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202 God of Wealth

When Lasseter received feedback from movie theaters from all over the world, even though he was as calm as him, the head of the next generation of the Peak Five Tigers, served as his assistant when Steve was the boss of Peak After Ang became the head of Peaks, Xu Ang was appointed to manage the daily work of Peaks' studio, and he still had a brainstorm.

"Star Baby" has 3,500 paintings in North America. This is Lasseter's responsibility and he personally discussed it, so there is absolutely nothing wrong with the numbers.

But it is these 3,500 theaters, even if the owner of the theater is in front of the crazy crowd, under the impact of the violent ticket buying frenzy, he is full of energy and horsepower, and he has tried his best to increase the performance of "Interstellar Baby". Watching the movie, but still found that his efforts were only a drop in the bucket.

In the face of the people who have gone mad, in the face of the green tsunami set off by the menacing Franklin, their bulging belly is so small that they can't see their feet at all.

They could only dance with excitement while cursing angrily, becoming a complex of contradictions.

Excited, naturally because they made a lot of money this time.

Annoyed, of course, is because the theaters at my home are really unable to be released. Not only do I have to endure curses and protests from people who can’t buy tickets, but I also have to watch my own money slip away.

On this night, countless theater owners who usually pay attention to demeanor have changed their appearances. They no longer be polite gentlemen, but become grumpy brothers full of swear words.


When Lasseter called Xu Ang for instructions, his body was trembling. It was not that he was afraid, but that the excitement had not passed, and he could not control his performance.

"The tickets for the next week are all sold out, and even the daytime tickets are not left. The owners of the theater called to tell me that they want to continue to issue tickets in the future and give them all the shows in the next half month. Push it out."

Xu Ang was very surprised by Lasseter’s question: “The theater is theirs. We don’t have much power to interfere with how to sell tickets, as long as they don’t play virtual games at the box office. By the way, you go and tell the theater owners, If anyone makes trouble for me at the box office, I will blacklist him. In the future, Peak’s movies will never be shown in his theaters."

"No one has done this before, will there be a problem?"

This is what Lasseter is worried about.

When it was released today, it sold a lot of tickets, but this overdrafted the future, so what happened to the box office later?

You can't get hundreds of millions of dollars in the box office on the first day, and it's all zero in the next half month.

Besides, the operation of the black theater owner is human?

Are you so good that you are not afraid of causing a backlash?

Xu Ang curled his lips, Lasseter needed more exercise.

Couldn't he understand that the successive successes of Peak Studios have continuously exploded in the box office, and they have been regarded by the theater owners as the god of wealth under the miracle.They want to confess us, even if they have complaints, they will swallow them.

Do you think the theater owner is very strong?


When facing the God of Wealth, they can only stay low and be small.

"You won't count separately? Even if you sell out all the tickets for one month at a time, the number of sessions and the number of tickets sold each day are recorded. Just list the data for each day."

When Lasseter heard this, he knew what a stupid question he had asked.

The boss would not think I was too stupid because of this, so he demoted me.

Lasseter worries about his future, and to make up for the lost impression points, he gets busy after hanging up the phone.He wants to prove his ability at work, let the boss see his value, and restore his image in the boss's mind.

The theater owner said that the tickets could be sold for half a month, but they were too conservative.

Didn’t you hear the boss say that even if you sell all the tickets for one month at a time?

Xu Ang's conversation with Lasseter did not avoid Hengdeli and the others. Although Hengdeli and some of his barrister colleagues heard only a few words, they were able to guess the outline of the matter.

Since Hengdeli and Xu Ang are more familiar, after a few people exchanged glances in private, Hengdeli said: "It seems that you are going to make a lot of money this time. Every time you see the boss, your business operations are It’s so breathtaking, I really can’t think of a young man who is more talented than your boss."

Xu Ang smiled and replied: "I have accepted your exaggerated compliment, Hengdeli."

"I agree with what Hendry said."

"This is definitely not a compliment. What Hendry said is the truth."

"I agree with that."

"Xu, you don't have to be so humble."

Someone started, and the others took the conversation.

Faced with the compliments of a group of barristers, Xu Ang did not faint.He is not the kind of person whose mind starts to float when you just hold a few sentences.

You must ask for something in courtesy.

Nothing is courteous, whoever commits crime is stealing

The series of admiring words from these people not only didn't make Xu Ang swell to the point of floating, but instead made him vigilant.

Seeing his own boss's smile, Hengdeli knew that his colleague was self-defeating.

They were deceived by Xu Ang's age and the green face that had not faded, thinking that by saying a few good things and holding people high, Xu Ang would be paralyzed.But I don't know that my boss has a mentality and maturity that far surpasses that of his peers. It is not at all that such a trick can confuse.

Unlike other colleagues, if these people make Xu Ang upset, it will not have much impact on their business, but if Hengdeli makes Xu Ang dissatisfied, his status will plummet and it will be impossible to maintain prosperity. The identity of Xin's partner.

So, Hendry quickly remedied: "That's it, boss. Lawrence and his friends on Wall Street are very interested in Twitter, and they want to know how you view the development of Twitter."

It turned out to be so.

Xu Ang said: "People on Wall Street want to buy shares in Twitter. Lasseter told me that I have no objection. If you have money, you can make it together."

When Xu Ang said this, the barristers present were relieved.

They were able to put aside their work this time and come to Beverly Hills to help Hendry check the files for loopholes. Isn't it because some people on Wall Street want them to do something?

Otherwise, you think the barristers are so free, and can spend more than a long time helping you?

Even in the same firm, everyone is in a competitive relationship. When you are in trouble, it is not bad to stabb you twice in the back. Do you expect them to help you?

Don't be so naive, OK?

Competition in the workplace is cruel.


When they heard this word, their hearts came up again.

"...We Huaxia people don't like to play zero-sum games. We pay attention to mutual benefit, that is, win-win. It means that we work together to accomplish one thing, and the results in this process and afterwards must be beneficial to everyone. Those who give up their efforts can benefit."

Looking around, seeing that everyone in the room is listening carefully to what he says, Xu Ang knocked his fingers on the dining table and tapped: "Ladies and gentlemen, what can your friends bring to Twitter? Don’t say only money. This is not a time to play humor. I am not an ordinary entrepreneur and I am not short of funds. Let your friends think about how much they can contribute to a total of 30% of Twitter shares. We will talk about it when we think about it."

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