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Chapter 182 Bubbles (Fifth more seeking subscription)

Asked Li Ke to move the stool, and another small wooden table, Xu Ang and the little sister who hung on the clothes rail looked across the table.

Xiaoxiao looked at her elder brother pitifully, like a puppy begging for mercy.

If you do it again, she... will still make her brother a face.

"Hey hey hahaha..."

That's right, this is a cowardly coy.

Who made the elder brother so tall, the baby so small, and wanted to use a small water gun to squeeze his elder brother's face, the baby has only one chance, and he can't take it.

If the elder brother knew about the existence of the small water gun, he would definitely hide his big face plate, and the baby would not be able to get it.

Staring at the kid who made a mistake, not only didn't he repent, but also gave a triumphant smile at the kid when his brother put on a posture to interrogate her, Xu Ang became busy.

He asked Li Ke to pick up the water in a basin, then took a piece of soap and finely chopped it with a knife, then put the soap pieces in the water, and then stirred with chopsticks.

Xiaoxiao watched her brother doing all this curiously. She didn't know what his brother was doing, and she didn't dare to ask.

The elder brother has a knife in his hand, he can cut people, and he will break and bleed if he is cut.

My mother has always taught Xiaoxiao not to touch the knives, or it will hurt.Xiaoxiao also didn't dare to touch it, she only dared to watch from a distance when the adult was cutting vegetables with a knife.

But now my brother was holding a knife and cutting something two meters away from her, Xiaoxiao felt that she was so close to the knife, and she shrank in fright.

"Brother, what are you doing, don't scare sister."

"Mom, look at my brother, he scares the baby."

Fang Shuying saw all Xu Ang's behavior, but she didn't stop it.

Xiaoxiao, this little child dares to use a small water gun to sed her brother, so she must teach her something, otherwise the little child will not fly into the sky.

If a child does something wrong, she must learn a lesson the first time she makes a mistake, so that she can know that her behavior is wrong and that she cannot do that.Otherwise, if you don't teach it at first, it will be difficult to correct it later.

While stirring, Xu Ang asked Xiaoxiao: "Are you aware of it wrong?"

"Got it."

"What's wrong?"

"You shouldn't use a water gun to spur brother."

After looking at the soap shards in the water, it will take a while to blend into the water. Xu Ang said to Xiaoxiao, “It’s good to know that you are wrong, and you will be punished if you do something wrong. You should reflect on it first. Brother let you go again."

Carefully raising a slap, Xiaoxiao said: "Five minutes."

"Okay, hang you up for another five minutes. You count from one to three hundred, then let you down when you're done,"


Xiaoxiao agreed very readily, but when she really counted, she became worried.

"One, two, three...Nine, ten, ten, ten...@#*……"

It's okay if it's less than ten. The younger sister doesn't know what to do if it exceeds ten. She can only count in infant language, and no one knows how she counts.

Perhaps, even she herself did not know.

Xu Ang looked funny, but he didn't mean to let the little sister down.

This little kid dared to use a water gun to spur him this time, without teaching him a lesson, let her know how powerful his brother is, and how much lawless things he can do next time.

"Brother, the baby has finished counting."

Yingyu counted, after a long time, Xiaoxiao felt that five minutes should be there, and immediately reminded her brother not to forget her promise to her little sister.

Xu Ang looked at it, and the soap fragments had completely dissolved in the water.

He snorted and said to Xiaoxiao, "It hasn't arrived in five minutes."

After speaking, he stood up and walked away.

Only Xiaoxiao was left looking at her brother's back, her small face was aggrieved but she did not dare to speak.

Little baby can't count to three hundred, what should I do if it's swollen, hey!

Xu Ang came back for the confiscated small water gun from my mother, and carefully poured the soapy water in the basin into the water gun.

Seeing her brother adding water to the water gun, Xiaoxiao was anxious: "Brother, what do you want to do? You don't want to inflict the baby. If you infuriate the baby, the baby will cry."

Xu Ang ignored the little sister's begging for mercy. He filled the water gun with water, and then pointed the muzzle at Xiaoxiao.


"Don't nourish the baby!"

"Little baby knows it was wrong."

Xiaoxiao was almost crying, but suddenly found bubbles sprayed from the small water gun.

The bubbles were flying in the air one by one, showing a different color under the sunlight.


Xiaoxiao opened her small mouth, and she was shocked.

With so much water and so many guns, the baby can’t let the water gun spray bubbles, but can only use it to nourish people.Why did the small water gun spray so many bubbles in my brother's hand?

"How to fatten four?"

Just ask how this is fat four.

Say, small water gun, are you bullying the baby and deliberately not spray bubbles for the baby?

Just tell me honestly, you little water gun.


A small bubble flew to Xiaoxiao's face. Xiaoxiao wanted to hide, but she was hung in the air and couldn't hide.

With the first, there will be a second, a third, and even more.

Little bubbles flew towards her, Xiaoxiao wanted to cover her little face with her little hands, but her short hands were not that long, and she couldn’t get rid of the shackles of dog clothes, so she could only close her eyes and use her face to hold the bubbles. Bubbles attacked.

In the face of fragile bubbles, the little sister is also very tenacious, her little mouth still does not forget to blow out, trying to drive the bubbles away.

Seeing that the bubble army he made successfully bombarded the little sister's face for a round, Xu Ang stopped contentedly.

He stepped forward and put the little child down.

Xiaoxiao felt relieved when her feet fell to the ground.While enjoying her brother’s careful face-wiping service, she said to her brother in a soft and sweet little milky voice: "Brother, don’t be angry, the baby knows it is wrong, you put the baby horn."

Squeezing his sister's face, Xu Ang said to her, "My brother is not angry anymore."

"Well, not angry, we are a family, not angry."

The little sister successfully settled her suspicion with her brother. She grabbed the small water gun in his brother's hand and looked at it.

"Brother made the little water gun spit bubbles, you are so amazing."

Shaking the small water gun in his hand, Xu Ang asked Xiaoxiao: "Want to play?"

Xiaoxiao answered without hesitation: "Yes."

"Then promise brother, not to use it to irritate people."

"Okay." Xiaoxiao stretched out her little finger, "Hang on the hook for a hundred years without change."

After receiving the promise from the little sister, Xu Ang returned the water gun to her and said to her, "Take it to play. If the water gun doesn't spit bubbles, come to my brother."

"Brother is the best, you are the most powerful brother, baby loves you."

Xiaoxiao cheered, picked up her beloved little water gun and ran outside the house, drove into her trolley, and sprinkled a string of colorful bubbles with a happy laugh in the sun.

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