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Chapter 221 Carrots and Sticks

There is no simple character who can mix in the land of tigers and wolves on Wall Street. The people here are better than monkeys.

They have already judged from the information they received that Xu Ang is preparing to vigorously develop into the entertainment market.

What is the strongest liquidity in the entertainment market?

Naturally it is a movie.

Although TV series are very profitable, in everyone's perception, movies are still the strongest.

Since Xu Ang attaches so much importance to the entertainment industry, Wall Street people naturally want to make a fuss about it.

Marvel once sold part or all of the copyrights of many of their heroes for the development and continuation of the company, and the remaining heroes with full copyrights that they held in their hands were either of little value or no value at all. Or perhaps Marvel’s management thinks the value is too great and is unwilling to sell it.

Xu Ang has investigated, and Disney now has a lot of say in the future heroes of the Avengers.Even if Xu Ang acquired Marvel, if he wanted to bring these heroes to the screen, he would not be able to bypass the Disney Group.

As long as the latter does not nod, Xu Ang will feel very uncomfortable.

Under the control of others, and knowing that the Avengers are a big gold mine, Xu Ang is definitely not happy.

"The Disney Group's Eisner is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Wall Street can really make him spit out what he eats in his mouth?"

Xu Ang wondered how Wall Street could do it, and Witty revealed the mystery.

"How can the copyright of those heroes withstand the temptation to annex a giant of the same level? If Colombia is eaten by the Disney Group, it will not only reduce a strong competitor, but also increase its position in the industry. Be stable. I believe that Disney’s market value will rise by then. For Eisner, this is a good opportunity to gain greater support from shareholders and stabilize his throne. He cannot miss it, even if he knows that this will make you a big one Cheap."

The biggest worries of the Disney Group are infighting.

The Disney family is determined to take back its own power and become the owner of the Disney Group again.Eisner wants to keep his position, because he knows that the Disney family can fail once, twice, three times, or even more times, but he can't even fail once.

As long as he fails once, he will never be able to turn over.

After losing the power of the president of the Disney Group, Eisner couldn't even do it in his later years, and the Disney family who returned to power would definitely retaliate wildly against him.

"Even if it is to raise a tiger, Eisner has to do it. Besides, the old man is so old, who knows that my tiger will be there when he grows up to eat people."

Xu Ang remembered a famous saying in the Western world: "After me, let it be flooded."

If the promise to get back the copyright of all the heroes sold for Marvel is a carrot, then the shameless transaction between Xu Ang and Thompson was a big stick hanging over his head.

They are showing their muscles to Xu Ang, so that Xu Ang, a young man from China, understands that in the United States and the entire Western world, Wall Street has tentacles everywhere.

Do not stretch out your hand, you will be caught.

"threaten me!"

Xu Ang was very upset, but when he thought that although those machines were of little value in the eyes of Wall Street, they were hard to find for the weak foundation of China, and they were of great significance to the development of the country. Xu Ang abruptly endured it.

Of course, human patience is limited.

Xu Ang decides that this deadline will be next year, and he must let Wall Street know that he is great.

If you dare to engage in financial turmoil next year, don't blame me for quietly following behind to make a profit.You threatened me once, and I used you as a knife in my hand, and it was even.


You said that it was done by international hot money.

Don't be funny, do you think that such a big turmoil is not as big as Wall Street's turmoil behind the scenes, and Soros dared to make it so big, and that he can live well afterwards?

When he was in a bad mood, Xu Ang went to find someone who could make him feel better.


The phone is ringing.

After a long time, someone connected.

"Hello, Xu Ang?"

Tang Lu's voice contained three-point laziness and two-point nasal sounds.

The United States and China belong to the two hemispheres. In the United States, it is daytime when China happens to be night.

Calculating from the time difference, it should be 6 o'clock in the morning when Xu Ang called Huaxia.

"Morning, Lulu."

Tang Lu managed to open her heavy eyelids, and looked at the gray sky in the process of changing from black to white outside the window, and muttered, "It's early."

The dawn in July was early, and now it is not bright, indicating that it is indeed very early.

"How was your filming?"

"I'm sorry, Boss Xu asks, the TV series has been filmed a long time ago, and my debut work is considered to be there. Now I have joined Director Li's crew, and I have been exhausted all day long and aching."

Xu Ang's eyes lit up and he said to Tang Lu, "It's hard work for Lulu. Otherwise, I'll find a time to visit the class, and let you try my massage skills by the way."

Tang Lu gave him a sip: "It's the way to go to the class. Others call it massage, and your words are almost the same."

"Okay, since you have asked so, I can't refuse. It's settled, I will come to visit the class whenever I have time, and then I will talk to you alone. In the dead of night, there are two people in a room, one to one. The kind of special tutoring."


Tang Lu hung up the phone. She sat in a daze for a while, trying to lie down again, only to find that she was awake and it was difficult to fall asleep again.

Even if it was still dark, even if she wanted to work, the rest of the crew hadn't gotten up yet.

"Dead Xu Ang, smelly Xu Ang, bad Xu Ang..."

Tang Lu was so angry that she was beaten severely by a single one.

Disturbing sleep is the most hateful. Don't you know that lack of sleep is the enemy of women?

On the other end of the phone, Xu Ang put away the phone with a smile. He could imagine that Tang Lu must be in a bad mood now.

Sure enough, transfer it to others when you are unhappy, and you will be happy again.

"Hello, motorcycle..."

As if to verify that the laughing man is always lucky, Xu Ang's cell phone rang.

The call was from Lasseter and he told Xu Ang about something.

"The new animated movie script has been discussed. Although many people in the studio tend to make "Toy Story 2," without enough creativity and script, rushing production will only mess things up. So after everyone's In the final vote, we decided to make a new animated film."

The next animated film that Lasseter and the others are preparing to produce is called "Insect Crisis." Originally Lasseter and Andrew Stanton, one of the future Peak Five Tigers, just had a general idea, and it takes time to perfect it.Unexpectedly, being so forced by Xu Ang, they quickly wrote the script after brainstorming.

"Insect Crisis" tells the story of a small group of ants, in order to get rid of the colonial rule of locusts and fight for the freedom of their homeland, cooperate with a group of deserters from the circus to fight against the fierce and powerful locusts.

It is also the favorite film and television model of Americans-the resistance of the weak to the power, and finally won.

Coupled with the collective wisdom of the people in the studio, this animated film has been given a variety of innovations, but it is also full of highlights, I believe the box office will not be bad.

It's just that I want to reproduce the crazy movie-watching tide of the previous two animated films.

"Then what are you waiting for, Lasseter? We open two animated films a year, and everyone can see our profitability. With the results of "Star Baby" as the base, Peaks' annual report is definitely better than last year. With scruples, do it boldly."

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