Almighty sign in

Chapter 209 The new owner of the Clippers

If you want to give a gift to a child, you must give it. Adults can't lie to the child, or the child will cry for you.

Will Xu Ang lie to his sister?

He certainly won't at this time.

He shook the basketball he was holding, and the basketball swayed with his hand in front of Xiaoxiao's eyes, trying to get rid of Xu Ang's control with the help of kinetic energy.Reluctantly, Xu Ang's hand was too big, and he held it firmly, without giving it a chance to break free.

"Brother gift has been prepared, but you haven't answered Brother's question yet."

Xu Ang looked at Xiaoxiao, but there was a seriousness in his smile that the child could not detect.He asked Xiaoxiao: "Do you like basketball?"

"I like it, I like it so much."

Xiaoxiao's small hands kept catching, trying to catch the dangling basketball, but she didn't realize that her short hands were not that long at all.

"Brother, you give me the ball. The little baby plays at home every day. If you don't believe me, ask mom."

In order to increase the credibility of her words, Xiaoxiao brought her mother to testify.

Having asked He Xing about the general situation of her son after he arrived in the U.S., Fang Shuying replied after hearing her daughter's words: "I play every day. At night, I don't play in the living room and sweat and cannot sleep in the house."

The little sister’s smiling face is very bright: "Look at Ba, Mom said everything."

Xu Ang kissed Xiaoxiao's little cheek, put the little sister down, and gave her the basketball.

Xiaoxiao took the basketball and patted it with a small slap.

The basketball bounced back and forth on the ground and between the palms of the little slap, but Xu Ang was surprised that he did not run around naughty as he had remembered, but kept back and forth in place.

This little racket is so beautiful.

"Great, my sister."

When her brother praised herself, Xiaoxiao's face bloomed with joy.

She was distracted, the basketball seized the opportunity, and the basketball, which was unwilling to be a child's plaything, thumped and flew away.


Xiaoxiao was about to chase, when she saw her brother bend his waist and copy his hands. The basketball that wanted to run was happily jumping around his legs under the beat of him.Occasionally, it jumped back mischievously and teased Xiaoxiao.When Xiaoxiao reached out to pat it, it fled again.

A little ball dare to tease the little sister, let you know how powerful the little sister is.

Xiaoxiao was chasing with her little hand. The naughty basketball played hide-and-seek with her. She was clearly close at hand. It seemed that she could catch it just a little bit faster, but Xiaoxiao just couldn't catch it.


There was applause coming from one side, it was Stern clapping.

The NBA president has been engaged in basketball-related work all his life. He has seen many great players and his vision is terrifying.To make him applaud is enough to show that Xu Ang's dribbling skills are extraordinary.

Stern asked, "Xu, have you practiced basketball?"

He grabbed the basketball and gave it to his younger sister who was chasing the sweat on her forehead. Xu Ang shook her head and said to Stern, "I practice sprinting every day. I don't have time for basketball."

The joke held his glasses with his hand, and he didn't believe Xu Ang's words.

How can a person who has never practiced basketball have such a strong dribbling ability? When Xu Ang and Xiaoxiao were playing just now, whether it was the grasp of the dribbling distance and the control of the landing point, there was also a change in rhythm even in the NBA. Few people in China can do it.

With a dribbling ability comparable to that of a top point guard, you told me you haven't practiced basketball?

Although I am a joke, you can't really tell me a joke.

Xiaoxiao looked at her brother and then at Stern.

The adults are grunting again, saying something that children don't understand, hum!

Stern is not a joke, he is not so superficial, he will not easily draw conclusions to people he does not know.Just listen to him say to Xu Ang: "I suggest you go to the Clippers to do a data test, I am looking forward to your surprise."

There is a hint of urgency between the words.

Stern wanted to talk when Xu Ang was catching a basketball with one hand before. Such a big hand is a gift from heaven for basketball players. With Xu Ang's height, he might really be able to enter the NBA.

Although Xu Ang looks thinner, his muscles can be trained.Once the weight gain is completed, Xu Ang's ball-handling skills can really have a place in the NBA.

Stern wanted to know the result, but he subconsciously ignored the crucial question of whether Xu Ang would become a basketball player.

Xu Ang said to Stern: "If you have time, we can wait and go. Now, Mr. Stern, I will introduce you to my family first. This is my mother, Ms. Fang Shuying, who loves basketball. The little girl is my sister Xu Xiao."

When Xu Ang introduced his family, Hendry took out the long-prepared contract from the briefcase. After Xu Ang took it, he squatted down and hugged Xiaoxiao.He pointed to the place on the contract that needed to be signed and said to Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, write your name on it."

"Write your name?"

Xiaoxiao tilted her head to look at her brother. She did write her name, but it was limited to this.

This step can be achieved thanks to her mother Fang Shuying's usual teaching.

Picking up the pen given by her brother, Xiaoxiao wrote her name crookedly. Several places in the contract were filled in with her handwriting like a dog.

You can't ask a dog to climb, Ren Xiaoxiao wrote in her own Xiaocao font.

Cursive grass.

The jokes standing behind Stern seemed to be broken. He almost didn't stretch and showed his thoughts on his face.

Just such a four-year-old kid has actually become the owner of an NBA team, and he is still in such a remarkable place in Los Angeles.


Although she could not participate in the management of this team before she became an adult, she had to be managed by her guardian, a professional team hired by a Chinese woman named Fang Shuying.

In fact, her brother Xu Ang controls everything.

But from a legal point of view, the NBA will indeed have an unprecedented small boss.

A four-year-old girl owns an NBA team, you dare to believe it!

That's a team bought with 160 million in cash. You just give it to a little girl who doesn't know anything?

The joke really wanted to grab Xu Ang by the collar and asked him: "Areyoukiddingme?"

What are you kidding?

Damn it, how could you, a Chinese person, take money so improperly, that's one hundred and sixty million dollars, you don't care about it for me!

Envy, jealousy and hatred are pervasive in the heart of jokes. It is wrong that he is only Stern’s assistant. When he is the NBA president, he will do his best to prevent this from happening.

When the signing was completed, Xiaoxiao asked her brother: "Why do you want my sister to write her name?"

While handing over the contract to Stern to review it again, Xu Ang told Xiaoxiao: "You have to sign for the gift your brother prepared for Xiaoxiao. If you don't write your name, how can anyone know that this is for you, right? "

"Oh." Xiaoxiao nodded her little head as if she didn't understand, "That's great."

Then, she urged her brother: "Little baby wrote his name, give me a present."

Xu Ang hugged his sister and walked out: "Brother will take you to see the present."

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