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Chapter 194 Kindergarten

With the continuous improvement of facilities, a corner that had been deserted in the community became lively.

Xiaodouding came in groups, and the older children also quietly joined them, taking this place as a happy place to play games, frolic and make friends of the same age.

Slides, seesaws, swings, etc., as long as they belong to the public area of ​​the kindergarten park open to children, they are full of large or small figures.

Among these figures, a child is the most special existence.

She drove her small car and sprinkled a series of colorful bubbles with a small water gun, and let the little puppies chase after him. Even the older children sometimes couldn't help but puncture one or two bubbles. , And laughed with the little beans.

In the community kindergarten, some of the outdoor facilities were specially opened to test whether the children liked it. Xiaoxiao used only two of these days to become the two-year-old and five-year-old little peasants in the community. Elder sister head.

Xu Ang was very surprised by this.

Even if the two or three-year-old Xiaodoudings, Xu Ang, a four-year-old child, can understand, but the five-year-old Xiaodouding is obviously older than Xiaoxiao, and he can actually fall under her dog. It really makes him difficult to understand. .

Xu Ang didn't know that in order to become the big sister of Xiaodouding, Xiao Driver did not pay a lot.

Her trolley has carried passengers one after another, and even her private candy box is empty.

A whole box of white rabbit toffee?

That's right!

Tang Lun is so arrogant.

Older children, such as six or seven years old, either go to elementary school early or already have a kindergarten, and their parents will not let them transfer to other schools midway.On the one hand, it saves the child the time to adapt to the new environment, and on the other hand, the knowledge learned is consistent. Parents don't want to take the risk to interrupt this process.

The parents of the little peasants who are five and under are moved after visiting the community kindergarten. After all, the community kindergarten is convenient to pick up and drop off the children. The teaching here also makes them feel relieved.

The landlord sent their daughters here to study, and personally served as the principal of the kindergarten. Is the quality of teaching so bad?

The landlord is watching, the kindergarten teachers will be more caring to the children than other kindergartens.

"Many parents have come to sign up, plus today, there are already forty children coming to kindergarten."

Fang Shuying really did not expect the parents to be so enthusiastic. Originally there were about 30 children in the community about the same age as Xiaoxiao, and Fang Shuying also thought that it would be good to receive 20.

But I don’t want the parents to check with her, the future head of the kindergarten, teacher Xiao Song and other kindergarten teachers after seeing the kindergarten environment. After understanding the original intention of the kindergarten, there are parents who report to their children who are not yet in Peking. Named.

There is still some time before the kindergarten officially starts, enough for them to take the children from their hometown.

When it comes to the education of their children, Huaxia’s parents will never be a second person.

They will do their best to provide their children with the best educational environment they think.

Obviously, in the eyes of these parents, the kindergarten run by the community is much better than the kindergarten in their hometown.

"This is Peking after all. Children from families who come to Peking from other places have difficulty enrolling in school. These families want to take their children with them and it is difficult for them to have suitable schools. Now we have provided them with opportunities, and they naturally don't want to miss it." Xu Ang Said to my mother, "Mom, look at it, there will be parents coming to sign up. By the way, are there enough teachers in kindergarten?"

"The three teachers decided before. Seeing that there are so many dolls, I took Xiaoxiao and chose another one."

"Four teachers should be enough. If you don't have enough, we will recruit people."

Xu Ang is not worried that no one will come. Some jobs with less work and more money are candidates.

People these days are not stupid. They work in the kindergarten in the high-end community on Dongzhimen Street. Apart from the temptation of high salaries, the benefits to them are self-evident.It's impossible to say when the parents of one of your students can do you a big favor, let alone get in touch with Fang Shuying, the principal.

"Mom can't leave if there are too many babies. This time I won't follow you to the United States. Anyway, you have a lot of work to do after you have passed. I have been busy all day, and Xiaoxiao and I can see you. less."

Fang Shuying was reluctant to bear her son, but she had to take care of her little daughter and was even more responsible to the parents who trusted her.

The community kindergarten was newly opened, and your principal went to the United States with your son. This is nothing.

Xu Ang was ashamed.

My mother was right. He had a lot of things to do in the United States this time, and he had to fly around a lot. He couldn't let his mother and Xiaoxiao accompany him all over the United States.No matter how comfortable a private jet is, the fatigue of a long journey will still exist.

He gave his mother a hug, and Xu Ang said, "Mom, don't worry, I will come back after participating in the Olympics and completing the tasks assigned to me by the country."

Fang Shuying opened her son's hand and reminded him: "Don't be arrogant and complacent, gold medals are not so easy to pick up. It is not our place. You have to be careful when you go to someone else's place. Don't think of being popular in everything else."

Humility is a traditional virtue of China, but in another country with different cultures, they will not regard humility as a virtue, but as weakness.Those who advocate the law of the jungle, once they find someone who is weaker than themselves, they will bully it desperately and take pride in it.

Xu Ang will not tell her these words, because he knows that it is difficult for a person with a formed mind to change her mind, and don't try to convince her, because in the end you will find that this is doomed to be futile.

Just accept my mother's concern. Xu Ang has his own judgment on what to do after arriving in the United States.

Xiaoxiao drove her car and came in front of her brother. She raised the water gun and shouted at Xu Ang: "You brother, I am not afraid of you."

The little sister raised her head and looked at her brother bravely, without fear.

Who gave you the courage to challenge your brother?

Xu Ang was wondering how his silly child became so brave, when he heard a noisy little milk chirping from behind Xiaoxiao.

"Not afraid of you."

"I'm not afraid of you either."

"We are not afraid of you."

It turned out that a group of small beans gave the little sister courage.

As the eldest sister of the little peas in the kindergarten, Xiaoxiao's bravery gained the admiration of the little peas.

"Sister Xiaoxiao is so brave."

"Does that adult beat children?"

"He is so tall, taller than my father."

There are so many people in Xiaodouding, Xu Ang said: Can't afford to offend, can't afford to offend.

If he can't afford to provoke him, he can only hide, and he will hide on the other side of the ocean to avoid being found by the little peasants and being watched by them again.

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