brother, didn't react at all, and was disarmed at once.

"Are you a Sen, mother."

Xiaoxiao was stunned.

A moment ago, she was the mother of her own protector. Why did she disarm herself at this moment? The little sister couldn't understand.

Did you adults switch positions so fast?

It might as well stand firm as a child.

Fang Shuying's face taught Xiaoxiao: "I told you not to play in the water in the morning, and now you are playing again. Have you forgotten, who wet the bed this morning?"

Xiaoxiao covered her little face.

The baby's secret was told by his mother, so ashamed.

Everyone knows about the baby's bedwetting, how can the baby see people?

"Bad mother, hum!"

Xiaoxiao grunted, she didn't want to be better with her mother.She wants to be nice to her elder brother, she is looking for her brother.

The little sister abandoned her mother who had the short child, and ran to her brother's feet to reach out for a hug.As soon as she raised her head, she only saw her brother who was wiping the water on his face with a tissue, watching her.

That was the death gaze from my brother.

That's right, the little baby made his brother's face just now, the little baby is really amazing, he is the most amazing baby.

"Pigeons, hahaha..."

Xiaoxiao smirked at Xu Ang, but her feet moved backward.

The elder brother who was hit by the small water gun is so dangerous, the little baby is still far from him for the sake of his own life.

"Want to run after irritating me?"

Xu Ang smiled coldly. Due to the angle of the seat, the sun just shone in from behind him. At this time, his face was hidden in the shadows, only the white teeth were dazzling.

Xiaoxiao shuddered when she saw it.


The child screamed and turned to flee.

Can her speed be as fast as Xu Ang's movements?

When the child turned around and ran for two steps, Xu Ang reached out and grabbed the strap of her dog suit and picked it up, letting her short legs and short hands row in the air in vain.

"Brother, the baby's favorite brother, this is a mistake."

"The baby loves my brother the most."

"Brother, you will soon release the baby."

Now I know I'm afraid, it's too late.

When you squirt me with a small water gun, you should have thought of the consequences.

Xu Ang ignored the little sister's begging for mercy. He carried the little dog who dared to use the water gun to spur his brother, and walked to the corner of the living room where there was a clothes rail.

In this way, Xu Ang hung up the little sister and asked her to reflect on it alone.

Seeing her brother let go and she was hung in the air again, the little sister who was still struggling immediately became quiet, and she did not dare to move.

She feels safe enough in her brother's hands, knowing that even if she is about to fall, her brother will protect herself. If she is not in his brother's hands, it would be hard to say.

If you fall on the ground at this height as a baby, you will definitely get headaches, hands aches, and whole body pain.

After dealing with the brave little sister, Xu Ang asked about the origin of the water gun: "Mom, how do you buy this toy for Xiaoxiao?"

He remembered that there was no water gun in Xiaoxiao's toys, so it was obvious that he had bought it two days after he left.

Fang Shuying explained: "I didn't buy it. How would I buy this for her. Didn't you tell me to take Xiaoxiao to choose the teacher she likes? This is a gift from Teacher Xiao Song."

The teacher gave the child a small water gun, which... Xu Ang wondered whether this teacher Xiao Song was qualified.

As if knowing what he was thinking, Fang Shuying said again: "It was originally a bubble gun, and it would blow bubbles when you press it, but the child changed the water after blowing the bubbles. If she didn't play with the water yesterday, she slept. I don’t know how to wet the bed at that time. Speaking of people being nourished by a water gun, you are the first one.

Xu Ang was speechless.

So, should I be proud of this?

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