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Chapter 195 Reentry Beverly

The only Gulfstream G550 of this era landed at the Los Angeles airport. Not long after, a small convoy of three cars drove into Beverly Hills.

It has been a long time since I visited my mansion in the United States. When Xu Ang arrived again, he found that it was no different from when he left last time.

"The lawn and plants are neatly trimmed, and the house is clean and tidy. The housekeeper and servants here are very careful."

After entering the house, Xu Ang was not busy doing anything. Instead, He Xing and Li Ke carefully checked the room. After confirming that there was no abnormality, he picked up the plane with him and accompanied him to the Beverly Hills. Seth began to talk about business.

"How are you preparing for the movie release?"

The second animated film "Interstellar Baby" by Peak Studios is about to be released. As the boss, Xu Ang is very concerned about this.

After deciding to build his own R&D room for lithography machines in China, Xu Ang, who once again realized the lack of money, is not a general concern for the cash cows that come with fast money like movies.

Money is not omnipotent, but no money is impossible.

Lasseter replied: "All the preparations have been done and we are just waiting for the release. However, we encountered a lot of resistance in the promotion of the film."

Because of Xu Ang's fierce manipulation of the "Blair the Witch" matter, smart people in the industry have seen the power of the Internet.

The era where film critics used to make evaluations after watching movies and give full play to their voice in public opinion to influence the public with personal likes and dislikes, which greatly affected the box office and word-of-mouth of movies has passed.Directors and film companies no longer need to confess to film critics, and they have found another way to replace them. A new era has arrived.

Many film critics can no longer live a decent life with this profession, and they hate Xu Ang.

Cutting off a person's wealth is like killing a parent. Those people who have been smashed their jobs take advantage of their last lingering power to exert their last influence, and they will have to block Xu Ang if they are desperate.

If there were only them, they wouldn't be able to make waves.

But there are still a group of old guys with discriminatory thinking behind the scenes, and Xu Ang has to pay attention to this.

The Americans in this era are full of antagonistic old people in power, and they are inexplicably hostile to everything from China.Xu Ang is also making money in the stock market in their country, and he is also doing miracles in the film and television industry, which makes them look very unsightly, how can he feel comfortable.

If Xu Ang can be squeezed out by the hand of a film critic, and this Chinese person can leave the dingy roll of Hollywood, some people would be happy to see it happen.

"Boss, you didn’t know if you were in the United States. Since the "Star Baby" was finalized, many media outlets have seen bad words about us. They think that the success of "Toy Story" is luck and a miracle, and the reason why a miracle is , That’s because it cannot appear a second time."

Lasseter is also very bitter when talking about it. When the media blacks the Peak studio, he will often be brought along easily.

Who allowed him to preside over the daily work of Peak Studios, and at the same time is one of the very few people who own shares in Peak Studios. In some people's eyes, he Lasseter is Xu Ang's loyal lackey.

The dignified rice people actually do things for the Chinese people. Do you still have the dignity of the only superpower citizen in the world?

For people like you Lasseter, we are not black or who.

Hating the house and Wu, Lasseter was shot while lying down.

"The harder they jump, the more interesting things will be."

Xu Ang signaled Lasseter not to panic. He had previously told Hendry that he would solve the matter of word of mouth and public opinion by himself, and he would definitely solve it.

As for Xu Ang's solution, of course, it is to use the Internet.

In this era, Xu Ang can completely say without humility: "No one knows the Internet better than me."

Xu Ang really knows how powerful the Internet is and how much advantage it has over traditional paper media in the media and public opinion industry that emphasizes timeliness.

However, if it is only to promote the film for "Interstellar Baby", now it is only to completely wake up the film critics who have not yet awakened, knowing that the times have changed, and now only to deal with some old antiques who have not kept up with the progress of the times. Xu Ang deliberately came to the U.S. a week in advance because of his exclusion, it would be too small for him.

The reason why Xu Ang came to the United States a week in advance was not just for the release of "Star Baby", he also wanted to take this opportunity to accomplish another thing.

For Peak Studios to develop, don't other industries under Xu Ang's name need to develop?

When Xu Ang returned to Beverly Hills in the morning of the second day, he was still in the indoor sports hall in his mansion for a routine training of the 100-meter sprint, Mark had already arrived overnight on a flight to Los Angeles.

"Mark, sit down."

After seeing Mark, Xu Ang shook hands with him first. After both of them were seated, he asked Mark, "How is Twitter developing?"

"The number of users has exceeded five million."

Mark feels pretty good. After all, how long has Twitter been launched? It has 5 million registered users in such a short period of time, and the speed of development is not unpleasant.Mark believes that by giving him another month, he is confident that he will reach 10 million Twitter users by June.

He thought so, but Xu Ang didn't think so.

"The speed of development is still slow."

Xu Ang rubbed his eyebrows. Seeing Mark seemed dissatisfied, he went on to say: "Twitter is coming so aggressively, Paul cannot be indifferent."

Mark was swept away from Netscape by Paul. Can Paul watch Mark rise?

A smelly salted fish still wants to turn over and have your spring and autumn dreams.

"If you can't accumulate enough users before Paul and Bill reach an agreement, Twitter is dangerous."

Paul and Bill are partners after all. They co-founded Microsoft. Although Microsoft is now in charge of Bill, Paul is still one of the major shareholders.Based on the relationship between the two of them, it is not difficult for Netscape to reach a cooperation with Microsoft. If Paul's mouth is crooked on the board, it is also very easy for Microsoft to target the infant Twitter.

Mark argued: "The company is developing at the fastest speed. You may not know the boss. Wall Street has noticed Twitter and many investment banks are very optimistic about us."

"That's really good news." Xu Ang shrugged and made an American stand to Mark. "Then, how can it help the company get more registered users?"

Mark was silent for a moment before he asked, "Boss, do you have a new plan?"

"No plan, I just saw the opportunity."

Xu Ang put on the table the newspapers that he specially asked to buy. The thick pile of copies was really a lot. Each of them came from a different newspaper.

Pointing his finger on the newspaper, Xu Ang said to Mark: "The opportunity for the explosive growth of Twitter users lies above."

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