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Chapter 203 Joining If You Can't Fight, This is the Hardest Road

The outside world is disturbing one after another. Some people are having fun, happily in the waves like a fish in the water, some are declining in popularity, worrying about their future, and some people are secretly calculating, wanting to seek their own welfare.

"The prosperity of the world is all for profit. The hustle and bustle of the world is all for profit."

This benefit is not just money. If you understand it that way, it will be narrow. It refers to benefits, various benefits, such as fame and so on.

As the instigator of the wave that created this storm, and the biggest winner, Xu Ang did not live a busy and exciting life in the storm as some people outside imagined.

On the contrary, his life is calm and tranquil.

This training, rest and rest, there is a lot of time to call and chat with my sister and mother every day.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that the more it goes like this, the more it proves how crazy and violent the storm he created is. After all, the center of the tornado is always calm and scary.

Mark arrived in Beverly Hills at about the same time as Lasseter, and there was a difference between the front and back feet.

Xu Ang called them, naturally, he made sense.

After signalling that the two are behind, Xu Ang said to them: "First talk about the company's situation, Lasseter, you first."

After hearing this, Lasseter hurriedly revealed the drafts and presentations he had prepared before he came: "The box office of "Star Baby" has created a miracle and far exceeded our expectations. The audience who bought the tickets were generally rushing for tickets when they were crazy. They don’t just want to watch movies anymore. The theater where the movie premiered has sold tickets until a month later. In the past few days, we have reached cooperation with many theater owners, and almost all theaters in North America are showing. Our films have an average attendance rate of 80%."

Xu Ang asked slightly jokingly: "Attendance?"

Lasseter shrugged: "Well, I can't hide anything from your eyes. The attendance rate is really not that high. On the contrary, if the attendance rate is really calculated, it is less than 30%. People used to buy tickets to enter the theater. Watching movies, and this time people bought movie tickets to post on Twitter, saying that they had participated in this movement that said no to adults with resources, and that they were a member of the people with a spirit of resistance."


That’s right, under the operation of Xu Ang, the black hand behind the scenes, and the help of his remotely directed Twitter, buying or not buying movie tickets for "Star Baby" has become a sport. It is more than just going out of the circle. It's breaking the circle.

Many people’s emotions are actively or passively mobilized. In order to prevent themselves from appearing uncomfortable, even people who are not interested in animated movies will buy a movie ticket for "Star Baby".

It doesn't matter which day you bought it. It doesn't matter whether you go or not after you buy it. What's important is that they get involved and they share the same topic with the people around them.

Under the influence of the general trend, more and more people have opened their wallets, which contributed to the box office of "Star Baby" and also contributed to Xu Ang's wealth.

The box office miracle was born when the ticket purchase was no longer purely for the sake of watching a movie, but was led to a national phenomenon.

Mark on the side couldn't help but say: "Isn't the low attendance rate because many people rent out for their damn vanity, and they don't bother to post pictures on Twitter, just to make others envy? As the president of Twitter? , I know that many people who book the theater are not really that rich. In fact, the real rich people are less than 5% of the people who book the theater. Those who buy more than one movie ticket have the corresponding economy The strength is even less than one percent."

Xu Ang raised an eyebrow: "It seems that we have added a lot of business to banks and loan companies, and they should give us dividends."

Lasseter and Mark laughed applaudingly. Lasseter said, "Boss, you are right. I will send a letter to the bank and the loan company when I go back, asking them to send the share that belongs to us."

Mark also said: "Maybe this matter can still be on Twitter's hot topic list."

"Speaking of which "Star Baby" can work miracles this time, thanks to the help of Twitter." Lasseter reached out to Mark, "Get to know, I am Lasseter from Peak Studios."

Mark shook hands with Lasseter and said, "I am Mark, and I am glad to meet you. This is not my credit. Such a fantastic idea can only come from the boss. Strictly speaking, Twitter has to thank Peak. Si, without the topic of this time, we couldn’t have soared from 5 million users to 80 million registered users in just ten days."

After the two of them finished their courtesy, they fell into silence again. There are some things that you can't think about, otherwise you will feel very scared.

As long as their boss Xu Ang has been in the United States this time, he created another movie miracle and two commercial miracles.

The movie miracle naturally refers to the box office of "Star Baby".

Originally, it was estimated that the global box office was only three to four billion animation films. After Xu Ang's operation, the box office in North America alone has exceeded one billion.Lasseter estimates that if this trend continues for another three to five days, the North American box office will reach a staggering number he can't imagine, and the box office contributed by other parts of the world may not even match the North American box office fraction.

And how much does it cost?

With the script provided by Xu Ang so detailed that it only needs to be filled with workers, the cost of the entire "Star Baby" is 28 million U.S. dollars even with labor.

Although there is a lot of moisture in the box office, the movie fans who really like the movie and spend money contribute to the box office of the three or four billion they expected.But for Americans, you only need to make money, no matter whether you really like movies or not.

Don't you like movies, just to keep up with the trend, just to satisfy vanity, just to show off their wealth and contribute to the box office, it is not the box office?

It is a pity that the storm caused by Twitter is only in the United States, otherwise the Peak Studios will make a lot of money this time.

Lasseter thought with regret.

This is the lack of human heart.

Mark thinks differently from Lasseter.

He is not a filmmaker, so the focus will naturally not fall on the film. Mark looks at the business side.

Taking advantage of ordinary people's natural aversion to big figures and their rebellious psychology to authority, combining it with the movie "Interstellar Baby" not only gave those critics who hate Xu Ang a resounding slap in the face, but also earned more at the box office. Hundreds of millions, and even the development of Twitter, such a method Mark can not think of even if he wants to break his head.

In terms of commercial methods, Mark thinks that his boss is really terrifying, and he can be regarded as turning hands into clouds and turning hands into rain.

Regardless of his young boss, he is a business wizard that few can match.

Originally, Mark had a hint of dissatisfaction with Xu Ang that was hidden because of Netscape, but now this dissatisfaction has disappeared.

With Xu Ang so powerful, Mark didn't dare to have any other thoughts.He has only one thing to do, and that is to make himself a member of Xu Ang's business empire.

Join if you can't beat, this is the hardest way.

"Well, two gentlemen, I didn't want you to come here for people to praise me."

Xu Ang's words made both Mark and Lasseter realize that the boss's business is coming to Beverly Hills this time.

"Wall Street wants to buy shares in Peak and Twitter. I have agreed to them. The specific matters are under discussion. This news has not been announced yet. Do you know what this means?"

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