As one of the founders of Netscape, Mark certainly knows what the number of users means to an Internet company.

However, it is difficult for users to develop, especially in the United States.If you want people to use your stuff, you have to find ways to get people to accept it and be patient in promoting it.

In Mark's experience, this kind of thing can't be rushed.The Twitter company is now developing much faster than the Netscape browser he founded. As long as they can hold their ground, they have a lot to do in the future.

But Mark had to admit that Xu Ang was right. Paul is not Bill. This guy has a much better sense of smell on the Internet than Bill.Regardless of Twitter's current development momentum, it has always been a start-up company. If Paul deliberately targets it, it will most likely decline.

While suppressing them, Paul can make use of the huge users of the Netscape browser in his hand to build a similar company, taking good ideas like Twitter as his own and turning it into a part of his wealth empire.

Mark can't accept this kind of thing.

"Boss, what is the opportunity you are talking about?"

"I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, don't worry."

Xu Ang signaled Mark to be calm and don't worry.He also didn't have the habit of selling off people's appetite. Pointing to a report in the top newspaper, he said to Mark: "You can find the answer by looking at this."

Taking a closer look, Mark saw that the report that Xu Ang was referring to was in the entertainment section, and people in the technology circle like him don't usually pay much attention to this section.

After all, Mark is a technical background, and he spends his spare time reading newspapers in the technology sector.

Now we need to add a financial sector.

This is...I am not optimistic about the upcoming new animated film of Peak Studios, as well as a critical article on Peak Studios.

Mark remembers that Peak Studios was also the property of his own boss.

What does the boss mean by showing me this?

Mark guessed: "Boss, you mean to let Twitter make a fuss about the release of Peak Studios' new movie "Star Baby"."

"That's right..." Mark's heart just loosened, and before he was happy that he had said the right answer, Xu Ang changed his mind, "It's not right."

Mark was depressed. He wanted to say to Xu Ang, "Boss, can you not help but play dumb."

Xu Ang didn't give him a dumb answer. He told Mark: "The Internet is a new thing, and Twitter is also a new thing. Those who stand on the opposite side of them, those who still think they have the right to speak, use traditional media such as paper media to influence Peak's work. The box office critics of Shixin's animated film "Star Baby", they represent the old forces."

Mark suddenly realized: "I understand, boss. This is a war between new things and old forces."

Xu Ang secretly said, "You can teach you," and continued to Mark: "Film critics had the right to speak before. They can fight with traditional media such as paper media and manipulate public opinion through the unequal right to speak. Because the voice of ordinary people is too great. Small, even if they are hoarse and fight for their lives, they can only let the people around them hear their own voices. But film critics are different. They cooperate with the media. Through the media, they can say anything and write articles. The area spreads, thus creating an illusion that they are authority and their views can trigger public opinion and lead the social trend."

Mark clapped his hands excitedly and said: "Yes, that's it. The previous era was too unfair to ordinary people. They didn't have a channel to speak out. What we have to do on Twitter is to make ordinary people's voices listen to the world. Let everyone speak freely and express their opinions, and give all ordinary people a channel to bravely say no to those so-called authorities."

Xu Ang nodded: "Yes, we are doing a great thing."


For Americans, one of their favorite things to do is to use authority.

This is in the name of freedom, and what is held high is the banner of freedom of speech. Whoever prevents them from doing this is the enemy of freedom.

For other things, there may not be many people involved, but if you want to be authoritative, show your own personality, and let thousands of people see what you say, the old rice will be excited.

"Boss, your idea is so cool."

Mark dared to take his young female assistant to swear that if he followed Xu Ang's ideas, he would use the public opinion campaign before the release of Pixar’s new animated film "Interstellar Baby" as an opportunity to provoke the public to question the authority of the existing film and television. , Come to an online and offline public opinion battle, regardless of the success or failure of this war, Twitter can get immeasurable benefits.

Other than that, the spread of popularity alone cannot buy even the best advertisements, let alone attract a large number of new users.

The more you think about it, the more Mark thinks it is feasible.

The more you think about it, the more Mark thinks it can be done.

"Give it to me, boss. I will be able to manage it."

Mark promised Xu Ang.

He thinks Xu Ang is right. This is indeed an opportunity for Twitter's users to achieve explosive growth, and it is also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Twitter's rapid rise.

Taking advantage of the opportunity that triggered a war of words between film critics and ordinary audiences when "Star Baby" was released, it is very possible for him to make Twitter achieve a big leap that no one expected.

Well, except for his boss Xu Angde.

Mark is looking forward to the scene after the development of Twitter.

Even if Paul wants to use Microsoft's power to suppress himself by then, Bill may not be able to pass it.

With enough users, Twitter has enough confidence and enough bargaining chips to make the enemy dare not act rashly because of fear.

"Go ahead and do it, Mark."

Xu Ang released the power to Mark.

"Boss, don't worry, I will kick these guys fiercely and let them know how stupid it is to be your enemy, boss."

"Stupid people don't realize how stupid they are. Even if they do, they don't want to admit it."

The corners of Xu Ang's mouth turned up slightly, and his smile was clearly blooming, but Mark, who was sitting opposite him, felt a cold wind blowing on his face like a knife.

This feeling made Mark shudder, and goose bumps appeared all over his body.

Why do I feel that such a boss is so terrible?

He is just a boy who is not yet nineteen years old!

Just as Marx was about to drift to other places, he heard Xu Ang say: "I'm not interested in kicking their ass, I just want them to recognize the reality-the times have changed."

"The world belongs to them and ours, but it belongs to young people in the end. They don't want to go, and they don't want to make room for newcomers. We grab it ourselves."

Xu Ang stood up and opened his arms: "In the new era, new people should have the right to speak. Mark, let us grab their right to speak."

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