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Chapter 210: The Children Who Go to Kindergarten Are Different

Because of family circumstances, most of Fang Shuying's generation is not well-educated.Take her as an example. She dropped out of school before she even finished elementary school, in order to help the family earn more work points and more food stamps.

Xu Ang remembers that when he was in junior high school, there were articles on the school broadcast that called everyone to cooperate with the national literacy policy.

This blindness is not the blindness of the blind, but the blindness of the illiterate.

Although she didn't finish primary school, she still knows most of Fang Shuying's commonly used characters, and she generally has no problems in reading.

On the way to the Honda Center, Fang Shuying had to pass the contract Xu Ang had asked Xiaoxiao to sign before.

Xu Ang told her mother that this was an English contract, and she did not know English to translate for her by herself.However, Fang Shuying was not so foolish. She pulled Hengdeli into the car and asked Hengdeli to translate it verbatim.


Depressed and rubbed his face with his hands, Xu Ang nodded to Heng Deli and motioned to the latter to follow the translation.

Such a big matter can be concealed for a while, but it can't be concealed for a lifetime. Since it can't be fooled, it is better to simply explain it honestly.

Xu Ang didn't want to make up lies or something.

"You kid, why spend money again!"

As expected by Xu Ang, she did not wait for Hengdeli to finish the translation. When Fang Shuying knew that Xu Ang had bought a professional team for Xiaoxiao, she began to scold Xu Ang.

"How old is Xiaoxiao, she knows something, aren't you ruining money?"

"Son, mom knows you are a good boy. But we can't just spend money when we have money. Have you forgotten how we lived before?"

Fang Shuying was worried when she thought of the days when her family could not wait for a penny to be split into two halves.

Although she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she had heard stories about how many upstarts suddenly became rich and squandered wildly, eventually ruining all their wealth and causing their families to die.She couldn't help but worry when she discovered that Xu Ang could spend money so much.

As a mother, no one wants to see her son become a prodigal prodigal.

The more she thought about it, the more worried Fang Shuying became, and the more worried she became, the more angry she became.

The angry mother was not easy to provoke. Xu Ang saw her opening the lady's handbag and took out a wooden ruler from it.

Xu Ang was stunned to see this scene.

What the hell is carrying a weapon with you?

"Wait a minute, Mom, let me explain!"

Seeing that his mother took out the ruler to hit someone, Xu Ang became anxious.

"Brother didn't do anything, mom is not allowed to hit people!"

To Xu Ang's surprise, Coyotito, who had always been horrible at counseling, stepped forward at this time and had to face the mother who was holding the ruler.

"Teacher Xiao Song said, it's wrong to beat people around."

Xu Ang was surprised.

Are the children in kindergarten so good after a few days? What the teacher said is stronger than the mother's deterrent.

The kindergarten is really a magical place.

"Your brother has spent money indiscriminately, why can't I beat him? Xiaoxiao, you let me go, or mother will beat you together."

Seeing her mother raised the ruler in her hand, Xiaoxiao's small body shrank a little and pressed against her brother, but the little sister did not flinch.

She raised her little head and asked her brother: "My brother didn't spend money, right?"

Xu Ang told her: "Brother spent money to buy a present for Xiaoxiao."

Xiaoxiao's confidence is enough. She yelled at her mother: "Buying gifts for a little baby is not a waste of money, mothers are not allowed to beat people. I want to tell Teacher Xiao Song, let the teacher criticize you, punish you to stand and bring The child is ashamed."

Xu Ang was stunned.

Is the little sister so stiff now? She deserves to be a kindergarten kid, she is different from before.

With her mother's temper, the little sister is going to be beaten.

Xu Ang thought this was the case, but what he didn't expect was that his mother didn't hit anyone, but talked to Xiaoxiao.

"Do you know how much your brother spent?"

Xiaoxiao blinked and asked Xu Ang, "How much did my brother spend?"

Xu Ang reached out and drew: "One hundred and sixty million."

Pulling her little face, Xiaoxiao wrote a big silly word on her face.

There is no idea how many 160 million little sisters are, but she knows there should be many.

She patted her brother with her little hand, and Xiaoxiao said, "Don't spend so much money. The big white rabbit only costs five yuan. You have to save it and you can't spend it randomly."

Then she said to her mother: "Mom, I helped you teach your brother, please don't beat him."

Fang Shuying grabbed her little sister's hand, lightly hit the little hand with a paddle, and then retracted it.

Take out the ruler, how can you take it back without hitting someone?

"You protect your brother like this, so you can beat him for him."

Xiaoxiao looked at her mother and then at her little hands, her little head couldn't turn around.

It's obviously nothing to do with the little sister, why did the mother beat the little sister?

She threw herself into her brother's arms and acted like a baby: "My mother beats people, I don't like my mother. Brother, look at my little hands, I was beaten by my mother."

Xu Ang blew into her little hand and held it in his own hand.

The little sister's hands are small, soft, and comfortable on the palm of her hand.

"Brother's big hands, my little hands, big hands holding small hands..."

"The sky is blue and white clouds are floating, carrying a small schoolbag, the flowers blooming and the birds are making father-in-the-sun laugh..."

The little child started singing as he talked.

Hearing this nursery rhyme called "Good Baby", Xu Ang felt familiar.This familiarity does not refer to the lyrics, but the melody.

He thought about it carefully, and remembered a song called "The Girl on the Bridge".How is the melody of this song that has suddenly become popular on the Internet?

Well, not just like.

Can't help but shook his head, Xu Ang felt that it was not for the musicians to look down on some people, and some things had to be found on his own.

Although the ruler was put away, it didn't just go over.

Fang Shuying asked Xu Ang: "You spend so much money on Xiaoxiao, she can't control it at all, you still have to help her manage it."

Xu Ang gave Hendry a wink. The latter quickly turned to the back pages of the contract and told Fang Shuying: "The boss has considered it, so the Los Angeles Clippers will be in a managed state until Xiaoxiao reaches adulthood. Team to manage."

"Is my own money handed over to others?"

Fang Shuying was very worried.

Xu Ang explained to her: "The power of the hosting team is restricted, and their actions must be approved by us. We do not approve of the behavior, they can not operate. Moreover, the team's management will be changed, the manager position I will take it. The original manager I added an executive manager position, and he will be transferred to that position. With me watching, don't you worry?"

"It's about the same."

Fang Shuying stopped talking.

Although she is still worried, but her son has already spent all the money and bought everything, can it be returned?

This is what the son bought for his daughter. He can’t force Xu Ang to take it back. Otherwise, Xiaoxiao grows up and complains about her as a mother. Besides, there is such an industry that Xiaoxiao will be able to live well after she grows up. it is good.

Before long, the convoy drove into the Toyota Center.

The long-awaited team coach Bill Fitch and the team's new executive manager Kim Baylor hurriedly greeted him.

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